
London Premiere

Hello everyone!

It’s 19:45h in London, and Ben has already walked the red carpet. Here are the first pictures, enjoy!

And even more pictures!

A video taken by a fan of the premiere (from skandarfans at LJ):

I will edit this post as more media/pictures become available.


Sheryl said:

Oh, thank God!!! He looks vibrant, refreshed, & happy to be home!!!!Yay! I couldn’t be HAPPIER to see him happy!!!!!!!!!!!It looks likes he’s having a FABULOUS time…. and with Anna,too :) . Great pictures!!! Thank you for posting them, that was quick!! Take care everyone!

June 19th, 2008

Gabriela said:

Thank you soooooo much for posting all of these wonderful pictures so quickly. Looks like a good time is being had by all. Everyone looks divine (esp. Ben, of course) and Anna looks positively stunning in that gown. Wish I could be there, but this is definitely the next best thing. Thank you again!!

June 19th, 2008

Juliana said:

Thanks Ivonne! You are a good admin! Thanks very much to post these photos so fast!!! I have a dalt about the birthday book project. I can write something at Ben about me, and comments about him? For example: “Ben, happy birthday! I have a sugestion for you: Never cut your hair, please! It’s very beatiful. it heighten your beaty! Kisses, Juliana.”
Well, i post my dalt here because my e-mail was with a problem, so, i can’t send e-mails.

June 19th, 2008

Juliana said:

Sorry, i was to say Beauty, not beaty.

June 19th, 2008

Sam said:

Ooh, thanks Ivonne! These pictures are amazing! They all look so happy and excited :)

June 19th, 2008

Juliana said:

Very good video, too!

June 20th, 2008

N. said:

Really nice photos of Ben and Narnia cast. But guys, do you really think that there is something between Ben and Anne?! I thouhgt that Anne and Will are together, but not Anne and Ben. I don’t think that he really likes her

June 23rd, 2008