
‘Dorian Gray’ Publicity Stills

Hi everyone! I’ve uploaded one brand new ‘Dorian Gray‘ publicity still to the gallery! I also added a MQ version of the still previously seen in Empire magazine. You can view both publicity stills here.

Source: ecranlarge.com


Serena said:

Wow! I love that costume on him. It fits great with the dreary winter and back alleys.

August 8th, 2009

Mandi said:

Ooo that sword is at the exact right spot and angle…. oooooooo

August 8th, 2009

Serena said:

That’s a cane, not a sword. It was considered a fashionable status symbol of sorts back then if you had something like that that you carried with you.

August 8th, 2009

Ally981 said:

If I’m not mistaken, i think it might be a sword inside the cane… as silly as it sounds but it looks like it has the same silver knob thing at the end so it has to be that there’s a blade right inside the cane and he pulls it out.. it just seems that way to me its weird!

August 8th, 2009

Serena said:

Possibly. And doesn’t he have that in the trailer as well when he’s in a rage in front of the fireplace?

August 8th, 2009

Ally981 said:

yeah he does actually! LOL

August 8th, 2009

Affy-Ann said:

I love these! He looks so mysterious. I can’t wait to watch the film!!! XD

August 9th, 2009

Mandi said:

I’m aware about the status of carrying a cane back then because carrying swords was illegal sometime after the 1800s. But that DOES look like a sword. And I think Ally might be right. It’s a sword inside the cane.

What? You guys didn’t think Victorian people could be sneaky?

August 9th, 2009

Serena said:

From what I have read and heard in documentaries, Victorian folks actually weren’t near as prim and proper in everything they did as they wanted folks to believe because there was alot that went on behind closed doors that no one ever dared talk about, but that didn’t stop them from carrying out the acts as long as it wasn’t mentioned or made public. They nearly all had a public face and a private one that were quite different from each other. There’s a documentary on the dvd for the movie ‘Wilde’ that goes in to detail regarding that as well that is quite interesting.

But yes it does look like a sword. I guess even in the more modern period movies, Ben can’t seem to get away from those roles that require them in one form or another.

August 9th, 2009

Merie said:

I cant wait for this movie!!! I want to see it NOW.

August 11th, 2009

Sears said:

he is soooooooooooooo cute in that outfit! and that sword is ohhhhhhh so cool!

August 12th, 2009

Sears said:

That is ONE of the BEST pictures of him I have EVER seen! it’s SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO dreamy!

August 12th, 2009

Trisha said:

OT: Someone posted this link on Ben’s IMDB board. It’s the first on set pic of Dawn Treader and the person claims the man standing in the boat is Ben: http://tools.goldcoast.com.au//photo-gallery/photo_gallery_popup.php?c ategory_id=7495&offset=18
For me, it’s hard to tell.

August 13th, 2009

Serena said:

It might be him but there is no way to tell. There isn’t anyone else in that group that I can see who looks like him. Except maybe the guy in the red sleeves and even then his face is hidden too but Ben’s hair isn’t wavy like his is. I’d be willing to bet the guy half standing in the back is Ben. I guess we’ll find out if other pics surface later or if we have to wait till next year when it premieres.

August 13th, 2009

AryDepp said:

hi! i’m wondering if you don’t have a regular affiliate category anymore, cause I was in the category Male Celebrities, so if you don’t link me I’ll have to delete your link

maybe would you want to change the category?

August 13th, 2009

Sears said:


August 14th, 2009

Stephanie said:

Sorry about that Sears! I fixed the link .. =)

August 15th, 2009