
‘Dawn Treader’ Trailer

The first official trailer for The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader has been released. Follow the thumbnail below to watch!

The official Narnia website has also been updated. Check it out here.

Source: MundoNarnia.com


Lauren said:

What??!!! That trailer was HORRIBLE! Ben was in it for like 2 seconds!! :( :( :(

June 16th, 2010

Stephanie said:

Aww, I know how you feel Lauren. I didn’t wanna say anything but .. I was a bit disappointed at how little Ben there was in the trailer too. :/

June 16th, 2010

Nicole L. said:

i wish Ben had been in it more too :( but the trailer wasn’t too bad imo

June 16th, 2010

Hannah said:

I’m glad they finally released it but I do wish we had more of Ben in it.

June 16th, 2010

Steelsheen said:

HELLO?!?!?! that was the BEST Narnia trailer since ever! heck it gives LWW trailers a run for this money! the trailer was FANTASTIC!

just because Ben was in it for a second doesnt make it horrible. remember this is The Chronicles of Narnia, not The Ben Barnes show. this is an ensemble effort, not him playing the leading man. you’re lucky he’s even in it when they could have easily taken that part out since the trailer is focusing on the kids. and Caspian has a beard now, to people who dont recall PC they wouldnt know who the heck that dark haired bearded guy was– there is no indication that thats Caspian now.

June 17th, 2010

bleep! said:

what the bleep! is up? Are they trying to avoid bb’s face or what?! What the bleep!?– anyways, that movie looks like its going to be really good and magical ;) so thumbs up to that!…hmm… perhaps the editor of the trailer is fond of a a certain person’s behind? ;o

June 17th, 2010

bleep! said:

uh- steelsheen, even from a Narnian point of view, I think they should have at least introduced caspian. The last narnia we left off on was all about caspian and now all of a sudden there’s this unidentified man there with the kids and its like who’s that? They should have had like a 3 second clip of Lucy or Ed saying “king caspian” with caspian’s face like how Lucy said “reepicheep!” Also, they should’ve mentioned the 7 lost lords or something.

June 17th, 2010

Mandi said:

Oh boy… my dear BB’s enthusiasts… please adjust your panties (ie Knickers to all my fellow Brits) they seem to be in a twist. This isn’t a movie about Caspian it’s about the journey that Lucy, Edmund, and Eustace take through the world of Narnia via the Dawn Treader. So please give them time… it’s ONLY THE FIRST TRAILER!!! I’m sure that we’ll get plenty of the King in due course…

**pats the head of everyone in here** It’ll be okay… plus I’m more pissed that Eddie Izzard isn’t Reepicheep in this one. I like Bill Nighy, but NOT AS REEPICHEEP!!! The cutest mouse to ever rock my socks now sounds ridiculous…

P.S What’s up with Ramadu’s daughter looking like a glow worm? That’s totally NOT how I envisioned her…

June 17th, 2010

bleep! said:

it’s okay that she’s a “glow worm”, she just should’ve been a yellowish-gold “glow worm” aka a yellowish-gold Star!* By the way, just to make it clear, all my comments aside, I think that was a bleepin’ exciting & magical trailer! & it looks like they stayed bleepin’ close to the book! & the ship looks great!

June 17th, 2010

bleep! said:

Oh & to Steelsheen again (one more thing I forgot to point out): this may not be The Ben Barnes Show but it is ‘the chronicles of NARNIA the VOYAGE of the DAWN TREADER’ –And the King of NARNIA is who?-Caspian! And who got the ship built to go on the VOYAGE to find his father’s friends/7 lost lords of Narnia?-Caspian! And the Captain of the DAWN TREADER is who? – that’s right, its Caspian!

June 17th, 2010

Deb said:

I agree with Lauren! Sure it’s not the Ben Barnes show, but I don’t particularly like the Narnia stories anyway. I am a Ben fan, that’s the reason I visit this site, and that’s the only reason I will see this movie. This trailer hardly sells the movie to me! Now the Locked In trailer is a different story…he walks he talks! I am much more excited about that movie! And when (and if) we get Bono here in the US, I’ll be twisting my knickers in a good way, if you get my drift!

