
Empire Scans

I’ve uploaded 2 HQ scans from the September 2009 issue of ‘Empire‘ magazine, thanks to Kate! The scans feature an article on ‘Dorian Gray‘ and also includes a brand new publicity still from the film!

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Boston Globe Scan

Hi everyone! Things are a bit quiet with Ben right now but I did upload 1 new scan from the July 3rd issue of the ‘Boston Globe’ newspaper today, thanks to Lisa! The article includes a new photo of Ben from the set of ‘Valediction‘ and mentions that filming of the movie officially wrapped last week.

Susie Brooks-Smith, producer of the locally shot film “Valediction,’’ said she’ll be sad to leave Boston. She’s been here for weeks to shoot the thriller, which stars Ben Barnes (a.k.a. Prince Caspian), Sarah Roemer, and hometown girl Eliza Dushku. “We’ve been stuffing our face with your fabulous seafood,’’ said Brooks-Smith, who celebrated the last day of the shoot yesterday by eating lobster with Barnes and the “Valediction’’ crew on the Summer Street set. The group was expected to continue the party at the Westin last night.

Brooks-Smith told us she chose our fair city for the filming of “Valediction’’ over Hungary, which also offers a tax credit for filmmakers. “I just wanted a contemporary city that you could imagine Ben and Sarah living in,’’ she said, promising us, “You’ll like the way you look.’’

If you’re admiring Barnes’s coif in this photo, you can thank the people standing on either side of him. Liz Cecchini, who did hair for “The Proposal’’ and “Fever Pitch,’’ and Stephen Bruno, of Patrice Vinci salon, are responsible for the actor’s deliciously disheveled ’do.

Click the thumbnail below to view the full scan. You can read the online version here.

Source: Boston.com

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Daily Mail Scan & Independent Interview

I’ve uploaded 1 new scan from the June 19th issue of the ‘Daily Mail’ newspaper, thanks to Lorna!

Click the thumbnail below to view the full scan. You can read the online version here.

EDIT: Thanks to my good friend Kate, I’ve also uploaded 2 scans from the June 19th issue of the ‘The Independent’ newspaper! Click the thumbnails below to view those. Read the online version here.

10 Commented

Examiner.com ‘Easy Virtue’ Interviews

Thanks to Blandine for the heads up about these new interviews with Ben from Examiner.com!

Interview #1: Ben Barnes Uncensored And Telling The Naked Truth

Interview #2: Ben Barnes Rocks Classic Literature In The Movies

Source: Examiner.com

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