Hello everyone,
I have added more photos to the gallery for all you guys to check out. I have added photos of Ben arriving into Japan for the press conference for the Narnia film, plus photos of his appearance on MTV’s TRL.
Also, just wanted to thank everyone who has been emailing me photos, and whatnot, but my Internet connection has been ridiculously slow, so it may take me awhile to be able to add them. Lastly, the contact email for this website will not reach Ben, so please do not send me your fan mails – thank you!
Hello visitors,
I finally had some time today to work on the fan site. And I have updated the gallery with some photos of the events from the past few weeks. Ben has been out a lot promoting the new Narnia film!
Also, be sure to visit our LiveJournal Community – check side bar for link – because members have been posting fantastic updates there!
Hello everyone,
It’s obvious that the fan site needs a more dedicated webmaster than myself. So, I am looking for someone with fan site experience to take ove the site and run it. If you have PHP, HTML, FTP, Coppermine and WordPress knowledge please send an email to me with a SAMPLE of your webmastering skills.
With Prince Caspian coming a release soon, I need a webmaster that has sources to run the site, that being image accounts, access to the media coverage of the film, or any production.
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Hey everyone,
Sorry for the lack of updates here at BBF, I have been busy with University and I’ve even found a new co-web and I was even too busy to send her the logins – sorry! But anyway, Ben was in Narita International airport in Japan a few days ago. He’s in Japan to promote the upcoming release of the new Narnia film!
Also, thanks to Alexx for letting me know about the photos!
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