
Happy Birthday Ben Barnes Fan!

Hello everyone,

Today marks Ben Barnes Fan’s first birthday! Ben Barnes Fan has been providing information, news, media and photos of Ben for a year now, and as the webmaster I wanted to thank everyone who has been visiting the fan site over the course of the year.

Also thanking contributors and my co-webmaster Sam for helping out!

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MTV Movie Awards

Howdy all,

Thanks to the commentor in the previous update for linking us up with this very awesome video.

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MTV Movie Awards

Hello everyone,

Ben attended the MTV Movie Awards yesterday and I have two photos from the event. Hopefully I can find more for you guys. Anyway, enjoy!

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G’Morning America

Hello everyone,

I know this is a tad old, but hey, better than nothing I say. I have just added the video clip and screen captures of Ben when he appeared on Good Morning America earlier in May.


Expect more updates coming very soon!

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