
Hot Press Scans

I’ve updated the gallery with scans from the March 10th issue of Hot Press magazine, which features an article on Killing Bono. View them here.

Many thanks to Dee from the BBF Community for sharing these!


sue said:

i think Ben is gonna be a great Band vocalist

February 25th, 2010

Katrin said:

Thanks for uploading these! But they are so small, they hurt my eyes to read…

February 25th, 2010

Heather said:

Wow!! He totally looks like a rock star in that one pic!!

February 25th, 2010

casandra said:

COOL PICs!! Ben rocks !!! i cant wait to see Killing Bono!!

February 26th, 2010

Steelsheen said:

cool! thanks for posting the article Steph!

that was a very interesting read. i’m a little wierded out about the gun, like they took “Killing Bono” literally instead of it being a running joke between Neil and Bono. i hope that would play better onscreen than how it sounds in print because “Killing Bono” wasnt meant to be anything malicious or melodramatic.

some of the details in this article is a little fudged, like making it appear that Neil has never met/ spoken to Ben prior to the set visit when it was all over his twitter that he at the very least spoke to Ben before the shoot started.

also is it just me or did Ben come off from this interview as a bit of a pompous prat? kinda uncharacteristic of him to be that way. of course unless this interview was done between scenes and he was in character, then that wasnt so much Ben talking as more young Neil McCormick lol!

there were several things revealed throughout production that i have to compromise on when i see the film. this latest bombshell from the article– that Book Neil and Film Neil will be vastly different, is a little hard to swallow. Book Neil was likeable despite being dense and arrogant, i’m hoping Film Neil (Ben’s performance) isnt someone who you want to throw your popcorn at.

February 26th, 2010

Natalie said:

Steelsheen, I thought that too, your comment “also is it just me or did Ben come off from this interview as a bit of a pompous prat?” when he was talking about the book. Is that what you meant too. I thought that it seemed uncharacteristic of him,

February 26th, 2010

Steelsheen said:

@Natalie, actually, pretty much all parts of the interview, like he’s a little too self-absorbed at how great he is with the performance he’s come up with minus Real Neil’s help and how the film and the songs are so superb that Neil isnt really much use for anything (other than perhaps “based on a true story”). i know Ben probably didnt mean it to come across that way, he did say so when he said he didnt want it to sound derogatory, but he was pretty much that for the rest of it. without an actual soundbyte its hard to tell if he was misconstrued (as has been happening to him in the past) or for the first time a journo actually manages to capture the “real” Ben Barnes. or as i’ve said above, he was in character and couldnt quite detach himself from his role. he certainly kept the accent going on throughout it seems. i’m starting to wonder if he’s applied himself the Christian Bale Method ;-)

February 26th, 2010

Serena said:

I thought it was a great article and loved the new pics. Unless you have a video/audio interview clip, there is no way to tell for certain what exactly he meant because alot can get lost in translation when you only have the written word. If anything, he was probably having an off day as far as interviews are concerned. At the same time, some journalists have a knack for painting their subjects in a different light than what is considered “usual” by others so it may easily be viewed as out of character for that reason. There is no way to tell at this point. I certainly don’t worship the ground he walks on as a fan because he is human after all like everyone else, but I didn’t see him as being arrogant or out of character either, based on how he has chosen to portray himself to the public thusfar. This happens to be one of the pitfalls of fame, and the next interview he does will likely have people bowing at his feet again gushing over how charming he is, etc. and this one will be forgotten along with any other “bad press” that paints him in a less than stellar light from the past.

February 26th, 2010

Natalie said:

I agree with your comment, serena. I don’t think that Ben himself is arrogant, just to me some of his comments in the article sounded a little bit, if that makes sense…as you said we dont know the tone he said them …anyway I really enjoyed the article, it was nice to hear comments from Neil.

February 27th, 2010

; 0 said:

Oh, Steelsheen, relax with the over analysis already! I mean, how looong have you been following ben already? And your still all- oh my, Ben blinked and he looked like a snotty snob…or did he just have dust in his eye coz that set was really dusty? Look! Ben twitched his finger- like he was gonna knock that guy out! Or possibly he had an itch on his hand…

I enjoyed this article; & didn’t pick up on any horrid behaior on Ben’s behalf… He just seemed focused that’s all. But whatever microscopic thing you were seeing… well duh! Ben couldn’t even spare to speak in his own accent! He didn’t even audibly sound like himself! Speaking in a different dialect can do that to you. The difference between ‘ thee Irrdish akccent’ and ‘proppah, ahdjective feeowed, English’ is-well-different. And plus, like you stated, neils character in the book is arrogant or whatever.

Anyways, the only person I did find a bit “offensive” in any way is Nick. He’s the one who wanted to shun Neil away from Ben and insulted the way he talks, and he’s the one wanting, directing, & okaying Ben to portray Neil a bit different- seems like Ben’s just tryna figure it out & make it work.

