
“Pickman’s Model” Screen Captures

Screen captures of Ben in Episode 5 of ‘Cabinet of Curiosities’ have been added to the gallery. Keep in mind, these contain spoilers you haven’t watched the episode yet!

Gallery Link:
2289 x Cabinet of Curiosities > 01X05 – “Pickman’s Model”

I’ve also updated our video archive with clips from the episode, a behind the scenes featurette, and a new interview with Ben about his role in “Pickman’s Model”.


Tibby said:

Thanks for posting the screenshots. Ben Barnes carries the episode all by himself. I liked his performance, he still gave us the best.

October 31st, 2022

LondonGirl81 said:

Thanks for all the screenshots! I watched the episode just for Benjamin and so enjoyed seeing him in new content. He certainly convinced me that he was scared out of his wits, Now I’m looking forward to seeing The Critic! (Another artist ?)

November 2nd, 2022