
‘Dawn Treader’ Book Cover Art

The cover art for several of the Voyage of the Dawn Treader movie tie-in books was published recently. One includes a brand new photo of Caspian.

Source: NarniaWeb


Helaine said:

It’s me and my unconditional love and devotion for Ben or he really is breathtakingly handsome as King Caspian??? I love to see him in the Narnian costumes!! I want more pics!! I want more pics!!! >_<

August 13th, 2010

Ana said:

@Helaine: No, it’s not you… he really looks handsome, as usual, but yeah… i love to see him as King or Prince, whatever, Caspian… there never was a more cute king as him…

Love the covers… thanks for posting this… dear Steph… =D

August 13th, 2010

Ana said:

Have you noticed on the set pictures for Chronicles of Narnia, that he has many, many photos with the same blond girl? Really, many, many pictures… and they are so close to each other… unless she is his sister or cousin, which is surely not the case, i bet she is his girlfriend… lol

It was the first time i noticed it, when seeing random pictures and albums…

August 13th, 2010

Helaine said:

If I remember well, this was one of the topics of the former most commented post here in BBF (now the second most commented). By the way, those pics made me feel very jealous (they still make it, actually…).
Yes, I’m a possessive fan… lol

August 13th, 2010

Nicole L. said:

Ben looks great on the left cover <3

in other news, the "I Can Read!" banner on the top of that cover made me laugh really hard, ;D

@Helaine — i completely agree with your first post, he looks very handsom on the cover :D
it could be our devotion, but i think it's the fact that he just looks so damn good!! :)

August 13th, 2010

Mandi said:

@Helaine he can rule my world as King and he’ll find that I bow and curtsy better than anyone. I also will include such phrases as “Yes, Master” and “How do you like it, Your Majesty?” And I promise to honor, obey, and serve even on my knees if he asked me to. (And yes, I’m QUITE aware of how many DOUBLE meanings are in my pledge… LOL)

Because EVERYONE knows… the world was NEVER RIGHT unless a son of Adam was on the throne and HE’S MY “SON OF ADAM”!!!

August 13th, 2010

bleep! said:

Ooooooooh!…Nice! };)

August 13th, 2010

Nicole L. said:

LOL, love the pledge Mandi (and all of its meanings too!!) ;)

August 14th, 2010

Helaine said:

OMG, I dreamed of him tonight! I dreamed of him tonight! Oh my…

@Mandi, it seems like I’ll have to challenge you to fight for our King’s heart, since our intentions seem to be exactly the same… LOL

August 14th, 2010

bleep! said:

@Helaine: you bleep! how dare you dream of my man how dare you! ;P ;)

August 14th, 2010

Helaine said:

Oh, it’s not my fault if he appears in my dreams without asking permission, I just can’t help it! Ok, if he asked, I would let him anyway… XD

But it wasn’t anything special, he was still out of my reach, unfortunately… I was watching him on TV. Bleh.

It’s awesome when I dream of him next to me, like when I dreamed he was shooting a movie here in my country and I met him, or when I dreamed he was my friend (unfortunately just a friend… lol) and he was in my house… well, in this one he wasn’t an actor, he was just my friend. Crazy, huh?

Yeah, I think I’m a little crazy… :D

Anyway, I love my dreams!

August 14th, 2010

Galene said:

New interview with Ben and Michael Apted
(August 14, Movie-Con III, London)
(scroll down)

August 14th, 2010

bleep! said:

Ok, Helaine– since it WAS “unintentional”…I guuuueeeeeesssss… I’ll let you go with this one… ;( but this is My Man we’re talking about here!…but, to be fair, he WAS only on your tv so- ;)…ok–we’re good ;) peace V…..and may the bin bons force be……wwwith…….yyyyou (there I said it!) \||//

hahaha ;P

August 14th, 2010