
‘Killing Bono’ Stills & Set Photos

I’ve uploaded 4 new Killing Bono publicity stills to the gallery, courtesy of Screendaily.com and Matador Pictures. Thanks to Regys for the heads up!

I’ve also added some ‘new’ photos from the set, thanks to Kerry & Jaque Joy!

Source: ScreenDaily.com, Kerry & Jaque Joy


Steelsheen said:

@Steph, the Tamsin photo leaked, and i believe that had Dennis in it too, so good guess is they asked Dennis not to share any more photos, including the ones he originally gave permission too. its not so much about Dennis and Ben, its Ben and Tamsin that unfortunately had Dennis. they had to lynch somebody, might as well be him.

@everybody else (LOL)
i’m always in for a good discussion, but good grief all this hand wrangling over Ben’s relationship status lol! ladies and laddies, here a 101 on celebrities: they_lie_all_the_time. *most specially* when it comes to their personal lives. its part of what they come to believe as their right to privacy. see it this way– if the media wont quit asking about your personal life when you already told them not to, then you have every damn right to answer them however way you wish– whether its the polite way, the rude way, the truth or a lie. its also a strategy that some celebrities adapt– say the complete opposite of the truth, hopefully it will throw the gossipmongers off their trail. seems to me that Ben and Tamsin used every trick in the book to keep their relationship off the public spotlight, and for the most part they succeeded. gossip is just that unless its backed by proof, usually a photo or an account from a reputable source. and well there goes your proof lol!

dont feel bad about Ben lying. give it to him that the guy really is smart enough to keep most people off his back. so long as he is always forthcoming about his work thats important– because thats the only part of himself that he agreed to be public about, technically everything else is off limits (and therefore he doesnt have to answer, much less answer truthfully). since he’s proven his potential in the field of counterintelligence heck he could work for the defense department LOL!

March 19th, 2010

Alison said:

I know the picture isn’t there any more but I’m pretty sure that the guy in the one with Tamsin isn’t Denis. I think it’s one of the guys who is in shook up – the one wearing a flat cap in the picture with Peter S. Denis is playing a drug dealer. They do look quite similar though!

March 19th, 2010

kell said:

I really dont know if we are ever going to get Dorian Gray in the U.S. that’s shame because its a good movie. I have a region free dvd player so I got my DG dvd from Amazon. But to see Ben on a big screen again would have been great. So my next hope is Locked In hoping because if it is filmed in the US you would think we would get it I keep on watching the trailer hoping one day I would turn on my laptop and a release date would be there. If not there is always VOTDT that one I cant wait for either, and Killing Bono to hear him sing wow, there is supposed to be a sound track for that movie with him singing on it cant wait. I will buy it if they are going to sell it here

March 19th, 2010

Steelsheen said:

@Alison, hmm yeah upon closer inspection its the bandmember dude, not Dennis. damn these guys can be brothers lol! then again we dont know who took the Dennis-Ben photo and the Ben-Tamsin photo, could be the same guy or 2 different fellows. i do wonder if it is the same guy because of the photographic style.

in any case i’m pretty sure Dennis pulling his photos has something to do with the photo of Tamsin that leaked. they were pretty open with the photos from the KB parties until that ONE photo hit the net, at IMDB no less LOL!

March 19th, 2010

Cristal said:

I really don´t care if Ben dated wiithTamsi but in my modest opinion … that pic doesn´t means nothing more than they are friend… maybe with benefits ,who knows, but nothing serious.
Ben said he was single,without a serious relationship -girlfriend -, but didn´t say that he didnt go out with girls. Tamsy is very pretty girl and she seems very interested in Ben, so how a guy could reject her.?? But that doesnt means they are a couple.
It´s a relief,though. It´s not healthy that a straight handsome guy is “alone” for so long. lol
Sorry for my bad english. Anyway the most important thing about Ben is his work .Dorian Gray gets date release in Spain. I cannot wait to see it on the big screen. yay

March 19th, 2010

Sandy said:

Not feeling the new Ben TIFF photo!! Maybe it’s the pose

March 19th, 2010

Sage said:

@ Steelsheen: You are right, Ben is quite intelligent in the diversion department. on his personal life. But I cant say the same with the blonde girl she’s dating. With all that looks, she doesnt have brains between her ears LOL!!!! she actually kept leaking to the british media in a guessing manner as to who she was dating so I dont think she’s on the same wave with Ben about not divulging their personal lives. Maybe that’s what Ben wanted but not the blonde bimbo. she’s mad about Ben. I cant blame her for being crazy mad about Ben, after all Ben is HOT!!!

March 20th, 2010

Sage said:

And oh, in addition.. the blonde bimbo he’s dating. She’s quite the whore in the “industry” and cant really act. She loves going on premieres and photo shoots but thats all she’s good at… She also dislikes going to school. She’s the complete opposite of Mr. Barnes. =)

March 20th, 2010

Stephanie said:

Normally I don’t like telling people what they can and can’t talk about here (which is why I allow discussions like this to go on) but I feel the need to say something after reading the latest comments in this post.

