
Filmstar / Empire / Total Film Scans

I’ve uploaded scans from the most recent issues of Filmstar, Empire and Total Film magazine. All of them feature Dorian Gray articles and movie reviews. Thanks again to Kate for sending these to Ben Barnes Fan!

Filmstar | September 2009

Total Film / Empire | October 2009

Follow the links below for some recent interviews with Ben:

Ben Barnes interview for Dorian Gray (Telegraph)
Ben Barnes was warned about Dorian Gray role (Evening Times)
Ben Barnes on G-strings, gay romps and Dorian Gray (The London Paper)
Life Beyond Narnia For Britain’s ‘Prince’ Ben (Sky.com)

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A Picture of … Ben Barnes

Hi everyone! Here we have a brand new interview with Ben. The article also includes a new publicity from Dorian Gray, which I’ve uploaded to the gallery. Hopefully a bigger version will surface soon.

The character of Dorian Gray is supposed to be a vision of beauty. Is being asked to play someone so fiendishly handsome flattering or embarrassing?

That is a bit of a cringe. It wasn’t cringey to be asked to play it, but it is cringey to try and answer this question, because part of me still feels really young, and just the skinniest boy in the class, as I always was. Obviously, Oscar Wilde uses these outrageous superlatives in describing the way Dorian looks in the book but, for me, it was always about the power of youth, the power of celebrity and youth within London society, which is such a powerful thing. The fact that his looks didn’t fade, that was the important thing, not the fact that he was so overtly beautiful. I think the real nub of it, though, was the fact that he didn’t change at all, which I think is terrifying. Imagine not seeing someone for 30 years and then seeing them and they look exactly the same as they did when you last saw them! That was absolutely terrifying, so it was always more about that than thinking, ‘Oh, I am playing a really handsome bloke’.

Unlike the novel, you find some sympathy for Dorian in the movie…

I hope we do, because in the book you don’t particularly. The book is called The Picture of Dorian Gray and it really is about the picture and the world that swirls around it and the society and the things that happen to Dorian more than the decisions he makes. Oliver [Parker, the director] wanted to get inside his head a little bit more. I really hope people like the film; nearly everybody I meet says that it’s their favourite book and that I had better not made a complete hash of it!


Source: Bent Magazine & The London Notebook

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SFX Magazine Scans

Hi everyone! I’ve uploaded 3 HQ scans from the October issue of ‘SFX Magazine‘, thanks to Lawry! The article features an interview with Ben, one new promo pic and a ‘Dorian Gray‘ movie review!

SFX Magazine | October 2009

More ‘Dorian Gray’ Reviews Below:

Empire Magazine

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Gay Times & Harper’s Bazaar Scans

Hi guys! I’ve uploaded 4 HQ scans from the September issue of ‘Gay Times‘ magazine to the gallery, thanks to flame_eternel! The article features a brand new interview with Ben and 2 new photos.

Gay Times | September 2009

I’ve also uploaded 2 HQ scans from the September issue of ‘Harper’s Bazaar‘ magazine as well. This is another new article about ‘Dorian Gray‘ which also features a few new ‘behind the scenes’ photos of Ben and the cast! Thanks again to Kate for the ‘Harper’s Bazaar‘ scans. Enjoy!

Harper’s Bazaar | September 2009

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