
Wonderland Photoshoot (& Scans)

The April / May issue of Wonderland Magazine features an exclusive interview and photoshoot with Ben. Check out the brand new photoshoot in the gallery!

UPDATE: Scans have been added to the gallery. View them here. Thanks Carlie!


Cynthia said:

@Amber Nooo!! Don’t EVEN mention her!! LOL!

May 25th, 2011

bernadette said:

Can anyone please tell me where I can find the other pics from this photo shoot?Thanks!

I love love this one!

May 26th, 2011

Goyshing said:

Oooppssss… Got sidetracked about the other yummy guy. Watched EV again. Just love his beautiful face and voice! Been listening to the EV soundtrack too. My 6yr old complained about it already!

Any news on Locked In?

May 26th, 2011

witchyeditor said:

@ Lady of The Green Kirtle LMAO!

May 26th, 2011

DW said:

@Lady &@Witchy-Yeah those were the good old days! LOL
Who said anything about it’s not ok to like two stars? I just expect Chris Hemsworth has fansites too…:) Let’s go talk about Ben there, shall we?
@bernadette-those pics are lovely, but hard to find because of their owner. But you can find them on many Ben FBs and if you look fast-on flickr! :)

May 26th, 2011

Cynthia said:

@DW Yes, let’s go talk about Ben Barnes on Chris Hemsworth’s fansite. I’m sure they won’t mind.

I’m thinking Locked In will never see the light of day :( :(

May 26th, 2011

Narnian Queen said:

@Lady of The Green Kirtle & @DW – My thoughts exactly! ;)

@bernadette – Those pictures were amazing! But, as DW said, they’re hard to find now because of their owner. The whole photoshoot was once added to the gallery, but Steph was asked to remove them. :(

May 26th, 2011

bernadette said:

Thank you ladies!I’ll try to find the photos in other sites.Who owns them,btw?

May 26th, 2011

Goyshing said:

@cynthia: NO! Don’t say that! I looked and looked and looked and looked for it online (maybe it got out somehow,somewhere) but with no luck. :( I sooo wanna see it. He looked so good as a dad in the movie.

May 26th, 2011

Galene said:

@bernadette Dwayne Senior, the photographer, as I recall.

May 26th, 2011

Cynthia said:

@Goyshing I hope I’m wrong…..that is the one Ben movie I was REALLY looking forward to….even more so than Voyage of the Dawn Treader! The trailer that came out really impressed me…his acting was amazing….and him playing a father…wow. Crossing my fingers!!

May 26th, 2011

Dina said:

Hey Bernadette, I have the pictures saved from when they were posted by Steph. I can send themto you if you like. Why aren’t the producers or whoever is in charge of Locked In releasing the movie? They will get some profit if they do! Lol!

May 27th, 2011

Dina said:

I just visited Ben Barnes Source and it is listed that Ben Barnes Website has official news that Locked In will be released on DVD/VOD by the end of the year. This is confirmed by Chris Ball, president of Wrekin Hill Entertainment.

May 27th, 2011

Hana said:

@ Lady of The Green Kirtle & @ Mandi
agree girls, where are those great days??

If you wanna discuss Ben’s work again maybe you can start with this.
As you know there are two different version of LOVE NEVER DIES.
I asked Joe about the lyrics in the version sang by Ben. So this version was written by Ben and Joe. Great teamwork, isn’t it?

May 27th, 2011

moon_cake said:


Great work agent Hanka! How many more talents is he hiding? You just can’t help it but to love him even more !!!
Ben our LOVE for you WILL NEVER DIE!

May 27th, 2011

Galene said:

Ben is a minstrel !!! :)

May 27th, 2011

erica said:

hey Ben Barnes fans Locked In is finally going to be released in DVD…….


May 27th, 2011

Maiamai said:


There are TWO different versions? We´re talking about the song during the end credits, right?

He co-wrote it? Very very impressive :o)

May 27th, 2011

Nightshade said:

Fantastic work, Hana! Joe Echo sounds a really nice man. How lovely that Ben co-wrote the alternative version … I must say I like the words to his version far more … Ben singing “just look into my eyes” ….. swoon!

And (if you girls haven’t seen about this already in the news)this isn’t about Ben but about his most fave band, Queen (mine too – I saw them many times in the 1970s and they were local to me). Footage that was thought to have been lost forever has surfaced and there is a two-part documentary to be shown this weekend, on BBC2, part 1 on Sunday and Part 2 on Monday, both at 10pm. Must see! Check out the link to the info on Brian’s site …. (hope it’s okay to post this link Steph, but you know how much Ben loves Queen!)


May 27th, 2011

Maiamai said:

Thank you for that link Nightshade.
God bless Queen :o))

I´ve been fortunate to catch “We will rock you” on stage twice. UN-BELIEAVBLE! Hope I´ll see it again some day.