June 17th, 2010

mar said:

wow¡¡, thank you for the video, is wonderful. I have read the books, and I like very much ” The voyage of the dawn treader” for me is the best.
I’m jumping and clapping.

June 17th, 2010

B said:

i hope see you soon!!! its fantastic movie !!! creo que quedo igaul q el libro que llegue pronto dicimebre!!!

June 17th, 2010

Nicole L. said:

i just thought of something: how come Peter and Susan are in the trailer (i heard somewhere that they aren’t in VDT at all, so i was a little confused to see them there??)

June 17th, 2010

Mandi said:

@bleep- they did NOT stay close to the book…
1) The White witch is NOT in the book…
2) Peter and Susan aren’t in the book… AT. ALL!
3) It wasn’t Reepicheep that Lucy was excited to see when she got on the boat… it was Caspian
4) And what’s up with them taking the same route with Edmund wanting to be all grown up?! Does this sound familiar?? *cough!* Prince Caspian! *cough!* King Peter! *cough! cough!*
5) And why the heck didn’t they mention the 7 Lords?! It’s like, THE WHOLE PLOT!!!

I’m hoping that the second trailer gives us a bit more. Because I don’t get this angle. They emphasized Reepicheep, The White Witch, The FOUR (rather than TWO) Pevensie children, and the fact that they are returning to Narnia is a LIE because the 7 Lords were taking from the “world of Narnia” and they go to be the worlds beyond…

This is ME as a Narnian fan… not a Ben Barnes fan… So to say that they stuck to the book isn’t true and as a Narnia fan, I’m not happy with this trailer. This trailer has put a lot of people (especially on Narniaweb.com) on edge. I think it’s only being accepted by half of the people on the site, the other half are freaking out.

I’m trying to stay positive and hopeful that they’ll give us something else to go on in the next trailer…

June 17th, 2010

kell said:

Well I think the trailer is great this is only the teaser trailer. There is supposed to be a super trailer probably coming closer to the movie release. Ben is the movie a lot so this is going to be a very good one and I cant wait until it comes out.

June 17th, 2010

Steelsheen said:

people would you relax, this is just the first trailer. the first official trailer that is released by the NEW partner studio 20th Century Fox, so of course they would want to showcase to everybody that the same good stuff of the past two films are still continuing despite the change of hands. i’m pretty sure the next trailer will have more of Caspian and Eustace, keep people wanting, dont serve them the whole thing ;-)

June 17th, 2010

bleep! said:

@Mandi, oh boy…my dear Narnia enthusiast…please ajust your panty they seem to be in a twist? **In my previous comments above:
-I already addressed that they should’ve had Lucy saying “Caspian!” like how she said “Reepicheep!”.

-I already said that they should’ve mentioned the 7 lost lords; because I KNOW its the basis of the story (but I was under the impression that they WILL have them in the movie because they hired the actors to play them).

-the white witch part is a minor variation because what she symbolizes is the trickery of that nightmare land.

-the edmund grown up thing is a visual movie way of showing and preparing us for the fact that Edmund and Lucy is becoming too grown up for Narnia and will leave Narnia in the end like peter & susan did. I think this is a minor yet neccessary addition.

-the peter & susan addition is a plus, I think. They might just be shown for a few seconds or minutes (we don’t know for sure)just to close the Pevensie children’s story together in a nice way for the audience to see that their time has now come to a close.

*I think they stuck close to the book because:
-they have Caspian saving Lucy out of the water
-they did a good job on the picture flowing out the ocean to take Ed,Lu, and Eustance to Narnia
-they have the Dufflepuds
-I think they showed that magician guy- Coriakin? (I forget if that’s his name)
-I like that they included the lillies floating on the sea while their boat floated through it
-though I think Ramandu’s Daughter should’ve been goldish yellow like her hair in the book, I think Ramandu’s Island looks pretty good
– the ship with the purple sail is nice
– they have the part where Lucy looks into the magician’s book & see’s herself more beautiful than Susan
– the ship & sea & the overall look and feel of the movie looks like the book!

