
Yuglo.com Interview & More

Another new video from Madrid has shown up online, courtesy of Yuglo.com. The video includes footage from the red carpet at the Dorian Gray premiere, as well as a brief interview with Ben. Follow the thumbnail below to watch!

Here are a couple other related links to check out as well:

Fan Footage From The Dorian Gray Premiere In Madrid (Video)
Ben Barnes Attends The Dorian Gray Premiere In Madrid (Photo)
Ben Barnes & Oliver Parker Attend The Dorian Gray Photocall In Madrid (Photos)
Ben Barnes & Oliver Parker Attend The Dorian Gray Premiere In Madrid (Photos)

Source: Yuglo.com


Tweets that mention Ben Barnes Fan -- Topsy.com said:

[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Vanessa, Ben Barnes Fan. Ben Barnes Fan said: Yuglo.com Interview & More (http://bit.ly/aNyh7z) […]

June 9th, 2010

Stephanie said:

Oh .. and for those who watch the Yuglo.com video .. there’s a bit more Ben at around 2:15 in the video. Just a little heads up! :)

June 9th, 2010

Regys said:

Yeah! When I watched that video, the first thing I noticed It was the music playing – an old Brazilian Samba haha Made My day! *-* Very interesting, and the girl said “He just arrives from Los Angeles”. Interesting! Kisses, Stephy

June 10th, 2010

Stephanie said:

oOo .. that is interesting. :)

Thank you for the info Regys!

June 10th, 2010

Ana aka hermyana said:

I found this little video quite funny, really… especially, when she asks him to send a kiss to yuglo and he says “A kiss to youglo, please!” i mean, it was so funny… i guess he didn’t really understand what she asked him… and i still can’t believe he was so close to me, right next to my country, actually… yay to Portugal… i wish he would come here…

Kisses… thanks for the vids and photos… ;)

P.S.: I voted for you Tran… lovely videos… good luck on getting that spot..

June 10th, 2010