
7 Deadly Sins Anniversary Party

Last night Ben attended the 7 Deadly Sins In One Sinful Night Party at TAO Nightclub
in Las Vegas. Pictures from the event have been added to the gallery.

Gallery Link:
054 x 7 Deadly Sins In One Sinful Night Party


LaRose said:

Ben is looking as hot as ever. Who is the other guy?

April 7th, 2013

Stephanie said:

Nicholas Hoult :)

April 7th, 2013

LaRose said:

lol, I just figured that out. I knew he looked familiar. My daughter thinks he is hot.

April 7th, 2013

SK said:

Has he now ruined his beautiful hands with a ridiculous tattoo? :(((( Looks ugly.

April 7th, 2013

Gio said:

Thank you Step!
He’s gorgeuos, as always….but…is there a tattoo, on his right hand?? o.O


April 7th, 2013

Mariya said:

New tattoo?????

April 7th, 2013

pandora said:

they both look yummy :-D but i don’t think the tattoo is real, i think it’s probably for the “god only knows” role. it looks washed out to me, that’s why i don’t believe it’s real.

April 7th, 2013

Sandra said:

Yes!!! It’s new tatto!!!!!

April 7th, 2013

Melissa said:

Great pics :) It’s not a tattoo, it’s a stamp. Some nightclub stamp you on the hand so you can go out of the club and go back inside again ;)

April 7th, 2013

LaRose said:

Darn, I was hoping it was a tattoo. It probably is a stamp. I get stamped at clubs all the time. Didn’t think about that. I love tats.

April 7th, 2013

Nat said:

They missed Eddie Redmayne, another Stephen Wraysford :D

April 8th, 2013

Natlc said:

I think that is a tattoo. A bar stamp is usually the name of the bar and date, (at least here where I am from), and that looks like a symbol on his hand. It may not be real could be from the movie still, but I think it is a tattoo.

April 11th, 2013

BDBDoggen said:

Looks like a tattoo. If it’s real or not is open to speculation, but since ink is personal it’s a moot point. My daughter said it looked like a sun and the blue arm band was probably what got him into the party. Sun tattoo’s usually relate to glory and fierceness.

April 11th, 2013

Dina said:

HGTV is doing a special for newly weds that is based on “The Big Wedding” this Thursday. They even showed bits from the trailer. Just thought I’d share! :)

April 16th, 2013

Michelle said:

The Big Wedding premiere is this Friday.


April 18th, 2013