
‘Westworld’ 1×10 Screen Captures

Screencaptures from the season finale of ‘Westworld’, titled “The Bicameral Mind”, have been added to our gallery. Ben and the cast also shared some personal photos from the set last night before the finale aired. You can view those pictures here and here.

Gallery Link:
200 x Westworld > 01×10 -“The Bicameral Mind” (Screen Captures)


LaRose said:

All I can say about the West World season finale is wow. I am disappointed with the way Logan exited the story however. . Not Ben’s lack of clothing of course, lol, Just the fact we don’t actually know his fate.

December 5th, 2016

Drone said:

How dare they ended his character that way. I was always hoping it was Logan who is Man In Black. I hope he would return in season 2, at least as flashbacks, or maybe he never were dead in the first place and he just planned his way to get his company back!

December 5th, 2016

CindyDakin said:

I knew he was not the Man In Black..it was William from the beginning but also kinda disappointed about Logan’s story. Wanted to see more between #willogan haha
But it was a great finale anyway and Ben did a fantastic job. I know why I am a fan of him for so many years…he is just the best :)

December 5th, 2016

cheryl said:

I agree Cindy — very obvious that William was MiB, but satisfying to finally have it play out.

I’m relieved that they left it open that Logan isn’t 100% dead, but I can’t imagine how either Ben or Jimmi could play any further part.

Also, is it me, or did they shave/wax Ben’s chest?? Highly unnecessary!!

December 5th, 2016

LaRose said:

Well, he doesn’t have a whole lot of chest hair anyway. Maybe about 10 of them. Same as my husband. lol. I don’t like hairy men!!!,

December 5th, 2016

F2write said:

@Cheryl It wasn’t just you who noticed. Some others of us noticed from the get-go. Highly unnecessary, is right IMHO.

Not sure why anyone thought Logan would be the MIB…given the eye color. Dead giveaway, pun intended.

Just gonna say “thank you,” Stephanie, for accurately screen capping the one frame I tried to get…closest thing to heaven incarnate.

Did anyone else think about the border detonation device that Maeve was seeking to avoid? I imagine it would be installed on animals like horses, too. The fail safe. It was never mentioned if that device was on the original inhabitants or was a later development? If it was original, and Billy knew about it, and If Logan was close enough to the border, the horse would blow-up taking him with it. But until the body hits the floor…and then, there’s that whole DNA collection which opens the door for anyone to re-enter the series in another role.

December 5th, 2016

Carol said:

Thanks for the pics, Stephanie! But, well, the ending of this final episode…errrr…it isn’t well-chosen ending at all I must say, although cheeky Logan looks good undressed lol ;P His fate is unclear and that’s the reason why Ben’s fans all around the world are raving mad (including me :D).

December 5th, 2016

Elizabeth Anne said:

So far this has been an epic finale! I’m still in the middle of watching on my app. Ben’s performance of Logan is so epic, I’m really proud! ? I think he should win an Emmy for his performance! I can’t wait to see what the future holds for him and I’m really excited for the Punisher?

December 5th, 2016

dianna said:

Anyone know what the meaning of that feather was that William gave to Logan? Maybe a way to humilate him even more?
And did William know the hosts and whatever was created by Ford and crew, including horses would explode once crossing the borders?
I read that Jimmi won’t be in S2 and I also don’t see a way for Logan to be in it either .
I too was glad he was’t killed off. And thank you William for stripping Logan for us LOL
Thanks Stepanie for keeping us spoiled rotten with these screencaptures. Must have been hours and hours of work and dedication.. Kudo’s . Cheers !

December 6th, 2016

dianna said:

Had to share this.. people speculating on Logan’s future.
Some responses are hilarious

December 6th, 2016

Marie said:

Never seen anything like it on TV… I mean the whole finale in itself! So wonderfully written and filmed! :O WOW!

I like the ending they chose for Logan. :) Quite unconventional, just like the series. ;) I read on the Reddit forum that the feather is the symbol of death… so maybe it implies Logan’s fate… or maybe he’ll survive… just like when he was in trouble with the confederados in Pariah. ;) Hopefully we’ll find out what happened to him in season 2.

But seeing Ben butt naked on a horse was quite a treat! *haha!* And where have the 7 chest hairs gone??? So weird… :p Thankfully, no manscaping in a lower area… ;p

Ben and Jimmi have to come back, even if it’s just in flashbacks, I wanna know how Jimmi’s character could marry Logan’s sister after what he’s done to Logan in the park! *lol*
But I’ll watch season 2 anyway, even if they don’t come back. It’s one of the best series I’ve seen since Lost. :)

December 6th, 2016

dianna said:

If anyone is interested in Logan’s fate, here’ s an interesting article.

December 9th, 2016

LaRose said:

lol, thanks Dianna for those links.

December 12th, 2016

Carol said:

The Bicameral Mind should be renamed as Where’s Logan’s Humour Now? :D
Hmmm….but he seems to be still unbroken after all…he’s the BEST and I hope he’ll come BACK! :)

December 13th, 2016

Drone said:


Not related to the post but I thought I’d share it here. I don’t know what would’ve happened if it didn’t turn out the way it was. Love Andrew BTW

December 23rd, 2016

dianna said:

Thanks Drone, i liked reading that article.

December 26th, 2016

Tiffany Stells said:

Thanks Drone! That was a fun read! I like Andrew too, but yeah, Ben was definitely a MUCH better choice FTW!

January 2nd, 2017

Tiffany Stells said:

BTW…I don’t think Logan is dead either. That feather looked like a pen was attached to it…like he wanted him to write something. Maybe sign a contract giving away his ties to Delos? Hmmm….what do you think?

January 2nd, 2017