
‘Wolfboy’ After Show Party

Tonight Ben attended the after show party for the musical Wolfboy, at the Westbury Hotel in London. View one new photo from the event in the gallery.

Check out a couple more photos from the after party here: Wooller.com


Helaine said:

Oh God… Ben is more beautiful than ever…

I wish I could……. Oh, never mind… LOL

July 8th, 2010

Nicole L. said:

yay! new Ben pics :)

LOL Helaine, i totally know what you mean ;D (me too!)

July 8th, 2010

Fabi said:

I was wondering where was him?!?!
Great new picture!! Waiting for more!!
Gorgeous as always!!

July 8th, 2010

Steelsheen said:

i guess he’s prepping for that stage play he signed up with. really glad he can tread the boards again. after the mess with the history boys i thought he was persona non grata with the theater community, which is a shame since the theater is where he was “born”

on a fashion note… good lordy that shirt again. somebody steal it and burn it LOL!

July 8th, 2010

Helaine said:

Aw, I like that shirt…….. and it seems he likes it too, don’t do this to him!! LOL

He looks sexy to me… *sigh*

July 8th, 2010

Nightshade said:

I was waiting for a fresh pic …. oh my, he looks so gorgeous! Yummy.

Can’t wait to see him on stage :-)

July 9th, 2010

Ana said:

He looks great as usual… i’m sure he will do good in birdsong… i’m already imagining hundreds of girls going to the theater only to see him… lol… =D
I wish i could, but i live in Portugal.
And i never saw that shirt before… but if he likes it… whatever… i think it looks good… i’m also always wearing the same things, so why couldn’t he?? =P

July 9th, 2010

Mandi said:

screw the shirt, Ladies!!! Do you realize that we’re ALMOST able to see the NECKLACE!?!?!

Undo a button, Mr. Barnes!!!! JUST ONE!!!

July 9th, 2010

Steelsheen said:

@Helaine, LOL i’m sure Ben will look great in another plaid shirt (most guys do anyway), just not that design or that color for that matter. maybe it looks flattering on another person, but not on him (IMHO anyway). you gotta give him credit though, he still looks good despite the shirt ;-D

@Mandi, here’s another where we *almost* see it:

its either a medallion…. or its a key to his apartment :P

July 9th, 2010

Trisha said:

Nice! Love his hairstyle now!

July 9th, 2010

Nicole L. said:

@Steelsheen — i’m glad he is able to return to the theater as well!

i wish i could see him in Birdsong as well, but i live in the US…so it’s a pretty long shot for me to see him (but i wont stop trying!!). Seems like a great story, from the synopsis i read on Wiki… i love war-era stories, they’re very interesting.

July 9th, 2010

Fabi said:

what shirt??
I have eyes only for his beautiful face!!

July 9th, 2010

Helaine said:

Very good point, Fabi! :D

July 9th, 2010

Vicky said:

at least i’m not the only one, who is curious to see his necklace or medal or whatever it is..

btw he is looking gorgeous..

and i hope you don’t mind if i join to here.

July 10th, 2010

Alison said:

When i saw this I thought “Wolfboy, why does that sound so familiar?” Then I realised that a good friend of mine knows the guy who wrote the music for it. I knew she’d been in London to see something and she’d mentioned a press party so I asked and SHE WAS THERE!!!! I’m so jealous, she doesn’t actually know who ben barnes is so I’m just going to email her a pic and see if she saw him!

July 10th, 2010

Alison said:

Yep… she met him! Very briefly, said he was very nice. So jealous……

July 10th, 2010

Kelly said:

Is that his “man bag” on the floor between his legs?
Wonder what he carries in there.

July 10th, 2010

Nightshade said:

@Alison … how lucky your friend was! I am jealous too.

About the shirt, yes it is pretty awful but if he likes it and feels comfy in it then that’s great. He has a few favourite clothes he obviously wears all the time (like the slightly stripy pale grey t shirt), well I do too. I get my faves and never wear all my other stuff! Being so down to earth makes him extra sweet and gorgeous :-)

July 10th, 2010

JJ said:

very emaciated. from what?

July 13th, 2010

Audrey said:

@JJ: I thought Im the only one who noticed that he looks emaciated. He is still gorgeous but compared to his previous pictures he looks really gaunt and lost a lot of weight in this pictures especially the close up ones. I hope he is okay and that he gain a bit of weight.
I wish Mr. Barnes the best and an advance Happy Birthday.

July 17th, 2010

JJ said:

I am afraid of it, it is not normal if somebody losf a weight this much under short time like this. but i hope too.

July 17th, 2010

souad said:


March 5th, 2011