
Newport Beach Film Festival

The North American premiere of ‘Jackie & Ryan’ took place last night at the Newport Beach Film Festival. Ben Barnes, Katherine Heigl, Clea DuVall and director Ami Canaan Mann were in attendance. Photos from the event have been added to the gallery.

Gallery Links:
030 x ‘Jackie & Ryan’ Premiere In Newport Beach
038 x ‘Jackie & Ryan’ Q&A In Newport Beach
023 x April 25, 2015 | Jackie & Ryan: NBFF Premiere

Picture Credits: Mina, Noel, Raecoke, David, Tafriha, Linda, Faisal & Iman


Drone said:

How can someone looked the same as they were 10 years ago? He’s defying age llike he owns the Fountain of Youth. He’s like Johnny Depp and Brad Pitt. Anyway he never fails to capture my heart and soul with his beautiful smile and charming, witty personality. I wish I could meet him in real life.

April 26th, 2015

F2write said:

So amazing! Thanks to all who shared their special moments, here (now and in the past)! Truly appreciated. Such a lovely and gracious man. And, thanks to the webmistress for continually spreading the love. *sigh* I hope one day he’ll come to Florida.

April 26th, 2015

Stephanie said:

A couple video clips from the premiere (red carpet):






Courtesy of podbrother on Instagram. :)

April 26th, 2015

Dianna said:

It sure looks like it was a great evening. So much looking forward to see the movie and hear ben singing.

Read some of the tweets and everybody who met him was very impressed by his kindness.
Loved the signing of the book story.
I hope that everybody who went, will come here and share their stories That would be great.

Tthanks Stephanie for your effort to keep us updated on Ben’s whereabouts.

April 26th, 2015

LaRose said:

I love seeing all the pictures!! Thanks to all the other fans who shared them with us. Yes, and thanks to Stephanie once again. I can’t wait to see Jackie and Ryan. I’d love to hear what people thought of it!! :)

April 26th, 2015

Nabi said:

He seems more relaxed and natural than he was with the Seventh Son premiere. Could just be me, but I’m glad.

April 26th, 2015

Carol said:

Beautiful as always!! I hope Jackie and Ryan will be available in my country (or at least with subtitles).
Thank you Stephanie for these pics!!!!! Highly appreciated!

April 26th, 2015

Drone said:

Thank you very much Stephanie for that IG shots. He looked so lovely. It’s really hard to find men with good manners nowadays. Hats off to his parents for shaping him to be the man he is today.

April 26th, 2015

Tiffany said:

I met him last night at the Premiere and it was amazing! I almost couldn’t speak, but my twin sister spoke for me to tell him how many years I’ve been trying to meet him. We were one row away from him, and because he’s so tall he could see us both, so when my sister told him that he was looking at me and he started MOVING! I realized he was coming over to me and I was FROZEN! Somehow I managed to stand up, and he asked me my name, shook my hand (his was sooo SOFT), and said it was nice to meet me! I DIED!

April 27th, 2015

Marie said:

Very first post here, even though I religiously visit Stephanie’s beautiful site. ;)
What a joy to see all these smiling faces ! :D A BIG thank you to the fans who shared their photos, videos and stories. And thanks to Ben for always being so gracious. :)
Now I’m just curious to hear what the lucky ones thought of the movie. Please, no spoilers!

April 27th, 2015

LaRose said:

I’m eager to hear about the movie too.

I must say though that Tiffany’s story of meeting Ben is so cute. He loves his fans. You can tell. He is so sweet!!!

April 27th, 2015

Lulu said:

Im so happy and looking forward for every single issue about that film :) oh found this little but very sweet interview on yt – its with Ben too


April 28th, 2015

Dianna said:

Thank you LULU for the link !!!!

OUCH !!!!!! Did she say Ben isn’t successfull ????
Good of Ben that he keeps his calm self and laughs at it.

April 28th, 2015

Dianna said:

new link : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lW50l2knC10

April 28th, 2015

M said:

Ben looks genuinely happy and full of energy. :) It’s lovely to see him like this and I wish him nothing but the best. Thanks for posting that link, Dianna. I couldn’t help but smile for the entirety of his portion. I just love hearing him speak.

