New publicity stills and a promotional image for ‘The Words‘ have been added to the gallery, courtesy of, TheWordsCZ and TheWordsMovie.
Gallery Links:
004 x Publicity Stills
001 x Character Photoshoot
Ally said:thanks Steph for posting these! its not too soon that we will be able to see this movie! :D
July 18th, 2012
Nazanin said:I heard Ben Barnes wanna play in a movie which called vampire academy.and it based on book series vampire academy as a Dimitri that right or not?did u know about that?
July 22nd, 2012
Helaine said:@Nazanin – Actually this is just a ‘dream casting’ thing. Several Vampire Academy fans want Ben to play Dimitri Belikov. Once he was asked about it in an interview, but apparently he had never heard of the VA series until then.
July 22nd, 2012
Nazanin.s said:thanks for your information Helaine,but why his photos are all over google page when u search dimitri belicove?
August 15th, 2012
Nazanin.s said:b.t.w thats too bad because Dimitri.B personality suits him. Thats so close 2 his real character:( i was hope he play in VA
August 15th, 2012
Stephanie said:test
December 25th, 2012