
‘Pacific Rim’ Premiere In Los Angeles

Last night Ben attended the LA premiere of ‘Pacific Rim’ at the Dolby Theatre in Hollywood. Pictures from the event have been added to the gallery.

A few videos from the premiere have also been added to the video archive:

Ben Arrives At The Premiere Of ‘Pacific Rim’ (Apega Images)
Ben Greets Fans At ‘Pacific Rim’ Premiere In Hollywood (PopCandiesTV)
Ben Talks ‘God Only Knows’ At The ‘Pacific Rim’ Premiere (PA)


LaRose said:

Wow, thanks for the pictures! Nice to see him out and about and supporting one of Legendary film’s other productions. I can’t wait for the Seventh Son trailer to premiere!!

July 10th, 2013

KayT said:

Great pictures, thanks! He looks dapper. I was hoping for this. I thought if Legendary and his great buddy Rob Kazinsky’s first major Hollywood movie don’t get Ben out of his hiding place, then we have lost him forever. :)

July 10th, 2013

christine said:

Hello all,
according to The Seventh Son Facebook page, the trailer is going to come out tomorrow!


July 10th, 2013

LaRose said:

aww, I thought it was today

July 10th, 2013

Stephanie said:

I’ve added a couple videos from the premiere to the video archive:



July 10th, 2013

*Caroline* said:

I don’t have a lot of time so I’ll take a look at all those pics and vids later, but thanks for all your hard work Steph!

@ KayT: who’s Rob Kazinsky? I guess I’ve missed something ;)

July 10th, 2013

KayT said:

@ Caroline: Rob is a British actor. If I’m not mistaken, Rob is Ben’s roommate (or at least was until recently) in LA and they hang out. There are some pics of Rob in BBF’s gallery called “Candids”. Here is one: https://benbarnesfan.com/gallery/displayimage.php?album=916&pid=34894#top_display_media
(the blond guy)
He’s at the moment best known for True Blood’s sixth season… which I’m not watching but I know he’s playing a guy called BEN in it. :)

July 11th, 2013

Dina said:

Thank you for posting these wonderful pictures Steph! Ben looks so good and I love his hair! :)

July 12th, 2013

benv said:

oh so beautiful ben <3

July 13th, 2013

brunnerzs said:

Ben Barnes i love you so so much!!!!

July 14th, 2013