
Reveal & Bliss Magazine Scans

I’ve uploaded a couple more new magazine scans to the gallery! You can find 2 scans from the September issue of Reveal magazine as well as 1 scan from the October issue of Bliss magazine. Click the thumbnails below to view the new scans. Thanks again to the amazing Kate for these!

Reveal | September 2009

Bliss | October 2009


Ally981 said:

OBVIOUSLY hes sexier than Colin Firth LMFAOOO I mean Colin aint bad, but he no Bin Bons :D LOL

September 10th, 2009

lily said:

I don’t like the way the second magazine put together their article on Ben. With the suggestive title and their choice of picture, you would think that he is hating on Robert Pattinson. We know Ben is not the type to trash someone in the media. I guess we have to start getting used to these type of articles being printed about Ben now that he’s becoming increasingly popular. The media sucks!

Bin Bons is sexy!

September 10th, 2009

Jaskeet said:

Ben Barnes is sooooooo FIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
love him so much

September 10th, 2009

varjot-virva said:

@ lily: I agree with you about the second article!!
Also, they obviously rather count on people wanting to read that magazine because of a) wanting to find out who “rpatz” is and b) liking Robert and thus wanting to read the article ’cause it mentions him.
But not because it’s about Ben. Rather sad.

And I love that pic on the first page of the first article. It’s one of my faves, definitely.

[And call me stupid, but Colin indeed is sexy, too … just in a complete different way … I mean … he’s older. He can’t be sexy in the same way as Ben ^___^’ … and nevermind a not-yet-21 year old girl calling Colin sexy, in whichever way -__-]

September 10th, 2009

lia said:

lol so many interviews! <3 im so confused now. ok magazine says he is single but a another says he is taken…. ?

thx for posting!

September 10th, 2009

Andrea said:

I know Lia!!! It’s driving me nuts!! Is he or isn’t he single?!? I mean, he has every right to have a girlfriend, but why hide it? I totally agree with varjot-virva..Colin is as sexy as hell!! But Ben is definitely sexier!!!!

September 10th, 2009

Jasmine said:

Thanks for posting these. I really wish interviewers/reporters woudl get over the Robert Pattison comparison already. Ben at least knows what proper hygeine is and is a much better actor by a longshot. The only difference is that he hasn’t been in film to date that has the worldwide appeal (for lack of a better word) that Twilight does. But he could have hit the jackpot with Dorian Gray, if it’s released world-wide, which no one knows yet if it will do.

Colin is definitely sexy but he’s not going to necessarily appeal to the same crowd as Ben or Robert. Even between Ben and Robert, no two people can agree even if they are the same age. It’s all about personal tastes.

As far as the girlfriend, of course he’s entitled to be happy just like everyone else. But what he hasn’t quite seemed to catch onto yet is the difference between privacy and secrecy. It’s one thing to say “I’d rather not talk about that at all” or something of that nature so that your privacy is hopefully respected and something else entirely to be secretive, and of course the reporters spin it into something it shouldn’t be. Either way, don’t tell one magazine one thing and another something else unless you want it to come back and bite you in the butt.

September 11th, 2009

varjot-virva said:

Well, about Rob and Ben again …
Jasmine, you said “The only difference is that he hasn’t been in film to date that has the worldwide appeal (for lack of a better word) that Twilight does.”
… I think the main point is that Rob isn’t liked for being Rob, but for being Edward. He’s loved for being that Vampire – Edward Cullen. Not for his amazing acting. I do like the movie, Twilight, but let’s face it: The movie’s not being liked for the absolutely amazing and stunning performances by all of the actprs and actresses [I’m not saying they’re bad, but you get what I mean … ] but because of the story itself – which is simply and kind of the modern idea of a fairytale …isn’t it?

Ben has the luxury a young actor needs to value a lot: He’s Ben Barnes. Not Caspian. Not John. Not Dorian. People won’t think of either of the roles and totally forget about who played it – or forget that it was played at all – but always combine an actor with it. Not the case with Rob, if you ask me. At least that’s what it seems like to me.

I think you all get what I mean ^^

And about the girlfriend-matter:
In the comments for another post, someone said that one of the interviews [which said “no girlfriend”] seems to be an older one which hasn’t be released until now. I kinda think that’s the case with them as well. I doubt Ben needs or rather wants that kind of attention – confusing the media with different statements about his romantic-status …
… if he does have a girlfriend, is was definitely clever to say it now before magazines will pick up on pictures of him and some lady, starting all kinds of rumours.
And also, if he does have a girlfriend [which I kind of think he does], I hope both of them are as happy as possible!

September 11th, 2009

Mary said:

I wish that someone could just ask him about the whole girlfriend thing. I live in the US and here Ok! magazine is a bunch of crap. I mean, right now the magazine is saying that Rob Pattinson and Kristen Stewart are engaged which is such a lie that it’s funny. I don’t read Cosmo so, I can’t say anything about that.

September 11th, 2009

Trisha said:

@ Mary: I know!! I wish someone could ask him too!

September 11th, 2009

Miley said:

so Dorian Gay is good or no?

September 11th, 2009

Kell said:

Miley, I will like to know too if DG was good . I have been hearing that the fans enjoyed it a lot. Lets hope so. If Ben does have a girfriend I hope he is very happy. He need someone to share his life with, and anyway he is 28, it about time. He is not getting any younger, unless he has that picture in his attic.

September 11th, 2009

music said:

you guys are like dreaming i dont even know why people c\love him if they will never be with him sure its ok to crush but dream about someone your own age.

January 18th, 2010