They cant get every single thing exact but, compared to how the harry potter books get adapted, for me, they stayed close to the book.

June 17th, 2010

Nightshade said:

Hmmm, I don’t think the trailer is too bad … just with more of our Ben was there!

Hopefully there will be some better trailers to come!

June 18th, 2010

Mandi said:

If you choose to discuss this more, I suggest you choose your battles on the NarniaFan.com forum where there’s plenty of discussion going on about it there and BOTH sides have valid opinions.

But I must say, most of the stuff you’ve stated was rather obvious, thank you. For I saw the dufflepuds were in there and they showed the magician Coriakin JUST LIKE YOU DID. *gasp!* And since most of the things you stated in your list of “how they kept to the book” were mostly directed to the visuals effects. And since I never said a thing about the ship not looking great (which it does) or the fact that the window scene doesn’t look authentic, which it does or the fact you “saw” the lilies in the water and so on… the argument is somewhat invalid to what I was personally talking about which was the story line.

In comparison to LWW, Caspian BOMBED with or without Ben. Being the most un-cinematic of all of the books, it did what it possibly could at the box offices. Now we have gotten to probably the most WELL LOVED book of the entire series and people are expecting the grandeur that LWW was. Fans of Narnia want all SEVEN movies made and made well. Not like they did in the mid 1980s with an animatronic Aslan waddling around.

And FYI- My opinions are just that, MINE so thank you so much for your lists “contradictions”. All suggestions in changing my opinion will be considered, but not taken too heavily to heart. And by the way… I said that I was on the fence about this trailer. And since this is only the FIRST trailer, there are those of us that are hoping for a little more from Fox and Walden Media in the future to re-assuring us to the quality of the story line of the movie that would have made not the public proud but C.S. Lewis proud since he didn’t write it to be visually stimulating but verbally thought provoking. And C.S Lewis was known for being a perfectionist and hard on himself and others so that they could all succeed to the their greatest potential. THAT’S why I’m being a little hard on this trailer. I never said that it was the most horrible thing ever made, I said it made me feel uneasy. So take it as you will… If you want to fight about it, go right ahead. But I dislike people who try to force me into compliance to their beliefs and since yours didn’t shed any light to a dark situation that I was bring to the table, I find that stubbornness out weights my acquiesce to your “list”. So if you’re looking for someone to tell you how right you are, please look to someone other than myself… you won’t find me saying anything of the sort.


June 18th, 2010

Mandi said:

Oh and by the way…

You don’t know me. Nor will you. So keep your nose out of my “panties” and they will not “twist” because they weren’t that way until you made a list of stupidity trying to make yourself look important on this site…

I thought you should know that!


June 18th, 2010

Sandy said:

Oh my!! Can’t we all just get along!! The trailer was alright…nothing great to tell the truth. I love you Ben

June 18th, 2010

bleep! said:

Wow Mandi! ‘seems you can’t take a dose of your own “medicine”! You brought up everyone’s “panties (ie knickers…” FIRST! I thought if you could write that, thinking everyone would take that well, that you wouldn’t mind if I said that to you… Geesh! What a hypocrite.

And what the bleep!? I’m not trying to force you to do anything or change your opinions. I’m just trying to make clear MY OWN opinions. Your a hypocrite once again!- you’re trying to make it seem like “don’t tell me I can’t think what I’m thinking! And don’t try to make me wrong!” when YOU were the one to state that MY positive comments on the trailer being “bleepin’ exciting, close to the book, magical, and the ship looking great” were wrong by saying: “@bleep! They did NOT stay close to the book…blah blah blah blah blah”. You’re the one trying to state facts and correct me. I was just making clear my point of view because you appeared to have misunderstood me. And I also said that “FOR ME they stayed close to the book” I DID NOT say “for everyone in the universe they stayed close to the book”.

