
‘Dawn Treader’ Trailer #3

A brand new trailer for The Voyage of the Dawn Treader has been released. Follow the thumbnail below to watch! Screencaps can be found in the gallery.

Source: TheSun.co.uk


barnian said:

hey……..Stephanie the new trailer is beautiful :) :) :) :) :)
i think there’s a lot more of ”Ben” in there. isn’t it? thanks a lot for posting it and keep on updating….its so sweeeet of you….

October 7th, 2010

Stephanie said:

Yes, there’s lots more Caspian in this new trailer! :)

October 7th, 2010

Helaine said:

OMG, I wasn’t expecting the new VDT trailer for today! What a surprise!!!! I loved it!!!!!! :D

And more Caspian, yeeeeeeaaaaah! *-*

Thanks Steph! :D

October 7th, 2010

*Caroline* said:

Thank you thank you thank you!!! Love it!

October 7th, 2010

Nicole L. said:

@Helaine — i wasn’t expecting a new trailer either…but i’m not complaining! (especially since there’s quite a bit of Ben!! which makes me very happy considering he wasn’t in the other 2 trailers very much)

i can’t wait for VDT to come out!!!

October 7th, 2010

"~_O" Eye said:

Wonderfully exciting, darker looking, and adventurous trailer! Now, I’m looking forward to seeing this! And FINALLY they show the ‘visuals & audios’ of BEN BARNES as KING CASPIAN! (Selling point?=check!) Great trailer! Can’t wait! :)

On another note- the casting for Ramandu’s daughter was really poor. She’s NOT physically ugly BUT, she’s not physically very pretty either. Physically, she’s not very beautiful (even by human Earth standards) so how is it that she is cast as the most beautiful star lady in all of Narnia? There are SO MANY physically beautiful, interesting, and ethereal, girls in the world but, instead, they chose a normal looking plain Jane partially disguised in a glow bubble (which, by the way, should’ve been yellowy gold like in the book -NOT a silver blue “Claire Danes in Stardust” COPYCAT)
I thought maybe they cast her because she had a very beautiful Star-like voice but, she doesn’t… I don’t know if I’m irritated that these filmakers keep casting less than gorgeous people for drop dead gorgeous roles ( like Fleur in Harry Potter & the Goblet of Fire) OR if I’m a bit happy that these girls don’t give me low self esteem? I don’t know?

October 8th, 2010

Kristen said:

The trailer looks great! Yay more Ben!

BTW I kind of agree with ~_O. I’ll have to wait for the actual movie to be sure. I tried auditioning for RD, came close, but it didn’t happen. The assistant Casting Director told me that I had the right *look* for the part, but they didn’t want to spend money on flying me down there. Then the head Casting Director told me they only wanted Aussie girls. Budget problems maybe? IDK maybe they went more for acting ability than looks? I still find her really cute though. :)

October 8th, 2010

"~_O" said:

SEE! “you had the right look for the part but they DIDN’T WANT TO SPEND MONEY flying you down!” “they only wanted Aussie girls” See! It was POOR casting! (pun intended!) I definitly think this shortcoming was due to their budget (because I really don’t see how she can have such overwhelming acting ability that trumps someone more fitting to the look of the role. “If it is distracting for you! I can change form!” was said a bit to eagerly and ready to please- in the book I thought RD stood a bit bolder and stronger, with a hint of ‘being hard to get’, more reserved, wise and grave, an intimidatingly great young lady).
And she maaaay be cute-ish but, she’s not Ramandu’s daughter-ish…to me anyway… :o ?

October 8th, 2010

"~_O" Eye said:

…she needs to be more mysterious…and enchanting…like you’re not sure if she is good or evil…but then she is actually good…

(that’s how she is in the book anyway..)

October 8th, 2010

boodo said:

i agree with ~_O since i feel that RD is not so beautiful and i cant believe that Caspian will have to fall for her and your opinion about Fleur is also correct..but i know the film’s going to be a blockbuster even if RD is not so cute….

October 8th, 2010

Geo said:

Ohmy! More Caspian in this trailer *-* Yeah, so breathtaking! Can’t wait for the movie, ohGod! D:

October 8th, 2010

Nightshade said:

Such a lovely trailer, oh my! I LOVE it when Caspian shouts “Edmund”. When he shouts I go weak at the knees!

I adore the new Empire pics too … scrummy :-)

October 8th, 2010

Nicole L. said:

i liked the part where RD appears and tells them she will be their guide, and then Caspian remarks about how beautiful she is and she says that if it’s a distraction she can change form and then both Caspian and Edmund say “NO!” at the same time, and then Lucy rolls her eyes at them and probably thinking “typical boys” LOL

October 9th, 2010

Diamond said:

Does anyone know if Ben has a religion or not? And if so what is it?

