
‘Shadow & Bone’ Interviews (Videos)


Marie said:

Looks like social media, especially Twitter, has become the Fold… Lots of weird people have joined the fandom and all I see is creepy comments being directed at Ben… :/ Too bad the long-time Ben fans have to deal with this nonsense everyday now :(
Glad Stephanie, our sun summoner, goes through this online madness to bring us the latest on Ben ;) Thank you so much! ? I know what I’ll be doing this week-end! :D

April 16th, 2021

Stephanie said:

♥ ♥ ♥

Be sure to keep an eye on our Twitter / Facebook account and the gallery (scans) for more articles / interviews with the S&B cast! :)

April 17th, 2021

reenie Levy said:

I Missed at of movies that Mr. Ben Barnes Made!
Like Gold Diggers and other things !
I wish he would make his bio book He is so Outstanding !
Music and singing and his Art work and Acting and helping with Stand Up For Cancer
And Make a Wish . And others things he had done in his life !
I think Mr. Barnes is just a wonderful man!

April 17th, 2021

Marie said:

Will do Stephanie, you’re my only Ben source anyway :p Where else would I look? ;) You’re the only Ben source for news online! <3

April 18th, 2021

Tanya L LaRose said:

I agree with you Marie.

Thanks Steph for compiling all of the interviews and magazine scans for Shadow and Bone. As always, BBF is the best place to find everything on Ben.

April 21st, 2021