
Victoria’s Secret SWIM 2013 Party

Last night Ben attended the Victoria’s Secret SWIM 2013 Party held at a private residence in Beverly Hills, CA. Pictures have been added to the gallery.

Gallery Link:
006 x Victoria’s Secret SWIM 2013 Party


Gio said:

……….with Victoria’s Secret models??? o.O


Ahahahah thank you Steph!! :)

March 13th, 2013

SK said:

OMG he looks so old! He’s aged 15 years in one year. Boohoo :( Too much partying? He used to be so beautiful…

Thanks for the pics though.

March 13th, 2013

Dina Makhmetova said:

He still looks great and incredidly manly. Maybe tired a little bit.

March 13th, 2013

Fedra said:

Victoria’s Secret?!? Please don’t tell me that he is “shopping” for girl in VC like Leonardo DiCaprio, that is a model obsessed freak!

March 13th, 2013

SK said:

@Fedra: Yeah, my thoughts exactly. However, I don’t think Ben is rich enough to buy a VC girl. They’re pretty pricey. Disappointing though that Ben has been sucked into the Hollywood lifestyle. Remember how he said he’d rather be shot than seen leaving a trendy club? Well, can it get any more trendy and Hollywood-like than attending VC parties? The most disappointing thing is that Ben participates in events that degrade women.

March 13th, 2013

Tola said:

I want him to come back to London. Hollywood badly for him acts :(

March 13th, 2013

Dina Makhmetova said:

I think, it’s up to Ben to care for models or whoever else. And if partying is a part of Hollywood lifestyle, then it’s inevitable.

March 13th, 2013

SK said:

Sorry I meant of course VS and not VC.

Of course it’s up to Ben to decide what he does but not everybody has to admire EVERYTHING he does. We might like him as an actor but we might not like something else he does. I think it’s okay to say what I like in Ben and what I don’t. I’m a woman, and if he chooses to degrade women, so of course it’s entirely his business, but as a woman I have the right to criticise it.

March 13th, 2013

Dina Makhmetova said:

@SK, I’m a 32-year-old woman too. I don’t work in the fashion business and, to be honest, don’t understand what’s so degrading about it. And of course, anyone can express their opinion freely.

March 13th, 2013

SK said:

@Dina That’s also a matter of opinion. It’s absolutely fine if you don’t think that Victoria’s Secret degrades women but there are a lot of women who do think VS does so. Because of this VS is a constant target of feminists’ attacks. I’m not a feminist as such, but in my opinion VS does degrade women.

March 13th, 2013

Dina Makhmetova said:

@ SK, maybe I just don’t know the situation concerning VS. I don’t live in the USA. I meant fashion business in general.

March 13th, 2013

BDBDoggen said:

Well, looking at these pictures I’d say that although he still doesn’t look his age he is taking care of himself quite well. I am sad, though, that he’s demoted himself to Hollywood but sometimes when you want something bad enough you are willing to make sacrifices. I dread the thought of seeing his picture splashed all over the tabloids but I am willing to believe that he is smart enough to walk that fine line carefully.

March 13th, 2013

Marcela said:

I´ve already said that before, here, on this board: young girls, he is 31! He´s not Caspian! Even when he played Caspian he was more than 25! He is not a teenager! In my opinion he is extremely hot!! When i saw the pics they took my breath away! He looks so hot, slim and fit for his age!

March 13th, 2013

Linne said:

Everyone has to grow up one day. He is on another level in career / life. We, as fans, have to follow and support his career. And I think is going very well, with good choices in movies. And everybody knows that we have to adapt to the environment if we want to survive. If he does not attend these events, another surely will.

March 13th, 2013

Heather#2 said:

I agree with you, SK. I am very disappointed to see him supporting a corporation like VS that degrades women.

March 13th, 2013

LaRose said:

I don’t see what’s wrong with V.S. I used to love to look through their catalogs when I was younger and thinner. I watch the VS fashion shows on TV even now.

I think Ben looks just fine in these pictures. Not sure how he ended up at this event but I’m trying not to speculate.

March 13th, 2013

Heather#2 said:


March 13th, 2013

LaRose said:

Okay Heather#2, I see your point.

Nevertheless, I’m not going to hate on Ben just because he goes to a party. We don’t even know how he happened to be there.

I do agree with BDBDoggen though No matter what Ben does in his private life, I don’t want to see it all over the tabloids. Being a single man, if he is indeed single, I’m sure he isn’t a saint all the time, I just don’t want to read about it in magazines or see it on shows like E news. I hope he remains just under the super fame radar, and is discreet about his love life etc.

March 14th, 2013

Dina Makhmetova said:

Girls, I still think that being at the party doesn’t mean sharing the company’s philosophy whatever it is. Don’t be too critical, please. It’s just a kind of socializing. What’s wrong with it?