October 10th, 2010

Galene said:

@Nightshade Many thanks for your report about the play! I have just read it.
What about trenches on a stage? How did they do it?

October 11th, 2010

Nightshade said:

@Galene. Sorry I didn’t go into very much detail, did I? As I said, my memories are a bit blurry! But the trenches were built up on the stage so you viewed them as if you were inside.

October 11th, 2010

Galene said:

@Nightshade, thanks
No wonder your memories are blurry :)

October 12th, 2010

Smiles))) said:


Thanx for sharing your Ben Experience with us!

What was the present you gals gave to Ben!! :D
I’m curious :)
~Smiles DDD

October 13th, 2010

Diamond said:

What do you guys think his necklace is? What’s it about? What is that necklace!!! :P has anyone seen it?

October 13th, 2010

Galene said:

@Diamond It`s great mystery ;)

October 13th, 2010

Ananas said:

The forum is currently not working ='(

October 14th, 2010

*Caroline* said:

Not only is it not working, IE says it’s crashed or something :( Hope it can be fixed :S

October 14th, 2010

Nicole L. said:

@Ananas — forum has not been working for me either….pretty much the whole day too!

October 14th, 2010

Helaine said:

@Ananas, Caroline and Nicole – Yeah, I noticed it too… I hope it can be fixed soon! :/

October 14th, 2010

Nightshade said:

Very late home tonight, just tried the forum and it’s not working for me either :-(

Hope it is back on track soon.

October 14th, 2010

Stephanie said:

Ugh. :/ I think the forum crashed because of the database errors the site has been experiencing lately. :( I sent Tran an e-mail letting her know about the server issues and the forum being down .. hopefully she’ll be able to fix it ..

October 14th, 2010

Ananas said:

Thanks, I hope it’ll be fixed soon them =S

October 15th, 2010

KeyKey2DaBenz (aka bleep!) said:

Hey- that green thing is a creepin’ up on Caspian while he sleeps peacefully in a hamock @ 1:00! -I did not notice that until just now! haha. *

October 16th, 2010

Stephanie said:

Heard back from Tran. She won’t be able to look into the forum problem till the end of next week .. because of exams. Sorry guys. :( Gonna have to wait a little longer ..

October 17th, 2010

Nightshade said:

Oh that is a shame, Stephanie … thanks for updating us though.

Hope we have the forum back soon …. really missing it :-(

October 17th, 2010

Ananas said:

Yeah, I’m missing it too ='(

But thanks, Stephanie & Tran, I’m sure you’re doing your best ;)

October 18th, 2010

Nicole L. said:

thanks for keeping us posted about it, Steph!

@Nightshade and @Ananas — i miss the forum too :(

October 18th, 2010

Helaine said:

I miss the forum too, girls!!! :-(

Thanks for keeping us updated, Steph! :)

October 19th, 2010

Helaine said:

Err… guys…? What happened to the Birdsong portraits?? õ.ô

October 21st, 2010

*Caroline* said:

@Helaine: was wondering that, too. Very glad I’ve already saved the HQ ones on my laptop!!

October 21st, 2010

Helaine said:

@Caroline – Me too, thank goodness!!! Otherwise I would be crying oceans right now… =o

October 21st, 2010

DW said:

I have also taken them off of my flickr account and have spread the word through the IMDb boards that everyone should remove them if they’ve been reposted elsewhere. Hope that helps!

October 21st, 2010

Stephanie said:

I’m sorry guys, we were contacted by the agency that owns the photoshoot and asked to remove the photos from the site. Thank you for removing them from Flickr, DW. If anyone else has reposted the photos elsewhere, I would advise you to delete them as well!

As for the forum, Tran told me she is going to work on it tomorrow. Hopefully it’ll be fixed soon ..

October 21st, 2010

Nightshade said:

What a shame about the Birdsong pics – thankfully I saved all the HQ versions last night, I almost left it till today! Phew …

Luckily I haven’t posted them anywhere.

Thanks for the news about the Forum, Steph – hopefully Tran can get it mended :-)

October 21st, 2010

kell said:

thanks for the info Steph. and good luck Tran on the Forum

October 21st, 2010

christina said:

@ steph
It was a very stupid thing that they asked you to remove them because truthfully, it is publicity. Ben really needs a publicist because they could help him with things like this as well as expanding his fanbase. Just because you posted them on your website does give them exposure as an agency as well as for the photographer. It is also great publicity for Ben and Birdsong since they spread around the net after YOU put them on your site. Again stupid, why did they even do a photoshoot?

October 21st, 2010