
‘Westworld’ 1×05 Screen Captures

Our gallery has been updated with screen captures from episode 5 of ‘Westworld’ (titled “Contrapasso”). A promo for episode 6 has also been released. Watch it here.

Gallery Link:
330 x Westworld > 01×05 – “Contrapasso” (Screen Captures)


Elizabeth Anne said:

Wow, this was such an awesome episode of WestWorld. I’m enjoying this series so much! It’s very thrilling, suspenseful and deep. It’s my favorite show of 2016! Ben’s performance of Logan is just incredible, more than words can describe! I’m so happy for Ben with all the success he’s been having. I’m sure he must be so proud of this show.

October 31st, 2016

Carol said:

Another great episode of WW!
I’m enjoying it more and more! It’s the best series of all!
I like the way Logan doffs his hat :)

October 31st, 2016

LaRose said:

It definitely is an interesting show. I thought Logan was a goner this episode though.

October 31st, 2016

dianna said:

Ya good we got to see the trailer for next week ! I would have thought the same, LaRose.
Thanks Stephanie for these splendid screencaps :D

October 31st, 2016

Vanessa said:

So interesting that he was chosen as the “black hat” and he has very close to “black eyes”. I hope Logan survives past this season!

November 4th, 2016

Luiza said:

Hi Ben! So many thoughs come to my mind! see you in a few months time! I love you so much ! Hot, hot, hot kisses from Poland! Your Luiza

November 6th, 2016

Elizabeth Anne said:

Noo I got so excited for this show for almost a year and then this happens? I thought I’d get to see lots of him but now he’s the only actor in the show who won’t be there anymore. I’m afraid the same will happen with the Punisher I guess I shouldn’t get too excited for that now either. I just love seeing him when he’s in something new I wish I didn’t have to get disappointed

November 14th, 2016

Stephanie said:

His part isn’t over yet. There’s a few new Logan scenes in the ‘Adversary’ promo that haven’t aired yet. :)

Screen captures:


November 14th, 2016

dianna said:

Good thanks thought they cut that part they showed in the clip but obviously they show weeks ahead in their promo’s

November 14th, 2016

CindyDakin said:

Wow good eyes Stephanie!! Didn’t notice him in the latest promo :D

November 14th, 2016

F2write said:

@Cindy – Those scenes were from the “in the weeks to come” trailer and not necessarily from the previous episode’s promotion of the next. I guess we all thought his appearances would be spread out throughout EACH episode. But, I’ve noticed that several characters are missing from episodes. With such a large, storied ensemble cast and complicated storylines, it’s not unusual. Well, but you know this. :)

@Elizabeth Anne – I’m thrilled that he’s finally getting the attention and recognition he deserves. This is an epic and historic series for HBO that had a LOT riding on it (pun intended). Don’t be disappointed; celebrate this achievement. And it’s too early to know anything about editing for The Punisher. He’s in with the “in crowds.” Focus on all of the great things, ahead!

I, for one, am thrilled with what 2016 has bestowed. :) I’m sure 2017 is going to be even better!

November 14th, 2016

CindyDakin said:

F2write I know. I just didn’t notice him in the promo trailer that came after episode 7..that’s all.
Yeah we all expected that his character has more parts in WW..like William or Dolores lol
Such a shame Logan is not THAT important!!

November 14th, 2016

Marie said:

I’m sure they’re saving the best for last as far as Ben is concerned. ;) And I’m thrilled Westworld got the thumbs up for season 2! I’ll continue watching whether Ben makes it or not at the end of season 1. Such a great and intriguing show! :)

November 15th, 2016

Stephanie said:

From a new interview with Jimmi Simpson (William):

Logan (Ben Barnes) is mentioned in this episode briefly. Are we ever going to see them face each other again?

Oh yes, ma’am. I don’t know if I’m allowed to say that, f–k! I will say that there is more conflict between William and Logan ahead.


November 17th, 2016

Drone said:

Need Logan more on screen! I wanna know what will happen between the two frenemies.

November 18th, 2016