
‘Dorian Gray’ Movie Clip #5

Momentum Pictures has released another new Dorian Gray clip, which can be viewed on Youtube! Screencaps can be found here.

Dorian Gray‘ will be in UK theaters on September 9th, 2009!

Source: Momentum Pictures


Ally981 said:

YAY!! thanks for posting this! omg the strangle scene is soo creepy! hes really evil!! LOL

September 3rd, 2009

Mimi said:

Thank you! That was rly good. They shld keep it coming with the clips b/c we’ll just see the whole movie online. Lol. This is my favorite clip so far. That’s Wotton’s daughter right? It looks great. I hope they get a u.s. distributor, so I can watch it on the big screen.

Oh and guess what! I finally got Leading Me On by Hyrise on my ipod! Hehe, lol. I was trying to download Ben’s songs from Easy Virtue but I couldn’t find any downloads. :( But atleast I have one song. He should sing more often, he has an AMAZING voice.

September 3rd, 2009

varjot-virva said:

@Mimi: *cough* try out youtube and then download the only the audio from the clips with the songs? There are some pages who can do that for you =)
[*note to self*: I still need to do that as well *g*]

And about the video [thanks for the link and the screencaptures ^^]:
Wow, I love it. And it’s such a different Dorian than those from the other clips. We’ve had plenty of the naive one, the wild Dorian and now we’ve got the older Dorian. I like how you can’t see that he grew older, yet you can see it perfectly. The way he moves – not like the naive 20 year-old Dorian.

And the look on his face scares me, yet makes me feel sorry for him at the same time.

[It should be forbidden to have eyes like this, btw. … they’re deadly.]

September 3rd, 2009

Serena said:

Great scene! I love all these clips.

Did I miss something because the split-second vision with her didn’t come across to me as strangling her? Even with having it on pause so you can see what’s going on. Don’t they have a love scene at some point? At least from the pictures I’ve seen they have something of the sort or does that take place prior? But even though she’s been added in for dramatic purposes (and wasn’t originally in the book), seems odd that he would kill her, unless he had a really good reason, since she isn’t supposed to be what leads to his demise in the end. But we’ll have to wait and see.

I’m fairly sure that they will get a US distributor at some point but I’m not going to say yes or no for certain. But from the tv spot that was posted the other day, the narrator of the clip is the same American guy who narrates every single US trailer and they don’t do that for films made only for the UK. That was my first clue that it’s likely to premiere in the US, but not to a limited audience only as with Easy Virtue. Along with the mass marketing that DG is getting opposed to EV. Again, only time will tell.

September 3rd, 2009

Serena said:

Mimi, do a search on Youtube for Ben’s songs and you’ll find 2 of the ones he did for Easy Virtue.

September 3rd, 2009

Kell said:

WOW!!!! this clip is so good. Somemone under the clip said that they had to see this bootleg or anyway. I kinda agree with them. Now if the movie is as good as these clips are (which I am sure} then the U.S. should get this with no problem. If we don’t get it I am buying a region free dvd player and getting the dvd when it comes out. I might do that anyway and still go and see it on the big screen. Keep comming with more clips and THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!! Have to watch it again bye

September 3rd, 2009

Stephanie said:

Mimi: I had the same thought! haha They really are going to show us the whole movie if they keep releasing clips online, but I don’t mind at all. =D

September 3rd, 2009

varjot-virva said:

@Serena: I don’t know for sure, but I think they didn’t have a love scene before that scene takes place. It just doesn’t seem like it.
Also, the “visions” he has in this clip for sure are only visions and I’m pretty sure that he’s only scared of this to happen if they should ever get any closer – physically.

[you know, I’ll just analyse the movie with the help of all of those clips. That should make the wait until spring 2010 easier … spring 2010 for Germany. How I hate it -___-]

September 3rd, 2009

Serena said:

I could be wrong but I was guessing that from other pictures of the two of them.Your interpretation makes sense.

September 3rd, 2009

MK said:

my gosh! absolutely amazing! I love the change in Ben’s features as he becomes the dark version of Dorian. he’s a winner! thanx for the clips and the caps! at one moment i was scared when Dorian in his subconscious attacks Emily.

September 3rd, 2009

Kate said:

2 Mimi:
Actually I’ve got the songs from the OST Easy virtue. If u want, I can send them 2 u.

Dear Stephanie, thank u for your great job, it’s been a pleasure to see all these movie clips. Unfortunately in Russia the release date is still unknown. Therefore we all here are a bit jealous to u and all living in UK.

September 3rd, 2009

Ariel said:

OMG i cant wait to watch it :) and Easy Virtue comes to DVD/Blu-ray in a 12 days. I got my money ready for the blu-ray version! ,Ben Barnes in Hi-Def (like Narnia) yummy.

September 3rd, 2009

Stephanie said:

Kate: Aww, there’s no need for anyone here to be jealous of me! I live in the US and since we don’t have a release date here, I have no idea when I’ll be seeing the movie either. lol But I enjoy bringing you guys the latest clips and all .. =D

September 3rd, 2009

Mimi said:

Thanx everyone! I tried downloading them from youtube, but they wouldn’t sync or whatever to my ipod. But thanx for the suggestions.

Kate, I could try it your way. My email is MinaMahalKita143@aol.com. Please and Thank You! :)

September 3rd, 2009

Kell said:

There are more clips On youtube there is clip #6 where he first sees Sybil and a Colin firth Feature “Dorian Gray”. they are both on youtube but I don’t know how to load them to this site. Everyone that I show all the clips to wants to see it just as bad as I do.

September 3rd, 2009

Kate said:

Mimi, I’ve sent it. Check the mail plz
u r welcome, u always are

Stephanie, ahhhh, u’r living in the US – i’ve always thought u’r from London itself! Nevermind))

September 4th, 2009

anandi said:

dear ben
i just love yoyu as prince caspian more than a celebrity . you are super cool,super hotand super handsome.idont know if you read fan messages or not as u are so busy but i have a request to make and that is please ,please ,please can you mail me a photo of yours with your autograph on it
love anandi

September 13th, 2009