May 27th, 2011

bernadette said:

Hey Dina,I’d really appreciate if if you can send me the photos.Thank you very much!
Thanks also,Galene!
And that’s really great news about Locked In release!We know what we’re getting ourselves for Christmas!

May 27th, 2011

Hana said:

yes, we are talking about closing credits version, sorry if I mistaken you.

btw forgot to mention one good news and one bad news.
The good one is, that Killing Bono is officialy confirmed to come out in August the 3rd in France, lucky you French friends

and the bad one
Birdsong will be shoot only for BBC TV as we already know,
there is no plan to shoot feature, definitely not by the same production company.

May 27th, 2011

Maiamai said:

@ Hana – Oh I think the blame is all mine ;o) I haven´t been all that attentive, and listened to that song properly. Now I suppose I must go and hunt down the two different versions of that song.

Also, I´m not feeling too down about the Birdsong series.
They may make a big blockbuster movie of it yet! :o)

May 27th, 2011

Dina said:

Hi Bernadette, send me a PM on the forum (or some other form of communication!) so I can send the pictures! :)

May 28th, 2011

Anna said:

If anyone wants to see the BBC version of Birdsong and can’t get BBC, once its broadcasted you can get it on http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/ (i think you can get it from anywhere in the world) but it wont be out for a while yet

Great news about Locked in :) its still a long wait but it’ll be worth it :)

May 28th, 2011

bernadette said:

Right Dina,I will send you a PM.Do you have the same username in the forum?

May 28th, 2011

Carlie said:

Ah! New photos! Finally Benoasis in a desert! Thank you, Steph ;)
This one is just a hit: http://asso.in/url/3p4 —Just love it!!! The smile is gorgeous! :D

May 28th, 2011

Dina said:

Hi Bernadette, my username on the forum is Dina786. :)

May 28th, 2011

bernadette said:

Hi Dina!It wouldn’t let me send a PM in the forum or I just don’t know how it works.Would you mind sending it to my email add?Sorry for the trouble.:)

May 29th, 2011

Goyshing said:

No BB news yet? This is a very long drought indeed..

June 1st, 2011

adriana said:

Yea,he is cool.But can someone tell me if he will play in any of London’s theaters?Like,now?Soon?Thanks

June 2nd, 2011

DW said:

Killing Bono DVD is available for pre-order! Release is set for August 29th in the UK! Well, it’s something! :)


June 2nd, 2011

Anna said:

i wish he was but he said somewhere that he didn’t want to do any more theatre for a while :( (i think he said about a year but i can’t remember) i will try to find the link if u want

June 2nd, 2011

bernadette said:

I hope KB will be released in region 1 dvd.And Bigga Than Ben,too.

June 2nd, 2011

Anna said:

@Goyshing- it is indeed :(

June 2nd, 2011

Kell said:

It like he just disappeared. We need to find out where he is and whats going on.

June 2nd, 2011

Anna said:

Yay! we finally know what hes doing!!! im soooooo happy :D :D :D

June 3rd, 2011

adriana said:

Yes thanks Anna that will be great.I want to see him perform on stage,is so different than films.Thanks

June 7th, 2011

Trace said:

Love the pictures. As far as the relationship thing…. I don’t believe in lying to fans… Since they always end up finding out the truth anyways. I also don’t believe in actively hiding a relationship as I have been very hurt by someone hiding me once. At the very beginning it’s understandable but after a while it just seems silly. But, there is not a lot we know for certain. Maybe we are wrong. If we are not, they will end up paying for the deception when their engagement is announced. I can imagine there will be some uncomfortable interviews at that point. Lol. But as far as this “betrayal” because he said he liked a different kind of girl. Get real! Come on. Honestly, show of hands here… How many of you, at least once in your life, have fallen for someone completely different from what you believed was your type? It happens everyday people. I say just roll with it. Nothing is permanent in life anyway. Even if they are together now, they may break up and he may be with someone of a completely different type later on. You never know. Life is an adventure.

August 23rd, 2011

JM said:

SO this is where everyone is …..

I have to say I just read an article that women knowingly marry the wrong men and in the end up …divorcing them . Just some food for thought.

I don’t know why I wanted to share that …just felt like it after reading the above post.

On another note . I do so enjoy reading the posts on here it brings a smile to my face :) I see some of you are on Twitter …I can’t be on there because I think I may become addicted and just tweet to everyone more than a person should lol

September 21st, 2011

Novo vídeo (Wonderland) + Novo outtake (Disorder) | My British Delight said:

[…] durante o photoshoot de Ben para a edição de abril/maio da revista Wonderland (clique aqui para ver a galeria de imagens e scans da […]

January 25th, 2012

americanvision.org said:

Exceptional post however I was wondering if you could write a litte more on this subject?

I’d be very grateful if you could elaborate a little bit more. Thanks!

June 29th, 2013

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July 12th, 2013