
‘Shadow and Bone’ S1 Screen Captures

The gallery has been updated with HD screen captures of Ben in ‘Shadow and Bone’. Keep in mind that these contain spoilers if you haven’t watched the full season yet!

Gallery Link:
3284 x Shadow and Bone > Season One > Screen Captures

I’ve also updated our video archive with a couple behind-the-scenes featurettes, new interviews with the cast and crew of ‘Shadow and Bone’, and much more.


Fiona said:

Thank you Stephanie! So appreciate your hard work & dedication!

May 6th, 2021

Reeie said:

Shadow & Bones
I am so Happy he did not pass up the part !!!
We have to make Ben the Sexest Man alive !!!

May 6th, 2021

Marie said:

You worked hard on these screencaps Stephanie! I would never have the patience to do that! *lol* But wow, they’re beautiful! Thank you <3
Now, which one to choose as my new desktop wallpaper…. :)

May 15th, 2021