~peace out dude ;)

February 27th, 2010

Kimbers said:

The comment from Neil that with Ben’s looks & his own self-professed “talent” he would have been as successful as Bono is just typical of Neil McC’s overweening conceit – which was my impression of him when I read the book. This guy really thinks he’s something special who was, according to him, outrageously snubbed by the music industry. Frankly I think he’s a bit of a prat who should be grateful for what he’s got. But that’s just me.

That cannot of course be said of the miraculous & ever-modest Ben Barnes. He is just all kinds of fabulous. I am of course biased (but he just sooo is though!!!)

February 27th, 2010

Natalie said:

I just want to be clear that I don’t think that Ben is a a pompous prat, just one of his comments in the article sounded that way when I first read the article.
I can’t wait to see the film, I just hope that there isn’t too much focus in the media on Bono, I know it’s Bono, but I don’t want Ben and Robert to be overshahowed.

February 27th, 2010

Natalie said:

Sorry for all the multiple posting but I forgot to put in my last comment, to ask Steelsheen and Kimbers, or anyone else who’s read the book, is it good? I haven’t read it was wondering if it is a good read?

February 27th, 2010

Kimbers said:

Hi Natalie – it is a good read especially if you love rock & pop music – particularly 80’s music & culture – & it does give you that “fly-on-the-wall” feeling & a good sense of the mindset in Ireland at that time (particularly around contraversial issues such as abortion & contraception). Neil is an eminent music journalist &, as one would expect, his descriptions of the music he loves are excellent – his passion certainly comes accross & these are the best bits in the book. There are also some good racy & funny moments which I am very much hoping are in the can! Particularly pleased that the ample-bosomed girl/Bono poster bit is in!

Having said that I dislike this guy’s overweening pride & arrogance, as I’ve said, it seems to be something he hasn’t grown out of today. I can’t help feeling the way he describes Bono is slightly derogatory – particularly describing Bono’s singing & musicality – he basically thinks he’s better than him without coming straight out and saying it. I’m no particular fan of Bono – but respect where respect’s due – that boy’s done good.

All in all a good read – apart from the bit’s where Neil’s just banging on about himself & just generally in “woe-is-me” mode – these bits are really annoying!!!

I also think what Ben’s said about the book is spot-on.

February 27th, 2010

Natalie said:

Thanks, for the reply on my book question, Kimbers.

February 28th, 2010

Steelsheen said:

wow just one negative comment on the god that is Ben Barnes and it brings all the nasty harpies out of the woodwork. oohhh i’m so scared.

it begs to ask the question how will you ladies (and laddies?) be when you do see a nasty side of Ben? when you realize that he has faults just as big– or even bigger, given that he is constantly surrounded by adulation– as any human being.

i’m not looking for faults in the man, i’ve just accepted the fact that the personality he projects isnt entirely himself, that theres a good deal tucked away from the public eye. i am also not saying that the personality he projects is a fake, theres too much consistent genuineness in there for it to be all an act, but at least i’m not deluding myself to think that he flawless, or that he will remain that way in the future.

and for those who couldnt stand my “over analysis”, well tough. this is a public forum, you dont have to read it if your brain cant process it. :-)

peace to you all as well.

March 1st, 2010

Steelsheen said:

@Natalie, yes Neil McCormick’s book– “I am Bono’s Doppleganger”(UK) / “Killing Bono” (US) is a *very* good read. i highly recommend it to anyone who can manage to read a book without pictures. its hilarious, heartwarming and at times heartbreaking. this may not be a success story, but Neil’s story of failure is something that everybody can relate to, from those who have already made it or are still struggling. his book helps us laugh at our own foibles (while we laugh at his) and at the same time, gives good insight on this sometimes fabulous, sometimes frustrating thing called LIFE.

March 1st, 2010

Natalie said:

Thanks Steelsheen, I’m going to to get the book. But I think I’m going to wait and read it after the film comes out, I’m one of those people whom after reading a book and likes it, then sees a film based on it and if the film is very different from the book, it gets on my nerves. Know what I mean. So you can imagine how much Dorian Gray bugged me (even though I did like Ben’s performance as Dorian)…oh, I like reading your comments, Steelsheen, hope you keep posting.

March 1st, 2010

Stephanie said:

Since some of you were having trouble reading the previous scans, I’ve gone ahead and replaced them with my own scans. I hope these are easier to read! :)

March 3rd, 2010

Tahanka said:

Hi Natalie,
I have read the book, it is really fantastic and funny.
LOL. try it, you´ll see :))

March 5th, 2010

Steelsheen said:

yup, much better Steph thanks!

March 5th, 2010

Stephanie said:

No problem! :)

March 12th, 2010