
Gay Times & Harper’s Bazaar Scans

Hi guys! I’ve uploaded 4 HQ scans from the September issue of ‘Gay Times‘ magazine to the gallery, thanks to flame_eternel! The article features a brand new interview with Ben and 2 new photos.

Gay Times | September 2009

I’ve also uploaded 2 HQ scans from the September issue of ‘Harper’s Bazaar‘ magazine as well. This is another new article about ‘Dorian Gray‘ which also features a few new ‘behind the scenes’ photos of Ben and the cast! Thanks again to Kate for the ‘Harper’s Bazaar‘ scans. Enjoy!

Harper’s Bazaar | September 2009


Fedra said:

Thanks for this!

He looks absolutely fabulous!

From what i hear, before we go see the Dorian Gray movie, we need to have our heart attack pills taken with us cause things sound too…..HOT!!

I am glad he is so down to earth and that he focuses more in his art and not making scandals. He is a ray of sunshine in the crazy star system. I hope he keeps this up, and that he keeps people talking about him because of his WORK and talent, and not on how many lovers he changed the last week!

I can’t wait any more for Dorian Gray! I want to see that movie NOWWW!!!!! :)

August 18th, 2009

mari said:

Thanks a lot for this new article!
I just want to let you know, I think, the page 2/4 has broken…
please check it again.

August 18th, 2009

trinka said:

wow, an very interesting article…
now I really can’t wait to see this movie….

August 18th, 2009

Stephanie said:

The links seem to be working ok for me, mari! Is anyone else having problems?

August 18th, 2009

Fedra said:

Nope…. no problems here either…. all worked fine.

August 18th, 2009

Kim said:

i love all the press he’s getting for this film. thanks for the scans! :)

August 18th, 2009

Trisha said:

Wow! I love the article!

August 18th, 2009

Kell said:

These articles are very interesting. The mother, daughter thing . wow. Now I know this movie has to be shown in the U.S. You girls in England please let us American Fans know how this movie turns out, something to hold on to until it comes here.

August 18th, 2009

Ariel said:

omg love these articles ,cant wait to watch him being naughty in Dorian Gray

August 18th, 2009

Ana said:

snog? snog? daaaaaaaaamn! i think it will be a great movie!
i loved this articles, his sincerity and that he makes movies not for fame, but cause this is what he loves to do.
I really think that made this movie gave him a lot of experience.

“From what i hear, before we go see the Dorian Gray movie, we need to have our heart attack pills taken with us cause things sound too…..HOT!! ”

lol! thanks for the advice ;D

August 18th, 2009

Ariel said:

first review of Dorian Gray ,not good :( http://www.totalfilm.com/reviews/cinema/dorian-gray

August 18th, 2009

Kell said:

Never listen to reviews. They said G.I. Joe was bad, but I went to see it anyway, and enjoyed it very much. This is just one review. To me its the fans that count. Between Ben Barnes and Colin Firth I think it should be good. When a film has bad reviews uselly its a good movie. It’s going to be good, I just have this feeling.

August 18th, 2009

Serena said:

Great articles and love the new pictures! I had a big smile when I read Colin’s comment that Ben just wants to be known for doing something he loves. It’s little things like that that continue to set him apart from the rest in a good way. Definitely can’t wait to see this movie. I do have to wonder though if it might actually be too “scandalous” for American audiences since they do tend to be a bit more repressed in that area than other countries. Then again, considering alot of the popular movies out there, I can’t imagine that it would be.

Ariel, I never pay any attention to reviews. In my years of experience as a movie-goer, I have found that if a movie gets bad reviews, it’s usually worth watching and if a movie gets good reviews, then it tends to be boring (for lack of a better word). I base my opinions first on the previews and whether it looks like it’ll hold my interest (whether the main actor/s are favorites or not) and then I go see it if I’m interested from the preview. Even previews can be quite deceiving but not often. That said, I have no doubt in my mind at all that this will be a great film. Obviously it’s not for everyone but it isn’t intended to be.

August 19th, 2009

trinka said:

Serena, you’re so right…

I mean I giving also nothing about bad reviews… Often the baddest reviews are for the best films…

August 19th, 2009

Kell said:

Serena I really don’t think that this movie will be that scandalous for America. This looks like a good horror movie that us Americans will enjoy very much. At least I will.

August 19th, 2009

Sandy said:

I couldn’t care less!! I never listen to the reviews…never have…never will!!

August 19th, 2009