Ben and Tamsin may or may not be dating but they are obviously close, so I don’t think he would appreciate his fans badmouthing her on one of his fansites. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and I’m not saying you have to like her (or even the thought of them being a couple) .. but please keep in mind that this is a public fansite and anyone could be reading what we say. So please be respectful towards Ben, Tamsin and of course, each other, while discussing this topic at BBF. That’s all I ask. :)

Steelsheen: The thought had crossed my mind that it had something to do with the Tamsin photo being posted here (because of the timing and all) but Denis didn’t mention it. So I have no idea if that photo belonged to him too. Either way, he’s a very nice guy and has his reasons for wanting the pic removed from the Ben sites. At least we got to see it for a little while. :)

March 20th, 2010

kell said:

Steelsheen: I like the comment about the defence department that was funny .
Stef you are right we have to respect Ben and Tamsin in whatever relationship they are in it is their right, and I hope for the best between them. Ben does sound like a very smart person so he would do what is right for their relationship as far as keeping it private the best he can. All I can say is that she is a very lucky girl to know him.
Who knows maybe his brother, friends or any member of his family might be reading all these comments and relaying back to him. Just because he doesn’t like the internet doesn’t mean anyone else doesn’t. Maybe he might be reading it now who knows . Would that be funny or not. He hears a lot of bad things from reviews about him. (which to me are people who dont know what they are talking about). Ben sounds like a nice person and he seems to enjoy his craft very much and wants to go far with it. I am sure he will go far.

March 20th, 2010

Betty said:

I think it’s true that Tamsin wanted to be found out about her dating Ben. She hinted to the media on several occasions & I think that’s what bothered some people, the way she went about it, being all sneaky “but don’t tell the press” LOL! But still, that is not a reason to badmouth her here on a Ben fan site. We might not like it ,but that’s just the way it is!!

And thanks to Denis for letting us enjoy his pic for a little while!

March 20th, 2010

Sage said:

@Stephanie. so sorry about that Steph. I was just airing out my own opinion…

March 20th, 2010

Natalie said:

Thanks for the updates Stephanie, the new Dorian Gray photos, especially the one with Colin Firth are great!
A friend told me she had read that Dorian Gray was going to be released this June in the U.S, has anyone else heard this?

March 21st, 2010

kell said:

No Natalie dont know where your friend heard this from but I am always looking on different sites to see if they release it here but no news as of yet. Where did your friend heard this from? I am still waiting to hear about Locked In, no news about that one either. Also dont know if Killing Bono is comming here now you would think this one would come here because Bono has done a lot for the US and he has a lot of fans here too. But we will see soon I hope.

March 21st, 2010

Natalie said:

Kell, I asked my friend and she said she read it a few days ago on benbarnesonline forum, someone had posted a tweet that said this, unless she has the date mixed up with another country. I don’t remember reading it on the BBO forum, so I think she must have it mixed up.

March 21st, 2010

Red said:

Natalie, I saw that post. Whoever wrote that tweet has their information wrong. Dorian Gray still doesn’t have a US distributor yet. Until they do, it’s not going to be released anytime soon. :(

March 21st, 2010

linda said:

i really love him..then i recognice him in ‘stardust’ and
now as prince caspian in narnia…i’m the #1 fan of the chronicles of narnia movie..looking forward to see u in the nxt narnia movie…he soooo cute…!!

May 3rd, 2010

mehak said:

ben is so cute

June 20th, 2010

shubhangi said:

ben sir is soooooooooooo cute i wish icould see him face to face..

August 27th, 2010

maria said:

Is it true that Ben Barnes ir married to Victoria Silvstedt?
I mean, it makes no sence, but I saw it on a website.
They supposedly married this year, but then I tried to search for it and I didn’t find anything at all. That’s why I’m asking.

October 2nd, 2010

Jade said:

Maria, she’s married to Chris Wragge. xD

January 4th, 2011

lily said:

when does locked in come out ?

January 6th, 2011

UcanHardal said:

So I’ve heard about a dating gossip on tumblr. Is it true? Everyone is saying something about Ben’s date but no one is giving a name. Who is she? What is her name?

March 28th, 2011

Arantxa said:

Wow Ben has a gilfriend? I didn’t know it. I don’t know if they’re dating now, but I’m sure that they should be a very cute couple :)

April 2nd, 2011

Insensible said:

The “Ben shouldn’t lie” controversy that was plaguing this page last year was quite silly.

I don’t understand how anyone here could be this self-assured about “him lying this entire time.” Robert [Killing Bono] confirmed that Barnes and himself were in relationships before the film production, and Benjamin also mentioned having a partner at Killing Bono’s premerie. If he were trying to “hide it” and “lie about his status” this entire time due to publicity, he wouldn’t have mentioned being in a relationship at this day and age either [it’s not confirmed if it’s Tam’]. In the past, he simply said he was single because he enjoyed flirting with various women [or more directly, the Australian women during his job on set], meaning he wanted his freedom at the time.

Don’t disrespect the actor by demanding “he’s lying.” A photo can be speculated into anything–it’s the official word that counts.

August 26th, 2011