
“Dorian Gray” Teaser Posters

This is the teaser poster for “Dorian Gray” that Ealing Studios is using to promote the film at the American Film Market (definitely not the final one). From ShockTillYouDrop.com:

One of the many genre offerings being previewed at the American Film Market is Dorian Gray, starring Ben Barnes and Colin Firth.

While this grim adaptation of the Oscar Wilde tale is far from finished, representative Ealing Studios is granting attendees a first look at a promo reel cut for the event. Also, it’s going out with some promo art which we’ve taken a quick snapshot of for you.

Edit: Bloody-Disgusting.Com has posted the previous Teaser Poster in better quality and also a new one. Check them out!


This is all the information Ealing Studios have so far been able to provide BBF as regards the international release of “Easy Virtue“:

» UK & Ireland (Pathe) – Nov 7th, 2008 *confirmed

» Spain and Andorra (Dea Planeta) – Dec 08/Jan 09

» South Korea (Noori) – Dec 08/Jan 09

» Portugal (Valentim) – Jan 09 *confirmed

» Australia, NZ & all dominions (Hopscotch International) – Jan 09 (may move to March)

» Israel (Shapira) – possibly Jan 09

» Scandinavia (Svensk Filmindustri) – Mar 09

» France (Pyramide) – May/June 09

» Switzerland (Rialto) – May/June 09

» Italy (Eagle Pictures) – 1st quarter of 2009

» Turkey (Ayse Medron) – 2nd Quarter of 2009

Please keep in mind these are not official yet though they might be an indication on when to expect the film to be released in your country.


Mel said:

Hi Ben,
Your new movie a Vabiaer movie Siering Blood fim hier?

November 5th, 2008

Lauren said:

Wow, that poster was a shocker! It kind of looks like one from the 1930s or something. It is still VERY COOL though! Love ya Ben! You look great! Who are those people next to him??

November 5th, 2008

Liz said:

The poster looks like a vampire film. ‘Tis real nice. :)

As for “Easy Virtue”, thanks for the information. I was actually wondering when it’d get released over here (France, that is). I can’t believe it won’t be before May / June though – wonder why it takes so long? I suppose it’s going to be dubbed for the other countries too yet they’re getting it earlier. Mind you, I just hope it’ll get released in English in that lovely indie cinema in town. I hate watching dubbed films. Anyways, that’ll be a nice way to relax before my MA oral exam, eh. ;)

November 5th, 2008

Mandi said:

Well… crap! The U.S isn’t even on there!!! WTH???

November 5th, 2008

Liese said:

I was thinking the same thing, Mandi! Except, I’m more like WTF!

November 5th, 2008

Sandy said:

What about the United States??? Please let us know soon, we love Ben and want to see his movie.

November 5th, 2008

Ali said:

Hey!! Don’t tell me that they are not going to show it in the US, I will totally flip!!!

November 5th, 2008

Annabelle said:

Yeah, any news for the US, please?

November 5th, 2008

Gemma said:

The poster indeed looks like a vampire film if Ben could just wickedly smile showing sharp fangs.

November 5th, 2008

eliza said:

Just wanted to thank you Ivonne on the best Ben Barnes fansite on the internet. I LOVE THIS WEBSITE. Just keep giving us more, more Ben. Thanks. Oh yeah, need to know if Easy Virtue will be released in the US.

November 6th, 2008

Chelsea said:

Wow the poster looks so vintage! I love it! :D Although I do agree with those who say it looks like a vampire movie. If I didn’t know about it that’d be my first guess.

But what I really want to know is when Easy Virtue is coming to the US! Gah! :[

November 6th, 2008

PaULinA said:

but……. im sad…..
where is mexico??………….
i will be waiting your comments about the movie……………..
see you

November 6th, 2008

Ekta said:

Awesome poster !!!
My jaw dropped for couple of seconds ….
and i squeeled with the excitement ….
One word for Ben…

November 6th, 2008

cucurucha said:

waaaaaaaaaa i just stared at the pic for some seconds without even blinking!! awesome, at last something related to dorian gray!! i want to know about other dates too, for Latinamerica please!!

Ben looks magnificent, awesome!! with that look on his eyes, men and women feeling attracted to him… i wanna see this movie so bad!!

CONGRATS FOR THE GREATEST SITE ABOUT BEN!! i’m always coming to see any pic, new, video about him… keep on the good work, girls!! greetings from Perú!!

