
Happy Birthday Ben!

Today, August 20th 2008, is Ben’s 27th Birthday!

As I’m aware that not everyone was able to participate in the Birthday Book Project which Ben will receive shortly, I have set up an Online Birthday Book so all of our visitors who wish to do so can make birthday wishes to Ben. He might stumble upon it and read the messages, you never know! So why don’t you wish him Happy Birthday?

Happy 27th Birthday Ben! Everyone at BBF wishes you the best in your personal life and your career and hopes you get to spend a great birthday with those you love the most.


Gabby said:

LOL. That’s a wonderful picture!
And a great idea, Ivonne!

Happy Birthday to Ben!

August 19th, 2008

Jessica said:

aw nono
really I hope the bestt in your life
you’re a really good actor.
so you can do amazing things in your life
i love you Ben really
i’m your totally fan and i expect
that some day i could see you
Im from mexico :(
well watever i just want to wish you
a happy birthday and have a good day
with all around you :) everybody loves u!
i sent you one
i hopeeeeeeee i can see it here?:D
aww kisses to BEN
i love you

August 20th, 2008

imrana ali said:

Happy birthday to you Ben from me to you because you and i have the same birthday. 2008 you have accomplished alot this year you should be proud well good luck and all the best for the future yay!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

August 20th, 2008

virginia said:

happy birthday Ben!!
buon compleanno!!
i’t a great idea Ivonne!!

August 20th, 2008

Sarah said:

Hi Ivonne, how will you know when Ben receives the birthday book? And could you, please, post pictures of the completed book? Thanks :)

August 20th, 2008

Nathalie said:

Happy Bithday Ben !
I Love You :D
Have a beautiful day !

August 20th, 2008

Nolee said:

HAPPY BIRTHDAY BEN!!! You are lovely! I love you!!!

August 20th, 2008

Ploy said:

Happy Birthday Ben! I wish you health and happiness! Wish you have a successful career!
I love you!!!

August 20th, 2008

Melodie said:

Happy birthay to Ben

good luck and enjoy this beautiful day!

lots of love <3


August 20th, 2008

Jahanara said:

happy birthday Ben
wish u all the best.
and many many happy returns of the day

August 20th, 2008

gülnur said:

hi i’m from turkey.
i wish you a happy birthday and a wonderful career. good luck and love you. :)

August 20th, 2008

Juliana said:

Very very very very very very very very very very very very very very… Well, i go to summarize… I would not obtain to write how much i desire Happy Birthday for him! So, Very Happy Birthday, Ben!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Again, sorry my english. xD)


August 20th, 2008

Jahanara said:

happy birthday ben
and such a great idea Ivonne.

August 20th, 2008

Amel said:

Much LOVE and HAPPINESS in his personal et actor life !
Because , he is a GOOD person , I think !

Good Luck For ALL

Joyeux anniversaire de la part de la FRANCE !!

Love xXx

PS: sorry if there are some mistakes ! oops

August 20th, 2008

vanessa said:

hi ben I hope you having a good time with your family and friends. I only say you happy birthday

take care kisssssses

August 20th, 2008

Emma said:

Bon anniversaire Ben
Fête bien tes 27 ans.

August 20th, 2008

Abygothic said:

Hello!!! i`m abygothic and i`m mexican,

Happy Birthday Ben!!! i hope the best in your life,and a wonderful career and have a good day with your family, your friends, with all around you, because everybody loves you!!! really!!! I love you (and so much) and all your fans loves you and we hope the best in your life.You are lovely! You are an excellent actor, you are my favorite actor, you are the best!!!

I love you Ben!!!
Happy Birthday!!!
God bless you today and forever!!!
Have a beautiful day!!!
Enjoy this day!!!
I wish you health and happiness!!!
I love you!!!
Good Luck!!!



August 20th, 2008

katrinastar said:

HAPPY BIRHTDAY BEN!! we live across the world and we admire your work in prince caspian. we hope to see more of your great accomplishments soon! you are a great actor and all of us here in asia wish you all the best in your career and in your personal life. Happy birthday again and i hope today’s the best day of your life! (because we wrote you a message)KIDDING! we love you ben!

August 21st, 2008

josse said:


August 21st, 2008

Stefano said:

Happy birthday Ben!!!

Thanks Ivonne,
your idea is great. I’m italian and in Italy many people knew Ben only after watching “Prince Caspian”, but the movie was released on 14th of august. Too late for the Birthday Project.
Because of your initiative many people can send a message to Ben

August 21st, 2008

Zaheera said:

‘sup…..happy b-day….see ya

August 21st, 2008

*TuToRgIrL44* said:

happy birthday ben!!!i hope u had a wonderful day!!!you’re amazing!!paola

August 24th, 2008

miriam said:

I am a big fan of yours
happy birthday, albeit belatedly.
I am from Spain and I love your movies, I have also heard the composition of your group when presenting to eurovision

August 28th, 2008