
Stars Launch Save the Arctic Campaign

One Direction, Sir Paul McCartney, Ben Barnes and Lily Cole are just a few of the celebrities who are supporting Greenpeace’s Save The Arctic Campaign.

They are asking for a global sanctuary in the Arctic, and are demanding that oil drilling and unsustainable fishing are banned in Arctic waters.

Rita Ora, Thom Yorke, Jude Law, Ed Norton and more will be among the first 100 names to be written on the Arctic Scroll supporting the cause. You can add your name here.

When a million others add their own names, Greenpeace will embark on an expedition to plant it on the seabed at the North Pole, four kilometres beneath the ice. The spot will be marked by a Flag for the Future designed by the youth of the world.

Anybody in the world can add their name to the Arctic Scroll and have their name planted beneath the pole by visiting www.SaveTheArctic.org.

Source: Greenpeace.org.uk


Bri said:

Some of those photos on the site break my heart…signed, and I hope our support helps make a difference!

June 21st, 2012

Juliet said:

With all due respect, but I don’t think that Ben has got any idea of environmental protection… It’s just another to be in the spotlight and show how noble-minded he is. I think he doesn’t really care about Arctic problems and he’s not aware of the seriousness of the situation.

June 21st, 2012

Hana said:

sorry but I have to disagree absolutely. Ben is not the kind of person who needs to be in a spotlight! Quite oposite. Have you forgot about Make a wish foundation? Why not to use his advantage and help a little bit??? I guess you should better try to do same than to waste time on writing this.

June 21st, 2012

witchyeditor said:

As we all know, Ben has never been one to crave the spotlight. @Juliet: not sure what would give you that impression but it’s not smart to assume things.
Let’s spend our time helping the cause instead.

June 21st, 2012

SK-72 said:

So if somebody asks you to sign a petition for a good cause, you sign only when you happen to have an academic degree or other relevant expertise on the matter?! Why are there petitions at all if they’re only for experts and not for regular citizens who see worrying things on TV or who read about them in newspapers? God, I must be a bad person because over the years I have signed soooo many petitions that have absolutely nothing to do with my fields of expertise. I have, for example, signed several petitions regarding the plight of polar bears although I’m not a polar bear and thus have no first-hand knowledge of their plight ;)

June 21st, 2012

moon_cake said:

I second that! Ben doesn’t need extra publicity. We know he is a very private person and avoids limelight. There are much bigger names on the list and the campaigners didn’t have to mention his name unless it was the right thing to do.

I sincerely hope you read the bottom line and found the time to add your name:))

June 21st, 2012

Carlie said:

@Juliet. I see. No judgement here but why not get involved in this campaign or any other if it is for a good cause?

As @Hana said, Ben’s been with “The Make A Wish Foundation” for quite a while now and he joined it when he wasn’t famous at all (not that he is overly famous in the US now anyway…)

I think it’s great that Ben, other celebrities AND ordinary people, like us, do care. If he was doing this for the spotlight, he could’ve joined many other big campaigns long time ago.

This is not an attack on you from anyone on BBF, we are all entitled to have an opinion and if someone does not wish to sign the petition, it’s their choice. However, I just cannot believe that this is something that deserves criticism of any kind!

@SK-72 The smartest thing I’ve heard in days!

@Withy and Moon_cake Absolutely agree!

June 21st, 2012

LaRose said:

I think it’s wonderful that Ben cares about things like this. I don’t think he is craving attention or anything.

I signed my name.

June 21st, 2012

Lily said:

I dont know the reason why Ben is supporting this cause but who cares as long as it is a GOOD cause?! I dont think Ben is the type of person to crave attention since he likes his privacy. I am also glad that you guys are supporting this because all this drilling isnt good for the environment, remember the tsunamis, this is all because people are bent on destroying nature.

June 21st, 2012

Juliet said:

It’s not quite a good cause; we need oil, because we all want to use electricity. Coal reserves are running out, and oil has got very high calorific value. We have to drill oil even on Arctic, otherwise we will not able to heat our houses or use electric current. I think that drilling oil on Arctic is more save and less causing degradation than drilling natural gas hydrates, which is more expensive and devastating.
I understand and respect Your point of view, but look at this case from another perspective. I didn’t write such things because I’m incredible smart or against environmental protection, I’m just aware of global energetic situation.

