
Ben Barnes Talks ‘The Seventh Son’

Ben recently spoke with Coming Soon about his upcoming film, ‘The Seventh Son’. The article also mentions that filming of ‘TSS’ will begin in March 2012.

“The plans for this are to shoot in Vancouver and China and some of the artwork just looks incredible,” he told us. “I think it’s certainly going to look pretty special, and I’ve read a couple of the books on which this series is based and they’re pretty engaging. The main draws were Sergei directing it, and Legendary Pictures making it. They make Batman and ‘Inception,’ amazing movies, and to top that off, most of my scenes are with Jeff Bridges, who is one of my favorite actors.”


21 Commented

Wonderland Photoshoot (& Scans)

The April / May issue of Wonderland Magazine features an exclusive interview and photoshoot with Ben. Check out the brand new photoshoot in the gallery!

UPDATE: Scans have been added to the gallery. View them here. Thanks Carlie!

293 Commented

Disorder Magazine Scans (& Outtakes)

I’ve uploaded scans of Ben’s spread in Disorder Magazine, thanks to Debbie! Several outtakes from the photoshoot have also been added to the gallery.

004 x Disorder Magazine (UK) | Edition 35

004 x Set 026

You can buy your own copy of the latest issue of Disorder Magazine right here.

116 Commented

‘Killing Bono’ / ‘Dawn Treader’ Interviews

Follow the links below for some new Voyage of the Dawn Treader and Killing Bono video interviews and articles that have shown up online recently!

The rest of the interviews can be found at the following:

The European Premiere of ‘Killing Bono’ (Kildare.tv) (video)
Ben Barnes: U2 Weren’t That Cool When I Was Younger (Metro) (article)
Barnes’s Career Blossoms In U2’s Shadow (Independent) (article)
Sheehan, Barnes, Hamm & McCormick are ‘Killing Bono’ (IFTN) (article)

Source: The Fix

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