
‘By The Gun’ Premiere In Boston

Last night Ben attended the North American premiere of ‘By The Gun’ at the AMC Loews Boston Common in Boston, MA. Photos from the event have been added to the gallery.

Gallery Links:
022 x ‘By The Gun’ Premiere In Boston
002 x ‘By The Gun’ Premiere In Boston – After Party


Dianna said:

Thank you Stephanie, for sharing these pictures. Ben looks very dapper in his costume. I hope some interviews and reviews of the movie will show up pretty soon.
I also hope that LaRose and other fans that went seeing him had a great time and were able to talk to Ben and I hope they share their story with all of us. :-)
thanks again !

December 2nd, 2014

LaRose said:

The film is riveting! So different from anything else Ben has done up to this point!! I thoroughly enjoyed it. All though it was kind of weird watching it with director James Mottern sitting right next to me!!!!

Lauren and her fiance met me there at the theater and we watched the cast etc on the red carpet. We got to meet Ben there and took pictures with him. After the film, everyone walked down the street to the Cure Lounge. We met Ken Murray, A Boston area actor who also attended the premiere. When he found out we were there because of Ben, he brought Ben right over to us and we all talked for quite a bit. Ben is so sweet and down to Earth. When I told him how Lauren and I had met on this site and decided to meet up for the premiere, he was like “really? Wow!” He also said he enjoys this site and thinks it is very well run. He said whoever runs it does an amazing job. He also said his Dad goes on here quite a bit as well. He also told us he is thinking about joining Twitter. I told him so many fans would be so happy if he did. So, we had a very good time. It was well worth the price of the vip ticket!!! I posted pics on my FB page if anyone is interested.

December 2nd, 2014

Viennah said:

LaRose thanks for sharing with all of us! This so nice to hear both about the movie and of course about Ben from the first hands. And your pictures are lovely! I feel a little jealous haha

December 2nd, 2014

kiki said:

awsome, i envy you sooo much, for meeting him and even more since i got no clue if this movie will ever be available for canadian before its go to dvd.

December 2nd, 2014

Marly said:

LaRose thank you so much for sharing your story. It’s really nice to hear what a great experience you had! All of the pictures from the premiere and other events in Boston have been interesting. As fans of Ben we all want to see him enjoy the success he’s earned and so deserves. And to Stephanie you do absolutely run a fantastic site for Ben. I’m not surprised in the least that his family sees it as well. And that is the very reason for his true and loyal fans to keep coming back and supporting his work in a positive way.

December 2nd, 2014

*Caroline* said:

Thanks for your little report, LaRose! Sounds like you and Lauren had a great time :) I really hope one day I’ll get to see this film here in the Netherlands.

Steph, as always, thanks so much for keeping us up to date and giving us loads of pics! Even though I don’t post a lot anymore, it’s still very much appreciated.

Oh and Ben + twitter = match made in heaven :D

December 3rd, 2014

CindyDakin said:

Sounds really awesome LaRose. Glad you finally met him.
I really want to meet him too ….give him my Tom Ward cross stitch project for his living room (or sth else) and to take a photo with him, but he is never in Germany..lol
Btw your photos with Ben are great! ^_^

December 3rd, 2014

LaRose said:

Thanks Cindy. I really hope you can to meet him one day too. I know he would love that cross stitch!!!

December 3rd, 2014

Gio said:

Thank you LaRose!
Happy you finally met him and could speak with him!
Pics are wonderful!!

December 4th, 2014

Lulu said:

Thank you for this wonderful website about Ben and for sharing with us – I’m really thankful for all your effort :)

I’m desperate that I can’t get the movie here in Germany…so so sad :(

December 4th, 2014

Lauren said:

Tanya and I really did have such a great time. Ken was so super nice to talk to us about the cast and crew and to getting us to meet people, especially Ben. Had such a wonderful time. It was worth getting lost in Boston. Haha. I’d say more, but Miss. Tanya has summed it up for us pretty well!

December 4th, 2014

Gio said:

Thanks to you also, Lauren!!
If Ben gets Twitter, I will never have a personal life anymore :P

December 4th, 2014

Stephanie said:

Thank you so much for sharing your photo and experience with us LaRose! I’m glad you finally got to meet Ben!! (You too Lauren!)

What a great compliment from Ben about BBF as well. I’m flattered but very happy to hear that he approves of the site and thinks it’s well run. He’s such a sweetheart! ♥ I’m happy to hear that his family visits and enjoys the site as well. :) Thanks for sharing that with us, LaRose! You’ve made my day! :D

December 4th, 2014

Lauren said:

It was funny when Ben was telling us about his Dad often looking at the site. His Dad would call him up and say, “Hey, I didn’t know you did [such and such a thing].” To which Ben would follow up with, “I don’t remember doing that either.” Lol. I guess it’s a good thing you have the site around, Steph, so Ben’s family can keep in the loop of his life!

December 6th, 2014

Stephanie said:

hehe! Apparently Ben needs a little reminder about the things he does as well. :P Thank you for sharing that Lauren! :)

December 7th, 2014

Dianna said:

Hey girls Thank you for sharing these little stories with us. Please tell us everything he said that night. Soooo curious! :D

December 7th, 2014

stefhoule said:

amazing reports ;)

December 8th, 2014