
Narnia News

LA Times reports that FOX has agreed to step in on the next Narnia installment “Voyage of the Dawn Treader”.

Twentieth Century Fox has agreed to co-finance the third movie in the “Chronicles of Narnia” series, pending approval of the final script and shooting budget. If all goes as planned, Fox and Walden Media, which controls the movie rights to C.S. Lewis’ classic children’s books, hope to be begin production on “The Voyage of the Dawn Treader” by late summer so it will be ready for holiday 2010 release

That’s right. They plan on start filming it late summer 2009 which means our dear Bin Bons has plenty of time to embark on some other projects, which leads me to ask you: What roles would you like to see Ben play?

Also, I have added this new picture of Ben from November 22nd, at the Make a Wish Christmas Ball thanks to Stephanie.


LiLI said:

obviousley i would love to see him playing the role of ARO!!! DEFINITELY HE WOULD LOOK GORGEOUS AS A VAMPIRE!!!

thank you Fox! :D

January 29th, 2009

LiLI said:

and thanks Ivonne for the update!

January 29th, 2009

munchkm said:

ARO!!! ;p

January 30th, 2009

Stefanie said:

Since I’m also a big fan of everything even remotely related to Jane Austen, I would definitely vote for Ben as the new Darcy. He could even ask Colin Firth for some pointers ;o)

January 30th, 2009

Samantha said:

I would LOVE to see Ben in a comedy! I mean a real laugh your A** off kinda one, you know, I think he would be great.

January 30th, 2009

Giulia said:

As Aroo!!!!!!! <333

January 30th, 2009

Kell said:

Aro in New Moom

January 30th, 2009

Carol said:

Good news!! Thank for update, guys. Well I hope Ben gets Aro role or in another hot movie. I dont like Twiligth secuele but i admit it is so popular. I would like Ben gets a part in a Tim Burtons movie in the future . He fits in that dark, magical and decadent world, yay

January 30th, 2009

Fedra said:

Thanks for the update girls!

I think we are all looking forward to the see Ben as a King! :)

I agree with all the other opinions ( to see Ben as a vampire ) but i would love to see him in an action movie too.

As a villan maybe ( i think he would be the sexiest villan ever, and would be the first time that most of the female population would be on the villan’s side! :P )

January 30th, 2009

Sophie said:

Ben needs to be a vampire…come on, look at his looks, he’s positively yummy!! I do vote for Aro, a small but pivotal role. As for something else. Hmmm. How about something that isn’t fantasy, or historical? He’d be great in a more modern day comedy-romance.

BTW, thank you for keeping up an awesome site.

January 30th, 2009

Sandy said:

Aro in New Moon !!

January 30th, 2009

Laurie! said:

As Arooooooooooooooo!!in new moon! that will be perfect.!!

January 30th, 2009

Christie said:

First of all, thanks for such an amazing site girls!
I agree with Step- I am a HUGE Jane Austen fan, and think Ben would make a nice….hm. Let’s see. He WOULD be a good Darcy, but it’s unlikely they’ll make one anytime soon, since they just made one…He’d make a good Knightley, maybe a good Henry Crawford? I can’t see him playing Edmund.
And, of course, Aro in new moon!
He WOULD be good in a modern day romantic comedy. Or what about as a rogue police officer/ detective? I’m still working on that theory!
OK, got a question for Von and Tar, in an article I read, they speculate that Dawn Treader may come to Aus. Have you heard anything to this nature???
PS Does anyone know if he has a girlfriend yet? It’s a pity Kiera Knightley’s taken! OF course, I’d send my own nomination in (who wouldn’t?)

January 30th, 2009

Giulia said:

He would be a perfect Aro but i’m not sure any more if they will take Ben as Aro because they are not talking about it. They are only a lot of news about Dakota Fanning as Jane!!! =(((( And what is with Ben/Aro?
Why are they searcing first for Jane?? =(

I really hope that Ben will play Aro. He’s perfect for that

January 31st, 2009

gebiszani said:

Aro, obviously ;)

January 31st, 2009

ery said:

Of course Aro! but I’d like to see him as Hamlet of Shakespeare!

January 31st, 2009

Adi said:

i would not like to see him as Aro .. i don’t know why , but not . \=

January 31st, 2009

michelle said:

ARO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! of course he´s perfect to play that character he will be so sexy as a Vampire an I can´t imagine Ben in the same film with Rob Patttinson ………………it will be amazing

January 31st, 2009

Aishah said:

aro aro aro aro aro aro aro!!!!!!!!
Sorry I’ve been harping on the aro part!!! I hope god hears my pleas and grants it =D

February 1st, 2009

kim said:

I really don´t care, as long as he is on screen so I can see him over and over again!!!!

February 1st, 2009

Katie said:

What role would I like to see him play…? That’s a loaded question. Perhaps the role of a pool boy name Gustavo, scooping out dead leaves from the water, sweating from the hot summer air, shirtless. Now, I just need to go out and get a pool installed.

February 2nd, 2009

Christie said:

Oh, yum………….

Actually, you know, he might be good as Mr Thornton in North and South

February 3rd, 2009

Rebecca said:

Hello everone! I ‘m new so I don’t now much. I’m glad that fox is co-finacing Voyage of the dawn treader. What roles would I like to see Ben in? Well lets see. I would like to see him in more fantasy, and maybe a action movie.

February 5th, 2009

angela said:

I don’t mean to be rude–I really LOVE this website ,but for Ben fans that need their “daily dose” of Ben–there are some cool pictures that I found of Ben on benbarnessource.com from a BAFTA photoshoot and one taken at the Rome Film Festival and of course Benny looks fabulous !! No offense benbarnesfan.com but Ben seriously looks totally hot and his fans should see the photos. I know you guys are totally busy and sometimes don’t have the time to update.

February 5th, 2009

Sam said:

Aw im really happy that Dawn Treader is going ahead. I felt bad for Ben when Disney pulled out. Thanks for the update Yvonne! xx

February 6th, 2009

kimmiy said:

i would love to see Ben Barnes play a hole new remake of ‘dirty dancing havana nights ‘ as ‘Javier swaras’ . he would make a fantasitc dancer!!!xoxoxo love you Ben!!!!!xoxo

February 9th, 2009

Jelly said:

ARO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Í3

February 12th, 2009

Eden said:

Definetley Aro in new moon him and rob acting together that would heaven *sigh*

February 12th, 2009

unknown said:

i would love to see him as aro `

February 20th, 2009