
On The Set of ‘Dawn Treader’ In Queensland

Big thanks to fantasia_kitty of NarniaWeb.com and Paul of NarniaFans.com for allowing me to share these new photos of Ben on the set of The Chronicles of Narnia: Voyage of the Dawn Treader today. The movie is currently filming at Cleveland Point on the Gold Coast of Australia.

You can view more photos from the ‘Narnia‘ set by clicking here and here!

On Set In Queensland | September 8th, 2009

Credits: Tamara @ NarniaWeb.com & Tamika @ NarniaFans.com


Kell said:

Wow Stephanie you are pretty busy today. Getting all kind of info today. thanks! Well at least the U.S. is going to get this film with no problem. But I am wondering about Valediction that’s another film I am wanting to see. But I can still look forward for VODT. He is looking good in this one too. He looks good in every picture he has done so far. I am going to get EV dvd next tuesday for sure.

September 8th, 2009

Angela said:

AAAAHHHH!!! Can’t wait for the next Narnia instalment!
Thanks guys for the new pics.

September 8th, 2009

Ariel said:

it is true that he has a girlfriend and she is in the set of Narnia?

September 8th, 2009

Serena said:

Great pics!

Ariel, he’s mentioned several times that he doesn’t have time for a girlfriend and in recent interviews that he’s still very single. Take that rumor with a huge grain of salt.

September 8th, 2009

Serena said:

Kell, I don’t think there’s any need to worry about Valediction coming to the US since it’s a US production. It may or may not have a limited release though.

September 8th, 2009

Kell said:

Yea Serena thats what I am worried about but maybe it will come to my little theater in the French Quarter. That’s where the showed EV.

September 8th, 2009

Sandy said:

Thanks so much Stephanie, us Ben fan’s appreciate your hard work!! And no, i hope that isn’t Ben’s girl :(

September 8th, 2009

Serena said:

The girl in the cowboy hat? She looks like part of the production crew so there doesn’t seem to be need to worry.

September 8th, 2009

Billy said:

I don’t think Ben has a girlfriend at the moment, I agree with Serena the lady in the photo, looks to be part of the crew.

September 9th, 2009

steelsheen said:

the lady in the cowboy hat is not the rumored girl. go back to Narniafans and look at the rest of the photos, theres the last photo there of a blonde young lady in a green sweater hoodie thats rumored to be Tamsin Egerton (rumored because nobody can confirm for sure but the lady bears a strong resemblance to the actress). and thats where the girlfriend rumor started because apparently they’re referring to something between Tamsin and Ben (however true that may be)

September 9th, 2009

Linn said:

Agreed, steelsheen. But that’s not exactly where the rumour started… In the latest Cosmopolitan (check it at benbarnesonline) it said he had a girlfriend. I’d like to know if it’s true or not!

September 9th, 2009

Serena said:

Hmm interesting. I do seem to recall she is just a platonic acting friend whom he hangs out with, per past interviews. That’s really no different from any other relationship rumor that starts and gets out of hand just because two people happen to be in the same location together and everyone knows how often it happens with other celebs and was bound to happen to Ben sooner or later. On the other hand, same picture thread link above has an image of a scan from UK’s Cosmopolitan October issue with an interview with him and the tidbits at the bottom claiming he does have a gf despite numerous interviews where he adamantly insists otherwise. Then again, they don’t even have his age right so who knows how accurate any of it is. I’m of the type to generally not believe something until it comes directly from the horse’s mouth. He seems to be alot more trustworthy than reporters/interviewers because anyone can spin or create info where the written word is concerned and readers will be none the wiser.

September 9th, 2009

varjot-virva said:

[Seriously, even if he had a girlfriend … shouldn’t we – his fans – be happy for him, then? *shrugs*
Also, I kind of think that Ben wouldn’t tell the whole media that he’s got a gf even if he had one. Not right away. Not as long as he can keep it private. ‘Cause he’s a very private person and would like to keep it this way no matter how famous he gets … and we should all grant him this privacy, imo.]

Anyways, thanks for these pictures!!
… And … I still like Ben without beard better … but then again, I usually like men without beard better XDD
It adds to Caspian being more grown up in VOTDT, of course. And, as always, I love the clothes!
[And it’s Skandar in one of the pics, isn’t it? *happy smile*]

September 9th, 2009