
Disorder Magazine Scans (& Outtakes)

I’ve uploaded scans of Ben’s spread in Disorder Magazine, thanks to Debbie! Several outtakes from the photoshoot have also been added to the gallery.

004 x Disorder Magazine (UK) | Edition 35

004 x Set 026

You can buy your own copy of the latest issue of Disorder Magazine right here.


Kell said:

@Hope proberly not because he isnt that much of an animal person and he doesnt have a dog

May 1st, 2011

Hope said:

Yes, I remember him saying that. But this is TEs dog.

May 1st, 2011

Nightshade said:

@Hope, yes that could well be Ben with the doggie, TE tweeted earlier today that she had enjoyed a long walk in the countryside with the doggies and posted a pic,. If she has been away and only came back yesterday, I should think the chances of Ben being with her would be quite high …

Adorable little dog, anyway :-)

May 1st, 2011

Kell said:

@Carlie ordered my book they shipped it yesterday I should be getting it this week cant wait to read it.

@Hope you’re right. Can’t fiqure out if it is him or not. Cute picture though.

May 1st, 2011

Carlie said:

You did! I’m so glad for you! Tell me what you think of it as soon as you have a chance t read it! ;-D

May 1st, 2011

Jem said:


@Hope – that could be Ben.. when I saw this pic.. Ben again popped into my mind… this is really bad, everytime TE tweets something, I always think of BB…

my KB soundtrack order is not yet with me… and I am now worried…

May 1st, 2011

FL said:

heck, it could be anyone with the dog…don’t think it looks like Ben’s arm…:P

May 1st, 2011

Dina said:

Hi everyone, I was just wondering if anyone knows about the Lovefilm chat was ever put on their website? The one that had happened in March, I think someone wrote that there would be a video of the chat. Thanks! :)

May 2nd, 2011

Maiamai said:

You people… speculate WAY to much for your own good, methinks! ;o)

As far as the BS movie (and the GF for that matter) there are no hard facts on the table yet, am I right? I think I´ll just wait quietly until there are.
Having said that though, all the BS talk made me a bit nostalgic too. Would have really loved to see that play again, such a pity it didn´t run any longer *sigh*

@Dina, the Lovefilm Q&A video is on YouTube.

May 2nd, 2011

Hana said:

thanks Julie, it is not a hard work, it is a pleasure :)
we must find the ways how to support Ben, right? He deserves it.

May 2nd, 2011

Carlie said:

Hey guys!

So here’s the JVS interview. In two parts (Thank god he was not asked about Hyrise again lol)

Part 1: http://asso.in/url/3gq

Part2: http://asso.in/url/3gr

May 2nd, 2011

Nightshade said:

Yes, we need to support Ben, in whatever ways we can think of! He certainly does deserve it – he is such a sweetheart.

May 2nd, 2011

KeyKey2DaBenz (aka bleep!) said:

@Nightshade thanks for filling me in on the details about BS… Hey! This BS info is just a bunch of BS! LOL… j/k. Anyways I understand where you’re coming from about German vs English Casting–You want to see the character from the book come to life & that character just happens to be an Englishman! Understandable! *;) BUT… isn’t Ben part German? According to the Internet, several places said that he is.

@Hope *;'( I’m so sorry~~~What those people did to you & your friend is just unnecessary & mean! Some people are so stupid & cruel! You have a good point about the message of Birdsong & that casting a part German as Stephen would fit with the message of the story! But if Ben is in fact part German then Ben is still a better casting! No matter what! *XD LOL I am such a fan right now with the “No matter what!” *;)

@Kim I definitely agree! MF is too old looking to play a boy to man character! Ben looks young for his age & is younger than MF. MF looks older for his age & is older than Ben. So it puts them some years apart in looks!

@Hope I think that IS Ben’s arm/hand, looks just like it! He has such beautiful limbs *^_^ hihi. Even the clothes looks like his. That’s just a hunch though (& a feeling that I can recognize Ben’s arm anywhere!) LOL *;P Joking!

@Carlie Thanks for uploading the radio interview. I listened to your part 1 & Stephanie’s part 2 LOL! Thanks *;)

May 2nd, 2011

Anna said:

He is handsome.I think.:D

May 22nd, 2011

Silke said:

When Ben is playing again in the theater? Sorry my English is bad ^^

August 11th, 2011

Novo vídeo (Wonderland) + Novo outtake (Disorder) | My British Delight said:

[…] também foi liberado um novo outtake da sessão de fotos para a revista Disorder (clique aquipara ver as demais imagens e scans da […]

January 25th, 2012