
Daily Mail Scan & Independent Interview

I’ve uploaded 1 new scan from the June 19th issue of the ‘Daily Mail’ newspaper, thanks to Lorna!

Click the thumbnail below to view the full scan. You can read the online version here.

EDIT: Thanks to my good friend Kate, I’ve also uploaded 2 scans from the June 19th issue of the ‘The Independent’ newspaper! Click the thumbnails below to view those. Read the online version here.


Ally981 said:

I like how it says that that Robert Pattison should have some competition. No kidding! lol! I just hope Ben doesn’t end up as popular cause then he will never have privacy, but to be more well known than he is now is ok. He is getting up there though :) Thanks for this. I really cannot wait for this movie to come out now! :D

June 19th, 2009

BritneyBarned said:

but R-Patz is only famous cuz he is Edward Cullen in Twilight ,Ben can be more than that,hopely Ben gets attention but in a good way for his career and not only for being the “IT” boy like Pattinson.

June 19th, 2009

Ally981 said:

i agree lol Ben is much better than that :)

June 19th, 2009

Affy-Ann said:

That was a good read. Thank you!

I’m really happy that Ben wants to play interesting characters and I’m also happy that he has so far gotten into film projects like Bigga than Ben, Narnia, Easy Virtue, and Dorian Gray where he plays characters of different personalities. He’s an amazing actor, very talented! And I’m sure we can expect many more great things from him. I may not know him personally, but gosh am I proud of and so happy for Ben!

June 20th, 2009

Melissa said:

Ben is making great choices as an actor and for that I am also happy for him, but yet I don’t want him to be TOO famous either, but I do want him to get the “recognition “from Hollywood…does that make sense? Meaning I want him to be famous enough to get good roles so we can see him over and over on the big screen, but not “crazy “famous like R-Patz.

June 21st, 2009

kamilka said:

this is reaaly nice website:D

June 22nd, 2009

BETSY said:

Ben is a great actor,rpatt is famous because is edward cullen ,Ben is all and more. I hope the best for ben like actor !!!!

June 22nd, 2009

Trisha said:

Hey guys!! Vote for Bne for the top eligible British bachelor!! He’s leading with over 50% of the votes!!:
Vote now!!

June 24th, 2009

Trisha said:

Hey guys! Just checked company’s most eliigible bachelor list again. Robert Pattinson now has a little over 18%. But Ben is way over 47% still.

June 25th, 2009

Sam said:

I just voted for Ben. This interview was so nice! Poor Ben saying he feels the odd one out! My heart panged :( x

June 30th, 2009