
New Layout!

Hello visitors,

It’s Tran here! I have just created and uploaded a new layout for Ben Barnes Fan! Yes, I know what you’re thinking: “About time!”, haha. As much as I loved the previous layout, you would agree, the fansite was in dire need of a new look. With that in mind, voila! I hope you enjoy it :)

Also, the website’s pages will be going under some changes, so please bear with me as errors will pop up here and there.

Other than that, thank you all for visiting!

20 Commented

Vanity Fair: West Side Story photoshoot

Better late than never!

Late? Yes, but, who gives a poop, enjoy another few seconds of Valentines Day with BBF!

PS. I know the date on the update says the 14th, but here in Australia its the 15th.. so, guess we’re not all that late!

37 Commented

New Layout

Hello everyone,

So when I saw the new photoshoot Ivonne uploaded, I was like “Holy crap, I need to make a new layout with these!” and so I did! I hope everyone likes the new look, and I should mention, the layout looks even more funky (in a good sense) if you view it through FireFox! Enjoy and comments are more than welcome.

39 Commented

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