June 22nd, 2012

Lily said:

Sure, whatever you say. You probably didnt experience the 2004 Tsunami, the people in my country did, I saw what it did to their lives. My country is suffering from the effects of global warming. I know what you are saying is right, without oil it is going to be a problem and I dont blame you for having such thoughts because I do too. I rest my case. I dont want to argue so please dont make this into some issue.

June 22nd, 2012

Lily said:

I reread what I wrote and it sounds rude. I am sorry, this isnt a platform for arguements and I think I have used it as such. This is a place where we show our support for Ben if we think that he is doing a good job.

June 22nd, 2012

SK-72 said:

@ Juliet

I’m sorry about my sarcastic comment. After your second comment I realised you’re – probably – someone very young. Well, I’m sure you’ll learn and widen your scope over the years, love :) However, I don’t think this is an appropriate forum for energy debate.

June 22nd, 2012

Juliet said:

I don’t want to argue with anyone, and I don’t have bad intentions. In fact, Ben is supporting organization whose members wrote on cooling towers ‘stop CO2’. This inscription is ridiculous, because cooling towers emit only water vapour, not carbon dioxide. Ben shouldn’t support organization which takes unreasonable actions, that’s all.

June 22nd, 2012

nightshade said:

First of all, I agree with you girls that I feel that Ben would in no way put his name to a cause just to gain attention – why would he need to do that? There are far better means he could use to assist his fame. He is using his name to help this CAUSE, along with the other famous names.

@Juliet, I feel that BBF is not an appropriate platform for political or environmental debate, but as an active environmentalist I cannot take on board your claim that Greenpeace take unreasonable actions. (The fact they wrote on cooling towers could be because that was where their slogan would be the most conspicuous!)

The Arctic is a pristine, precious, irreplaceable environment (as was all of our beautiful planet before man started to destroy it) and once its purity and uniqueness is destroyed, there is no going back. The earth is our home – the only one we have – and it is almost too late to save it. The Arctic is about the only unspoilt area left.

Yes, oil is running out, along with other fossil fuels, but unless we want our planet to die – and us with it alongside all of the other precious creatures – we have to take drastic action, and have to find alternative fuels. Yes, it will be hard for all of us, but we will have to grin and bear it if we want our planet – and ourselves – to survive.

Needless to say, I have signed and shared in an many places I can think of!

Sorry and thanks Steph – preach over :)

June 22nd, 2012

DW said:

@Nightshade-Totally agree with you on all points, and I might add that a good solution will be to find other ways to “heat our houses” because there is technology being developed that can do this if governments would just smarten up & stop putting money before the environment. The effects of global warming are going to be catastrophic & we are all to blame, so to sit around and watch it happen…or add to it by this irresponsible drilling is just heart-wrenching to me.
@Juliet- I tried to bite my tongue in response to you…more about your views on the environment than even Ben, but let me just say…why come to an actor’s fansite to dispute his good intentions. Makes no sense whatsoever.

June 22nd, 2012

Juliet said:

@DW- I think I have right to comment Ben’s behavior, if he supports actions which are not so good. As You see, I can justify my point of view and I don’t expect that anyone agree with me. I’m just saying: probably Ben has got no idea about enviromental protection, so why does he support such actions? I suppose he doesn’t even know where does the current in the electric cables…Ben is a brilliant actor, but I’m afraid that has nothing to do with environmental protection.

June 22nd, 2012

Donte119 said:

No one here actually knows Ben personally to my knowledge. (Meeting him in person a few times does not count as knowing him intimately as a human being.) No one can say what he does or does not know about the cause he chose to support, nor can we know his motives for choosing it.

What we do know is that this is a fan site, as previously stated. This is where we come to fangirl and talk about how awesome Ben is. If you have anything negative to say about Ben or his choices, it probably belongs somewhere other than a fan page unless you just want to get people all worked up.

In short, when you’re on a fan site, it comes down to the old saying “If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all.”

But I am really curious, Juliet, What is your reason for saying he’s just doing this for attention? Others have given reasons why he’s not doing it for attention. (He likes his privacy, he was involved in Make A Wish before fame ect.)
What is your reasoning behind saying he just wants a spotlight? What makes you think he doesn’t care about the cause? Has he done or said anything to lead you to that conclusion? I’m not trying to be rude or accusing. I would just like to know why you feel he’s clueless.

Go look at some of his interviews. He’s not another air-headed actor who just does things to look cool. He seems to think through every project he does with a good head on his shoulders. He seems like an intelligent individual, who would’ve thought something like this through, in my humble opinion. I would just like to know why you think otherwise.

