
Ben at CCXP Cologne (Day 1-3)

Our gallery has been updated with over 150 new photos of Ben at CCXP Cologne in Germany on June 27th – June 29th, including a new portrait session by Gamilia Photography. Many thanks to Gamilia, Diana and Cindy for donating their photos!

Gallery Links:
138 x Public Appearances > CCXP Cologne – Day 1
057 x Public Appearances > CCXP Cologne – Day 2
005 x Portrait Sessions > CCXP Cologne
104 x Candids > June 27, 2019 | At CCXP Cologne – Day 1
051 x Candids > June 28, 2019 | At CCXP Cologne – Day 2
049 x Candids > June 29, 2019 | At CCXP Cologne – Day 3


Dianna said:

Stephanie. THANK YOU!
What a collection of new pics. Awesome!!!!
So much appreciated.
Looks like Ben had a fun time in Germany.
Looking forward to Gold Digger and finding out what’s next in the pipeline.

June 30th, 2019

CindyDakin said:

Glad my friends and I could feed you a little bit more for BBF. Also happy Ben made this photoshoot with my friend. Her photos are amazing <3
If you read this Ben: THANK YOU!

June 30th, 2019

Marie said:

So many pics!!! <3 <3 <3
Thank you for sharing Stephanie! *hugs*
Gamilia really did a great job on the photoshoot pics. :)

July 7th, 2019

F2Write said:

Thank you, Stephanie for this living legacy. Truly appreciate all you’ve done to keep Ben’s name and accomplishments out there.

It was such a pleasure FINALLY meeting Ben in Cologne after trying for so many years. I only had to fly around the world to do it…but it was the highlight of my vacation (the Swiss Alps have nothing on that smile!).

He is the embodiment of pure joy, grace, elegance, talent, a humble heart and kindness. Truly a testament to his wonderful upbringing.

Wishing him all of the love, light and success he desires. He is SO deserving of every accolade. <3

– Fran

July 19th, 2019