
Tribute.ca TIFF Interview & More

Thank you to Hannah for the heads up about this new interview with Ben, which happened yesterday during Ben’s brief trip to Toronto to promote his latest film, Dorian Gray. Watch the video at the original site or on Youtube!

Also, a quick reminder to everyone that our Dorian Gray Merchandise Competition ends tomorrow at noon (Eastern). So if you haven’t already, be sure to send in your entry!

Here are a couple other links to check out as well:

ITN ‘Dorian Gray’ Interview (video)
Cosmopolitan.co.uk ‘Dorian Gray’ Interview (video)
Ben Barnes reinvents Oscar Wilde’s infamous bad boy (article)
Crush-worthy Barnes sees many shades of Dorian Gray (article)
Little White Lies: Truth & Movies – September / October Issue (scan) – thanks Kate!


maria said:

he’s so hot!love him!

September 13th, 2009

Sean said:


Oh, when do we find out the results?

September 13th, 2009

Kim said:

i love the little wrinkle he makes on his nose. i’m so glad he promoted dorian at tiff. hopefully that’ll help with north american distribution :)

thank you for all you hard work and updates, Stephanie! :D

September 13th, 2009

Serena said:

Thanks for all the new interviews. Is it me or is the Cosmo video interview exactly the same as Marie Claire video interview that was posted a few days ago? The questions and responses are identical down to the last letter.

September 13th, 2009

Kell said:

@Serena the questions and answers are the same. THey jus added 2 questions. Yea I lhought the same. Thanks Stephanie for uploading this interview, I like this one. He is so so you know.

September 13th, 2009

Serena said:

@Kell, I just noticed that they added a couple more. Must be a single press conference for all the media outlets and borrowing each other’s questions.

@Ben, Skype? Really? Thought he was adamantly anti-computers/internet and you can’t use an iPhone for that program last I checked. .

September 13th, 2009

Lily said:


When celebrities say they don’t like the internet, what they mean is they don’t like to read some of the comments people make about them over the internet. Perfectly understandable because people can be unnecessarily cruel sometimes. Especially when they have anonymity and don’t have to own their words. There are plenty of other uses for the internet, so I doubt that Ben would shy away from using it completely.

I just love that pic of him with the ponytail. Thanks, Steph!

September 13th, 2009

Serena said:

Lily, I completely understand that and I do agree with that reasoning. I thought it was interesting, given his past comments where he has said he hates it because it’s not a healthy place for anyone to be (including him), etc and even in a fairly recent (in the last 2-3 months?) interview he was asked about it again and said that he doesn’t even own a computer because of it. And yes you can do anything on the internet and even access it completely from most of the high tech smartphones, such as what he has, but you can’t do everything on a phone’s internet connection unless he’s changed his mind since then. He’s a big boy so he can do whatever he wants but it comes across as confusing to say one thing insistently and then turn around and say something else later when less confusing/contradictory wording could be used instead or just tell the reporters that it isn’t their business because many things are not that they want to know.

September 13th, 2009

Stephanie said:

Sean: I will send e-mails to the winners tomorrow after they are chosen .. =D

September 13th, 2009

varjot-virva said:

I’ll never get tired of listening to his voice. Thanks a lot for all of the links!!!

September 14th, 2009

Sean said:

Stephanie: Thanks! :) Good luck everyone!

September 14th, 2009

Stephanie said:

Just to let everyone know, the contest is now over and the e-mails have been sent!

Congratulations to Catherine and Christy, the winners of the DG goody bags!!

September 14th, 2009

Jaxanna said:

I wonder, does Ben use an iphone?

August 6th, 2010