@ Heather, I’ve read the article about VS and didn’t find any particular ‘vices’ in marketing strategies of the firm. OK, their products are expensive and the models are expected to look perfect. But it’s the thing that other companies in this field do all over the world. So, why is VS more manipulative than others?

March 14th, 2013


I love to buy VS products, are expensive Yes, beautiful models Yes, more what’s wrong? I use and I feel very well. And because Ben Barnes could not be in an event of this, I’m really happy for him to see a product which use. Please let the guy live his life as you want, stop thinking that he is still a character from children’s tales. He grew up, please try to grow along with it.

March 14th, 2013

marcela said:

Oh my God! LOL Yesterday he was too old (well, when you´re alive it´s normal to get old, isn´t it?) and now Ben is a horrible person because he was just having a few drinks in VS party? He doesn´t work for VS, he was just having some fun! hahaha Too much judment on this board!

Last year, he was a horrible person because he was smoking out of a bar! Soon, some people will say that he is horrible cause he drinks! LOL Come on people, XXI century!

March 14th, 2013

LaRose said:

Ben is a human being just like the rest of us. I’m not hating on him for smoking, drinking or having sex out of marriage. Marcela is right, this is the 21st century, and he is an actual person, not a god to be put on a pedestal. Someone on Twitter said “no wonder he hates to go online.” I too would be upset if a bunch of people I didn’t know were online talking Sh*t about me.

and I still don’t have anything against the VS girls. :)

March 14th, 2013

BDBDoggen said:

Ok. I think I made a mistake with the tabloid comment. What I meant was that I really don’t care what he does off the big screen. I’m just waiting for April to see The Big Wedding, keeping my fingers crossed The Seventh Son will be out in October and I’ll be jumping for joy if we get a 3-for and get to see God Only Knows this year too.

March 14th, 2013

Marcela said:

BDBDoggen I´m anxious for The Big Wedding Too!!

March 14th, 2013

Marcela said:

yeah LaRose, I thinks people idealize too much Ben, sometimes, because of movies or the fact that he is nice to fans, and things like that… but he is a guy, like the others you meet on street… And I still like him! :)

March 14th, 2013

Stephanie said:

Hi all! I just wanted to apologize for the slowness our site has been experiencing over the past few days. It’s an issue with our server, not the site itself. So please bear with us while we work with our hosting company to fix the problem once and for all. It won’t be slow like this forever, I promise.

Thanks! <3

March 14th, 2013

LaRose said:

I can’t wait for his new movies to come out. 2013 is going to be a good year for him!!

March 15th, 2013

M.R. said:

Hi girls, I just wanted to say a thing: actually I think Ben is changed, he’s not the guy he was just like two years ago. In two years he’s changed a lot. Too much, I think.
I remember he said a few things that were quite right for me, like ”I don’t like to smoke” ”true beauty is on the inside”, things like that. He even said that he didn’t like all that Hollywood system, If I remember well.
Now he suddenly changed his mind and the thing is terrifying.
I mean, the American ”business” life is ruining him.
This is my personal opinion and I don’t want to criticize Ben because I’m still an affectionate fan of him and I will always support him, but I’d like him to being a lowly and artless guy again.

March 15th, 2013

Annabeary said:

OMG! Are you for real? Take things easy. The guy just had a night out, a few drinks, and a nice time (at least I hope he really did). Is it all over the Internet? No! So, probably nothing bad happened.
And besides such kind of parties are good for his publicity, he may be noticed, offered something decent and then you’ll see him in a very good movie next year! And I absolutely have no doubt that it’s gonna be great, because he usually chooses great projects.
As for his views, let him decide what is right and what is wrong for him. Maybe it’s something he needs right now.

March 16th, 2013

linda cabrera said:

if they want to blame someone for the behavior of Ben ,there have Zelda williams and company. or maybe they are just the pretext for the party spirit of Ben . he loves parties

March 19th, 2013

Melissa said:

Aww man, first they took Orlando Boom, now they’re after the next hottest Brit! What’s next, Ed Westwick?

April 12th, 2013

leslie said:

Love his 2013 look.hope to see him more toned..6pack abs please!!!

October 29th, 2013

Cazza said:

Honestly, mainstream America doesn’t even know who he is. All his movies have tanked over here so far. I am guessing the VS models thought he was cute, but weren’t too interested since he is kind of a nobody here. (Or, they saw him as a mysterious and beautiful man and made a beeline for him. Ha!) Either way, I am guessing he was there for the publicity, because I repeat, he is relatively unknown here still. But if he is a single (?) 32-year-old man then why would he refuse to go to a party like this? I don’t know many men that would turn it down. (And I agree, VS sends a bad message in general about women, respect, and gender, etc.) Finally, yes, he looks older. He looks his age actually. It’s just that these photos aren’t Photoshopped, or they are not the same played out images from five or six years ago. Personally, I think he is aging well. :)

January 14th, 2014