June 22nd, 2012

Juliet said:

@Donte119- Maybe I’m a little bit more objective than other fans, and I don’t think that Ben’s the perfect man. He is incredibly talented actor but he’s only an actor. He’s a man for rent and he has to care about his image in the media – I think that’s a reason why he decided to support that action. You’re right – he reflects on his every project and he prepares to it honestly, but it’s just making movies and pretending someone else. How does he know anything about energy sources and problems connected with them? I believe he doesn’t have a time to think about it, and he doesn’t have adequate knowledge. He wants to be perceived as an environmentalist, but he does that in quite bad way. That’s just my opinion.

June 22nd, 2012

LaRose said:

All I can say is good grief!!

June 22nd, 2012

Donte119 said:

I never said he was perfect. All I said is this is where we come to talk about his good points. That is the purpose of a fan page. Anything else belongs elsewhere.

And I do consider myself more objective than some. You’ll note I didn’t say he was right or wrong for supporting the cause. No one can know his motives because no one knows him personally.

June 22nd, 2012

Donte119 said:


I can see the idea of thinking he’s human and must do some things to get attention.

But if he so craves attention why doesn’t he have a twitter, facebook or even a website like most actors do??? This is the most up to date site he has and neither he, nor his reps have anything to do with it except occationally dropping by and reading a few posts. Seems like if he really wanted the spotlight the first thing he’d do is get his own official website, not find some charity to support.

As others have mentioned, his name is helping the charity, not the other way around. I wouldn’t have even heard of it except through this site.

June 22nd, 2012

belle said:

You must be the same Juliet who said that it is ok that Ben’s name isnt mentioned on the poster of the wedding, right? I am saying how can a man like him crave attention. Please tell me because I dont understand. His name isnt mentioned even in the trailer of the words. I know Ben isnt perfect, obviously no one is! But he isnt a man for rent. He is a guy who is doing what he loves, a job that wouldnt make him even feel like he is working because it is his passion.

June 22nd, 2012

belle said:

Think how you’d feel if someone was assuming that you know nothing about a cause that you are supporting. We dont know how much knowledge he has about environment or whether he doesnt. A person doesnt have to be an expert to know what is happening to our environment. I am not an expert yet i care enough about my surrounding and try to see the damage being done. I never thought of Ben as perfect and I dont think all his films are great either. Yet I do think he is a decent human being.

June 22nd, 2012

Nightshade said:

Here, here, Belle!

Imagine if it were only so-called “experts” who signed petitions and pledged to help environmental and other causes … they would amount to a miniscule amount of the population!

June 23rd, 2012

Juliet said:

@belle- Ben is a man for rent, because they pay him for growing his hair, working on his muscles or speaking different accents. He does it all for money. Of course, he chooses his roles, because not every role is intersting enough for him. You said that he’s doing what he loves – how do You know what he loves? He said that he’s always wanted to be an actor, but You can’t be sure if it’s true. Maybe he’s got a really good PR specjalist… Secondly, I don’t think that being mentioned on the poster is the most important thing (maybe it is for Ben’s fans), I suppose the most important thing to Ben is how much he get paid for taking part in a movie. Posters or trailers are trifles; the key fact is Ben’s play and interpretation of his role.

If someone was assuming that I know nothing about a cause that I’m supporting, I would consider that once again, because a person who judged me could know more than me. Thinkig is a future; I don’t have to agree with someone else, but I can try to look at things from another perspective.

June 23rd, 2012

Juliet said:

BTW, I have an impression that You urge me to change my mind. Like I said, I respect Your point of view and I’m not going to argue with anyone, but I have my own opinion about Ben and his behaviour and I have reasons to think about him in particular way.

Lastly, Greenpeace actions are always quite popular. Ben could support charities with no mention his name in media. Take a look on the other supporters – they’re all on top. Ben craves attention, because it’s his job. He has to be liked, handsome and he has to be in the spotlight. Otherwise, people can forget about him; after all actors such as him are hundreds…

June 23rd, 2012

Nightshade said:

@Juliet, I am starting to wonder why you are posting here at all – no disrespect, but some of the things you say sound like you do not support Ben at all.

Everyone is entitled to free speech, but this is a fansite for Ben, and surely the reason for being here should be because you like, admire and support him!

June 23rd, 2012

Marit said:

Juliet is just a troll. It’s quite obvious she’s just making fun of Ben’s fans, so just ignore her comments. No point of getting upset because of her :)

June 23rd, 2012

Belle said:

I am not going to say anything more because it doesnt matter to me what you think of Ben or any of us.

