
Out For A Walk In Los Angeles

Ben was spotted out for a walk with a friend at a park in Los Angeles on Thursday. The pair shared a hug before parting ways. You can view the pictures in our gallery.

Gallery Link:
020 x Candids > April 11, 2019 | Out For A Walk In Los Angeles

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Gio Journal Interview

GioJournal.com has posted a new interview and photoshoot with Ben. You can read the full interview with Ben after the cut, and view the brand new photoshoot in the gallery.

Gallery Link:
006 x Photoshoots > Sessions > Set 049


1 Commented

Ben Barnes For Flaunt Magazine

Ben recently spoke with Flaunt Magazine about his latest projects, ‘The Punisher’ and ‘Gold Digger’. Check out the interview below, and view the photoshoot in our gallery.

I wanted to focus on your character in “The Punisher.” I think it was very important to discuss this journey through mental health and your depiction of it?

My first thought of call for this stuff is usually actually my folks because my Dad is a psychotherapist so he’s obviously been dealing with patients with mental health issues for about fifty years and my mum is actually a sexual relationships type of therapist.


3 Commented

Last Call With Carson Daly

Ben Barnes appeared on last night’s episode of Last Call with Carson Daly to discuss Season 2 of ‘The Punisher’, ‘Westworld’ and more. You can watch the full interview here, or in our video archive. Screen captures have also been added to the gallery.

Gallery Link:
324 x Last Call With Carson Daly | February 28, 2019

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