
First Trailer For ‘The Words’

Today CBS Films released the first official trailer for ‘The Words’, which hits theaters on September 21st. Watch it here. Screencaps are in the gallery.

Source: Yahoo! Movies


Carlie said:

I can’t believe this day’s come and we’ve finally seen it!!!!!!! I wonder Ben is not credited though… This is so not fair! :/

It’s a real Ben festival now *wink* — Hunger video first, now the trailer!

May 17th, 2012

witchyeditor said:

Eeeek! Trailers look amazing! Can’t wait to see this.

May 17th, 2012

frency said:

after so much waiting for the end came, dying to see……… to celebrate the success of ben!!!!!!!!! I love you ben barnes

May 17th, 2012

LaRose said:

I’m so excited…. I can’t wait until this comes to theaters!!

May 17th, 2012

Kell said:

I saw the first look when I went to see Avengers He was even promoting it That was a big surprise wasnt expecting that at all but this looks so good cant wait to see it i

May 17th, 2012

Heather#2 said:

I can’t wait to see this film, although I am disappointed Ben isn’t credited, too. He’s such an underrated actor. I’m sure he’ll be brilliant, as always.

May 17th, 2012

belle said:

It is not fair that Ben isn’t credited. Wish we could just see more of Ben.

May 18th, 2012

Jem said:

will drool over the weekend!!!

May 18th, 2012

Juliet said:

It looks like it’s quite touching and deeply moving. Maybe Ben doesn’t say much in this movie, but I think his part is significant. He plays the key role in retrospection, so I find it very interesting.

May 18th, 2012

Fedra said:

I DEMAND from the movie production or whoever is responsible for this to put Ben’s name on the credits ASAP!!!!
his part is important for the movie plot and it is only right they put his name there too!
He is OUR STAR!!!!!

May 19th, 2012

LiLi said:

I agree with all of you! I was so dissapointed that Ben was credited. I would have thought that if he hadn’t been during the trailer but he is! gosh….anyways. the movie looks good tho!

May 20th, 2012

Mari said:

It’s perfect :) I want to watch it,Ben is amazing as always, where Is he now? in Vancouver?

May 20th, 2012

Mari said:

Do someone know what song that iss playing in the trailer ( the words)? thanks :)

May 21st, 2012

bentrésor said:

I’m like of disappointed as you, BB is an excellent actor and deserves to be mentioned in the credits. Every day he is more handsome and more professional I love him.

May 21st, 2012

Rena said:

this is the song http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=81bU2ls3V6M

May 21st, 2012

Mari said:

Thanks Rena :)

May 22nd, 2012

belle said:

Does anyone know where I can find the interview where Ben says that his favourite books are birdsong, regeneration and the kite runner.

May 25th, 2012

Stephanie said:

Here ya go, belle:



May 25th, 2012

belle said:

Thanks Stephanie

May 25th, 2012

sibele said:

hi my lovel

May 25th, 2012

Kat said:

This movie has strong emotional story and we´ll see how it will be successful in the near future :) Ben´s character is firmly connected with the whole story so I´m really surprised that his name is not mentined in this movie. I don´t understand and it´s not fair :o(

May 29th, 2012

Kell said:

I cant believe they didn’t put his name on the poster either, They also don’t have him in The Wedding poster either and he is the groom. Whats the problem

May 29th, 2012

Juliet said:

OK, is this really matter if Ben’s mentioned on the movie poster? Nobody goes to the cinema looking for Ben’s name on the poster – except his fans. But I’m sure, everyone who’ll see this movie will be fascinated by Ben’s appearance and play. We can appreciate his talent and charm only when we’re watching him playing, not being mentioned on the poster. I think, that after The Words many people say: ‘who was that extremely handsome and talented man?’ They start to read about him, watch his movies, just adore him.

May 31st, 2012

DW said:

This is off topic from The Wedding poster, but is sort of related to the same idea of Ben not getting enough credit. Yesterday on Twitter, the official @TheWordsMovie twitter acct. tweeted: “Who are you most excited to see in The Words?” Two people responded with Bradley Cooper and TEN responded with Ben!!! Now really Hollywood…what does that tell you?!!!!

June 1st, 2012

Kell said:

that we would like to see his name on the poster or in the credits. And cant wait to see the movie there is going to be a lot of Ben’s fans there (including me) I am very excited to see Ben and that he should be recognized. From what I heard he has done the part very well.

June 1st, 2012

Hana said:

Hi guys, according this web page, the TSS filming will not end before 27.06.2012 in Vancouver.

June 11th, 2012

nightshade said:

Thank you Hana! Sorry I am so behind recently, but good to hear some news at least.

So they will be filming for some days yet … wish we could have some set pics!

June 13th, 2012