New photos of Ben arriving at LAX airport in Los Angeles yesterday have been added to the gallery. Click on the thumbnails below to view the set. Enjoy!
Gallery Links:
010 x Jan 28, 2012 | Arriving At LAX Airport
Carlie said:OMG OMG OMG!!! Thank you Steph!!!!!!!
And what do we seeee!!! Our fav sweater from KB!!! ;D
Mu god, her looks gorgeous in those sunglasses!January 29th, 2012
Carlie said:oops.. my god, HE looks gorgeous i.e.
That’s benpower…you see what he’s doing to our minds? ;DJanuary 29th, 2012
Nightshade said:OMG he does look gorgeous, he definitely looks like he has been building up his body a little :)
And Carlie you are right, that seems to be the KB cardigan !!!
January 29th, 2012
Jem said:@carlie – been thinking where did I see that sweater. Yeah! From KB..
Thanks Steph!! As always..
Drop dead gorgeous!!!
January 29th, 2012
Arly said:beautiful, beautiful smile, those glasses, sexy. I have to say that I really like your shoes… Gorgeous … :) thanks steph !!!
January 29th, 2012
witchyeditor said:oh that sweater. I want Krystal on the hunt to find that one for us :) It’s completely hideous but loveable as well. Wonder if he took it from the shoot or wore some of his own clothes for KB.
January 29th, 2012
Ness said:Is Ben living in LA right now? Didn’t know about that, i thought he is still in London xD
January 29th, 2012
Nadia said:Maybe he’s in LA just for work. I don’t think he’s living there now… and his family in London.
January 29th, 2012
Galene said:@witchyeditor Maybe that sweater is unique. I mean maybe Ben`s mum knit it :D
January 29th, 2012
Vanda S. said:Oh, dear lord!!
*faint*January 29th, 2012
Dina said:Thanks for all of these pictures Steph! It’s great to see Ben after such a long time! The recent pictures of Ben, from an interview I’ll assume, are really nice. I wonder when we will get to see it though? @Carlie, you are too funny and thanks for the videos! :)
January 30th, 2012
Dina said:Hi! Sorry for another post, but I found a couple of pictures on Tumblr!
Not sure when and where the third is from though. :)January 30th, 2012
Kimbers said:Scrummy Bin Bons!!!
Hey, hasn’t Ben nabbed that cardie from Killing Bono – he wears one like it as Neil! My Nan used to have one very similar – but I can honestly say she didn’t look nearly as sexy (sorry Nan!) but every bit as loveable :-)
January 30th, 2012
Kimbers said:Sorry I’ve only just realised Carlie already noted it’s the KB cardie – sorry!
January 30th, 2012
Veronica said:Beautiful !!!!!!!!
Is the best :*January 30th, 2012
Stephanie said:Dina: The interview pictures I added yesterday came from here:
Didn’t see any video of Ben on the site though. Maybe they’ll upload the interview later on. :)
January 30th, 2012
Krystal said:For those interested, the boots he’s wearing was recently released and should be available in stores now. They are called Nike Woodside in grey/obsidian. I’ve checked the website, however, this color isn’t available at the moment.
Here is a picture of them 30th, 2012
Mari said:I want that he be my husband LOL XD
He’s handosome! s2January 30th, 2012
Mari said:handsome! :D
January 30th, 2012
carolyn said:Love his casual style
January 30th, 2012
FL said:thanks to the lovely Nat (Gastonha) for this wonderful review…it’s the first time Ben’s acting is actually reviewed :))
January 30th, 2012
Dina said:Oh good the long links I provided were made shorter! I really don’t know how to do that! Sorry about that. :)
January 31st, 2012
Kate said:OMG! He looks so good! And this made me laugh. – :)
January 31st, 2012
Stephanie said:Dina: It’s ok! It’s very simple. Just use this site to shorten any link(s):
January 31st, 2012
Mari said:Really handsome :D
Brazil love youu :DFebruary 11th, 2012