And what the bleep! is up with you calling my list stupidity? And trying to discredit my knowledge of the story- I read the book FYI. And my list is not invalid because they are MY view points and I DID address the story line. And anyways it IS just a trailer so how can you not mostly go on what you “saw”; how can you be getting SO bent out of shape about the storyline if you didn’t even watch the story unfold in the ACTUAL ENTIRE MOVIE? This is a MOVIE remember- it is a medium in which things are mostly told VISUALLY! What can be told word for word in a book might be better conveyed to an audience by symbolisms such as the white witch etc. For ME, the SAME story can be told by slightly different means. I guess I was happy with what I “saw” because to ME it meant they added parts of the book I was looking forward to SEEING come to life. Also, I did not contradict myself.

Ohhh! And you are sooo RIGHT! you are definitly NOT acquiescent! because if you were, you wouldn’t be inviting me to a battle @ NarniaFan.com, you wouldn’t be calling my list (of MY opinions) stupidity, you wouldn’t be gasping with sarcasm, you wouldn’t be trying to discredit me as though I’m as stupid as you are, you wouldn’t be sarcastically wishing me a “wonderful day and a cheers!”, & most of all you wouldn’t have said “they did NOT stay close to the book…” or voice any other disagreement in the first place!

Have a *BLEEPY* DAY!!! ;)

June 18th, 2010

bleep! said:

Oh and by the *bleepin’* way…

I didn’t say I knew you. Nor do I even want to. And I wouldn’t DARE put my nose anywhere NEAR your “panties”! EEEEEWWW! That is soooooooooo gross! So keep you and your pilau panties to yourself! Nobody needs to go that close to your panties to see that its in a twist! It’s visible from miles and miles away! So, I suggest you reajust yourself- its embarrassing-…I thought you should know that!


June 18th, 2010

Helaine said:

Well, I have four things to say:
1. I love Ben
2. I love Narnia
3. I loved the trailer, but I would have loved more if our beloved Ben had appeared more.
4. Come on, girls… peace! ^.^v

June 19th, 2010

latyfa said:

c un peu trop enfantin mais ce sera super..enfin j’esper.on voit pas beaucoup ben . mais le plus bizare c q’on voit peter et susane

June 19th, 2010

Smiles))) said:

Wow! …Here! Here! Helaine!~Peace V :)… Hmmm… but I think I’m on ‘Team bleep!’ :)

June 19th, 2010

Stephanie said:

All right guys, that’s enough of that. I don’t mind discussions about the trailer but attacking each other for having different opinions/views about things will not be tolerated.

If this ‘fight’ continues, I will be forced to start deleting comments from the site. Please keep that in mind and let’s be respectful towards one another. Thank you. :)

June 19th, 2010

Jane said:

Hallo from Russia. This trailer is amasing! I want to show film soon. And it is not important how much time actor (Ben Barnes) is on TV it is important his play in film. Good luck Ben in your role in theatre!

June 19th, 2010

Ana said:

Hi there. :)
Wow… i never thought i would find such discussion because of a single trailer. After all, it’s only one trailer. There will be more, hopefully with more of Ben Barnes in it, and what matters is the movie. I never read the books, so i can’t say anything about the story line, but the movie seems to be awesome. Can’t wait to see it.
And i agree with Stephanie. Peace girls. Like everything else in the world there are people who love and hate something and everything. It’s balance. It doesn’t mean you have to make others feel bad because they don’t agree with you. I never read the book, but i’m sure things are close enough to the book, otherwise it would be another story. It’s like Harry Potter. I read all books a million times and i still love the movies. And you know what? I think that if the movies based in books were exactly like the books themselves, then the movies wouldn’t be that great. Why?, Because the cool thing about movies is that you can have new things that fit into the original story, giving you something different. It only shows that the writers are really bright people.

Cheers everyone!!! ;)

July 1st, 2010

mehak said:

i love ben he is so cute

July 6th, 2010

Audrey said:

Ben is soooo HOT as King Caspian!
I cant wait to see this movie! ;)

July 17th, 2010