
Bello Magazine Scans

Ben is featured in the January issue of Bello magazine. Check out the full spread in our gallery. Bello is available worldwide on Google Play, Amazon Kindle and iTunes (iPad).

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012 x Magazine Scans > 2015 > Bello Magazine | January


Dianna said:

Stephanie, thank you very much for sharing these excelent scans !!!
Ben looks absolutely stunning !!!! I wonder if Ben has seen them already !!!!

January 3rd, 2015

Carol said:

Ben is so elegant here :)

January 3rd, 2015

Viennah said:

Ben looks so stylish!
Thanks for sharing these scans with us! And and really enjoyed reading the interview :-)

January 3rd, 2015

stefhoule said:

Ohh :)

thanks :)

January 3rd, 2015

LaRose said:

So this is an online magazine only?

January 4th, 2015

Stephanie said:

LaRose: Yes, it’s a digital magazine. :)

January 4th, 2015

Drone said:

Is it available in Asia?

January 4th, 2015

Stephanie said:

Drone: From what I’ve read, Bello is available worldwide on Google Play (Android), Amazon Kindle and iTunes for iPad/iPhone. I provided links to download the Bello Mag app in my original post. Hopefully that helps. :)

January 4th, 2015

Drone said:

Thanks Stephanie you’ve been very helpful :)

January 5th, 2015

M said:

He’s so incredibly handsome in these shots. Wow.

January 5th, 2015

Lily said:

Look who’s bringing sexy back

January 6th, 2015

Fedra said:

He could easily be a male TOP MODEL!!! Just look at him! He is gorgeous!

January 6th, 2015

carol and kat said:

Thanks for sharing these brilliant pics, Stephanie! He looks amazing !
What a man …..handsome, talented and clever !

January 7th, 2015