Thanks Steph for keeping us up to date and I am sorry for making your work into a debate platform.
You are nice enough to tolerate me ;)

June 23rd, 2012

Belle said:

You made my day. lol

June 23rd, 2012

Juliet said:

@Nightshade- I really do support Ben and if You read my posts more careful You could see, that I respect Ben for his acting. But even if I support Ben since a long time, I don’t have to agree with his every move. That’s what I said in my first post, so, I beg You pardon, but I didn’t start the fire. You started to comment my post very critically, so I wanted to show You closer my point of view.

@Marit – I’m not a troll, You don’t know me, so please, don’t be impolite.As You can see, I’m not offending anyone. I really try to respect Your point of view and I think that every conversation has its value.

June 23rd, 2012

SK-72 said:

Now I get it! Our little Juliet doesn’t think Ben is a real person. She has repeated so many times that Ben is vain and does everything for money and fame that I have started to fear little Juliet confuses Ben with Dorian Gray who is vain and corrupt indeed. Consequently, because Ben is not a real person, it’s quite polite to say Ben is an air-head who has no idea what’s going on in the world and does everything for money, fame and image although little Juliet doesn’t have ANY proof of it. Whereas, in her opinion, it’s impolite to say – without any proof – that a real person, Juliet, is a troll. Yeah, that makes sense. I can say Donald Duck is a dork without proving it because Donald Duck isn’t real and doesn’t have feelings. (Okay, sorry, if someone likes Donald. I actually like him, this was just an example :))

As far as fiction is concerned, if you ask my opinion – which you probably don’t – out of fictious characters I think Ben reminds me most of Paddington Bear (looks and character combined :)) although I don’t know Ben any more than Juliet does, so this is pure fiction LOL

June 23rd, 2012

Kell said:

You know I wonder if Ben reads these comments and what he thinks. I think it is great that he can put his name on a cause, because of him being popular it drawn us all to that cause, for us to think about it and sign which helps and it is good. Just like the Make a Wish foundation, thats a wonderful cause too that he has his name on. He is an actor His name is out there and he has many fans very reliably fans, which had signed there names and I think its great, and I also think he did his homework. I dont think he just puts his name on anything. Keep up the good work Ben. Your name is important to all of your fans

June 23rd, 2012

KK said:


June 23rd, 2012

KK said:


June 23rd, 2012

KK said:


June 23rd, 2012

DW said:

@Kell – He DOES come here sometimes & read: remember remember the 21st of December (2010) :) So we should be respectful to him and mindful of what we say here about him.

And even if you aren’t an environmentalist, there’s no reason to criticize him for what he chooses to support…or to tell us we don’t know him then hypocritically state they seem to KNOW that he’s ignorant about environmental causes. Just saying…. :)

June 23rd, 2012

Kell said:

@DW: remember the 21st of December (sounds like a song) yes I do remember. A very remediable time on here

June 23rd, 2012

belle said:

What about the 21st of December?

Yes, I agree with all you girls. Ben isnt vain, at least that is the impression I get from his interviews.

June 23rd, 2012

DW said:

@Kell- It’s referencing the Guy Fawkes rhyme. :)

@belle- Sorry to be so cryptic but I wasn’t sure if I should go into it here on the front page. Maybe you haven’t read the story. You can find it if you go to the forum & follow the link to my blog. Thanks.

June 24th, 2012

KK said:


June 25th, 2012

Elsie S. said:

A little late in the game here, and I don’t want particularly want to comment on anything above me, but I personally wouldn’t be too inclined to support Greenpeace. I’ve just heard some things about them that I’m not too thrilled about. Like, I’ve just heard that they tend to talk big but not really take any action.

Note that in this mission all they’re going to do is plant a scroll to represent what, the future? Wow! That’s going to stop drilling in five years, tops!

I’ve recently come to know and support the man who originally co-founded Greenpeace, Capt. Paul Watson. He, however, has since left GP and created Sea Shepherd.

Sea Shepherd is an organization set on protecting ocean wildlife. They’re not the type of group that will riot in front of a building to stop it from being torn down (which is what Greenpeace would do). They’re the type that would grab some tools and take apart the bulldozer before it has a chance to get to the building! Sea Shepherd’s methods may be a little extreme, but they work.

For those in America, you can actually see Sea Shepherd in action on Animal Planet. Whale Wars usually airs Friday nights at 9/8c.


July 7th, 2012