
PopEntertainment.com Interview

Ben recently spoke with Arlene Weiss of PopEntertainment.com about his upcoming films, ‘Seventh Son’ and ‘God Only Knows’. Check out the full interview here.

Hi Ben, how are you. I want to congratulate you on the upcoming release of Seventh Son. I saw the trailer and also filmed footage of the panel that you and the cast held at San Diego Comic-Con International 2013 and it looks amazing! For folks who haven’t yet seen the footage, what can you tell people about the film’s storyline and especially about your character Tom Ward, and his relationship to Jeff Bridges’ character Master John Gregory?

Thank you. Seventh Son is a story about a grizzly Spook or fighter of witches and the dark side, played by Jeff Bridges. I am apprenticed to him early in the film and he must train me to aid him in defeating the evil Mother Malkin played by Julianne Moore, and her gathering horde. As we train and take on warlocks and boggarts, our relationship develops from mistrustful and antagonistic into a strong bond.


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Fault Magazine (UK) Digital Scans

Scans from the Summer issue of Fault Magazine have been added to the gallery. If you haven’t done so already, be sure to pick up a copy today or order yours right here!

Gallery Link:
012 x Fault Magazine (UK) | Issue 15

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Ben Barnes Covers Fault Magazine

Ben will be featured in the Summer 2013 issue of UK’s Fault Magazine. Check out the cover photo for the issue in our gallery, courtesy of JustJared.com.

Issue 15 is available for pre-order here and will be officially released on July 15th.


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Stars Launch Save the Arctic Campaign

One Direction, Sir Paul McCartney, Ben Barnes and Lily Cole are just a few of the celebrities who are supporting Greenpeace’s Save The Arctic Campaign.

They are asking for a global sanctuary in the Arctic, and are demanding that oil drilling and unsustainable fishing are banned in Arctic waters.

Rita Ora, Thom Yorke, Jude Law, Ed Norton and more will be among the first 100 names to be written on the Arctic Scroll supporting the cause. You can add your name here.

When a million others add their own names, Greenpeace will embark on an expedition to plant it on the seabed at the North Pole, four kilometres beneath the ice. The spot will be marked by a Flag for the Future designed by the youth of the world.

Anybody in the world can add their name to the Arctic Scroll and have their name planted beneath the pole by visiting www.SaveTheArctic.org.

Source: Greenpeace.org.uk

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