November 6th, 2008

SteffieMe said:

I would also like to add my complements for this website and all the effort you put into it.
And, like everybody else here, I’m really looking forward to seeing Easy Virtue, so if you happen to hear about a release date for it in The Netherlands…. ;o)

November 6th, 2008

Pale said:

USA – 9 November 2008.
But what about Russia?

November 6th, 2008

Olga said:

good question about Russia, but it would take a time for translating

November 6th, 2008

Jennifer said:

What about the opening dates tor Easy Virture and Dorian Gray in the United States?

November 6th, 2008

mari said:

what about in Japan?????
please tell me…
u know Ben said before that 70% of his fan letters are from Japan!

November 6th, 2008

Olga said:

yeah, too many people there, and everybody wants him:))

November 6th, 2008

H said:

lovin the poster but a lil scared by the droopy lady boobs ha ha – would love to know what Ben’s reaction to the poster was :)

November 6th, 2008

Harriette said:

Haha Yeah! I bet he laughed. I prefer the second one with him on his own, I don’t really like the first one i find it sort of disturbing.. even though its supposed to be i guess.

November 6th, 2008

H said:

Yeps the main poster has impact but no offense but on the poster of just Ben – the position or is it that they’ve messed around with the imagery to much – his body is either 2 long or the heads to small hmm?

November 6th, 2008

Harriette said:

Yeah it looks a little strange, its probably to do with the colour and everything. These aren’t the original posters though,so maybe in the proper ones we’ll have a little bit of Colin Firth and Rebecca Hall.

November 6th, 2008

Mandi said:

Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! My fellow Americans!!! I’m sure that it will be released here in the states… I was just annoyed that we keep getting the movies AFTER everyone else… LOL Goodness!!! I am still annoyed that I’ve YET to see Bigga than Ben and now Easy Virtue is up in the air and it’s just annoying as hell.

Now what I heard was that Easy Virtue was being releases in the American Film Festival and NOT open to the public. BUT (theres a but..!) if the critiques like the movie, (remember it was a large hit in Toronto) it will most likely be released but we’ll have to wait for it. That’s just the way that these small films go. Especially films made across the great pond… Patience is a virtue.

November 6th, 2008

Kell said:

As of October 20, 2008 Sony Pictures Classic has Easy Virtue being release in the U.S. sometime in 2009 in major markets.

November 6th, 2008

Erica said:

I don’t want to be a pain, but would anyone be aware of whether or not ‘Easy Vitue’ is going to be released in Canadian cinemas. I would greatly appreciate it if someone could tell me.

November 6th, 2008

natalie said:

Guys, we are trying to get more information about official release dates. Don’t worry, as soon as we get them we’ll post them here. Keep checking! :)

November 7th, 2008

Olga said:

Thank you Natalie;)

November 7th, 2008

Juliana said:

Wow, the poster of “Dorian Gray” is so awesome! I’m just excited to watch “Dorian Gray”, and “Easy Virtue” too! Ben is so wonderful in the poster of Dorian Gray… Thanks Ivonne!

November 7th, 2008

MK said:

Ireland*7 November 2008, USA* 9 November 2008 (American Film Market), Australia *19 March 2009, Finland *27 March 2009, France *1 April 2009 (got those dates from IMDB, don’t know if they are official, yet) anyway judging from the italian release date i will probably get to see the movie around the 1st quarter of 2009. so 2009 begins and ends with a dose of BEN! that’s cool! oh and i saw the add on the bottom of the site ;p

November 8th, 2008

ivonne said:

MK, I love it how you are always aware of everything and notice every little detail :)

November 8th, 2008

niki said:

he looks AMAZING! (drools)
i just finished reading the novel and i am in LOVE with it. i can’t wait until it’s released!

November 9th, 2008

Kell said:

Went on videoeta.com for theater future releases, then to the month of May 2009, and on the 22nd there was Easy Virtue. That is the first date I’ve had ever seen for the U.S.. Hopes this helps.

November 12th, 2008

Casandra Cortez said:


November 12th, 2008

Liz said:

According to AlloCiné (http://www.allocine.fr/film/fichefilm_gen_cfilm=133546.html), “Easy Virtue” would be released on 1st April 2009 in France.

November 13th, 2008

carol said:

WOW Dorian Gray looks awesome!!
What about the opening dates tor Easy Virture and Dorian Gray in Latin America? Im from Lima-Perú. I cant wait to see more Bin bons Movies!!
Congratulations for the site, guys.

November 15th, 2008

shaen said:

ohman! its never coming out in malaysia is itt :(

November 24th, 2008