Thank you for sharing your story, Tiffany! I’m glad you got to meet him! And as always, thank you Stephanie for being on top of everything. :)

April 28th, 2015

Marly said:

Where to begin? At the end of course. It was a superbly enchanting evening. I was expecting big crowds and difficulty seeing Ben up close, but to my surprise it didn’t happen that way. My biggest takeaway is that he was very gracious with his limited time, and made sure he connected with his fans. He is funny, witty, charismatic, and just all-around incredibly nice.

Red Carpet: I was standing up front by the cameras. The cast was a little late arriving and then there was a sudden flurry of activity and I looked up from my phone and standing right in front of me was Ben. I’m pretty sure I was staring straight at him, but not really comprehending that he was “real” at that moment. So, he kind of leaned forward and said, “Hello.” [insert British accent]. I was frozen and couldn’t say a word. Thinking back on it now the only thing that makes sense is that he probably assumed I was going to ask questions since I was standing right next to a big camera and the actual interviewer belonging to that camera was curiously missing in that exact moment. A second later he was directed over to another camera and began talking to an interviewer and I was left thinking, “Did that just happen?”

Film: Lovely movie. I am not going to give away spoilers because it sounds like a wider release (and a soundtrack) will be happening later this year. The most surreal aspect of the movie was looking up at him on the giant screen, and then looking over my left shoulder and there he was…just a few rows behind me. Crazy weird, and a little hard to concentrate on the movie! Basically, the trailer covers the essence of the story very well. It’s a sweet movie with a nice, gentle pace to the storytelling. Scenically, the wide, sweeping views of Utah work really well with the story. And, I think it plays right into Ben’s strengths – a soft-spoken, kind-hearted musician. If you are a fan of his singing you won’t be disappointed. He is so talented. I just wish there was more of it.

Q&A: I have to be honest that I don’t remember everything that was discussed because Ben was pretty much sitting in front of me as I was only a couple of rows back from the front (my brain turned to mush) and I was trying to take pictures without being disruptive. I do recall someone asked his favorite color and he said, “grey.” Then there was some debate whether or not grey is an actual color. That was kind of funny. He did a lot of the talking, and was incredibly well-spoken and charming, as usual.

Greeting Fans: A handful of folks approached him at the front of the theater after the Q&A. As I already mentioned, he is so gracious and kind with fans. I’m sure everyone has their story, so I’ll just wrap up by saying when it was my turn he sort of approached me and I froze (sigh, yes, that again). I felt like I was in quicksand and everything I wanted to say was, poof, gone. He was just so nice about it, probably because he’s seen it a million times before. Girl looks up into his big panda eyes and falls apart – just another day in the life of Ben Barnes. He put his arm around me for the photo, and afterwards I relaxed just enough to manage a quick thank you. It was an amazing moment and the perfect way to end the evening.

April 28th, 2015

Dianna said:

Thanks Marly that’s so nice of you to share your story. Feels a bit like we were there too. Very much appreciated

April 28th, 2015

LaRose said:

Yes, thanks Marly, that’s a great story and I’m so happy you got to meet him. He is so very nice. I can’t even begin to explain how warm and wonderful he is to people who haven’t met him, and he has the nicest manners. I can’t wait to see Jackie and Ryan, and maybe a soundtrack album??? OMG!

I know so many people who have yet to meet him and I hope they all get their chance!!!

April 28th, 2015

F2write said:

@Dianna Thanks for posting that link. Yes, ouch! That last red carpet bit was awkward. The interviewer needs a tad more media training and discretion. Ben handled it with diplomacy and tact. Such an endearing disposition.

April 28th, 2015

Drone said:

Wow thanks to those who shared their stories here. Yeah it does feel like we were there too. Can’t wait to watch the movie. I’m going to request this movie to be VOD in my country.

LaRose : yes I hope one day I would meet him somewhere. I Love to have a conversation with him about movies, philosophy, emotions, life etc. as I think he’s the kind of guy who is easy to talk with.

April 28th, 2015

Sar said:

Thank you to everyone for sharing their photos and stories here! They are very much appreciated! :)

A soundtrack would be absolutely wonderful! I also think that Ben should really consider doing an album at some point in his career. Would really enjoy listening to him play the drums, piano, and guitar as a solo performer and/or with other musicians.

He sure does seem more relaxed with J&R. Fingers crossed it comes out worldwide. Cheers :)

April 30th, 2015

Szofia Brunner said:

F2 write you are right !

If i would be from Ben’s place i wold cry!

April 30th, 2015

Carol said:

Oh, Marly and Tiffany, I also thank you both for sharing your stories with us! :)) I wish I were there! It would be dream come true to see Ben in real life and get autograph from him and shake hands with him, speak with him or so. What a nice man, I love him so much!!

April 30th, 2015

Sar said:

Hands up anyone who agrees that Ben should also be a comedian? I mean, his recent post about the “how old robot” made me crack up so much! *still laughing* Seriously! :D

May 2nd, 2015

LaRose said:

lol, He has definitely proved he is funny in a few of his movies. He may not be happy with his youthful look and that’s not doubt why he likes to keep a beard but he will be grateful as he gets older!! It’s much better to look young for your age than old for your age!!!!

May 2nd, 2015

Carol said:

Yeah, that photo is hilarious :D I’m glad that he’s got a sense of humor.

May 2nd, 2015

Sar said:

I can’t go past “Killing Bono”. If ever I need cheering up, that’d make me laugh for sure!

Having a beard now, then slowly reducing it to zero, zip, zilch, nada as he gets older will certainly work for him! haha Because it’s usually the other way around right? :)

So glad he can share his humour with all of us any time of the day and night. After all, I can’t go past the English. “Fawlty Towers”, “Benny Hill”, and “Some Mothers Do Have Em”. Jolly gosh! I would love for Ben do something like those, or even something like Rowan Atkinson in “Beekeeping” (check on YouTube, for it’s the funniest thing I’ve ever seen in my life. Quack!). :D

How about a stand up comedy (skit?), for instance, Rowan Atkinson in “Dirty Words”. It’s so bad, it’s good. Gee, I hope Ben doesn’t read this and think “how rude?!” haha Sorry!

May 3rd, 2015

Cristina said:

This is my first post! ^^ Ben is simply admirable; observing him is utterly delightful (**very big smile**).
Please, does anyone know what is the name/author of the book he signed?? (I haven´t read if anybody said it before). Is it about the film?. Thank you so much!!

Thanks for this lovely website… and never give up!

PD: I wish one day I had the opportunity of having my Birdsong book signed too!!!

May 4th, 2015

CindyDakin said:

@Cristina it’s “The Sppok’s Apprentice” by Joseph Delaney. Seventh Son was inspired by this book series

May 4th, 2015

Cristina said:

Oh, ok :) Thanks!
I read it (on my computer) a couple of years ago, when I knew that Ben joined the cast (we´ve been waiting for that film for looong time! lol).

May 5th, 2015

Viennah said:

I hope there will be more interviews and videos from Q&A from Bentonville Film Festival where Jackie&Ryan will be screened tomorrow. Ben is in attendance.. Yay! :-)

May 6th, 2015

Lulu said:

Found that blog of a fan…so sweet…we know the photos though :)


May 8th, 2015

Tiffany said:

Yeah wow….that interviewer kind of messed up a tad. I think she was a little flustered by Ben’s British charm…I mean was I the only one who caught her moment of “wow face” before she started? He really did handle that awkwardness very graciously though.

Marly: I totally agree with you about “freezing” and feeling like you were in Quicksand!! I completely felt like that when I met him. I was sitting there like, “is this real life?” and the whole film I could still feel his hand in my hand! It was like it was burned into my skin!! OMG! Thank God my sister was there to help me! LOL! And then by the time the movie ended I was a little calmer, but because of time constraints I didn’t get to speak much with him…but he signed my Dorian Gray book and I got my pic too! I LOVE him sooo much more than before now that I’ve met him! (Not that I really needed any help in that dept, but it was certainly a plus!)

May 19th, 2015