
‘Westworld’ 1×08 Screen Captures

Screen captures of Ben’s brief appearance in episode 8 of ‘Westworld’, titled “Trace Decay”, have been added to our gallery. A promo for episode 9 can be seen here.

Gallery Link:
021 x Westworld > 01×08 – “Trace Decay” (Screen Captures)


cheryl said:

Logan is so toast.

November 21st, 2016

Carol said:

So dark episode hehe :)
But my favorite is still Chestnut for some reason.

November 21st, 2016

dianna said:

Ben’s 10 seconds were brilliant. Short but he nailed it.
Thank you Stephanie.

November 21st, 2016

Marie said:

He was on for 5 seconds, literally! *lol* But it was great to see Logan again… and his potty mouth. :p
Told you they’re saving the best for last. ;) I wanna know why Logan licks Dolores’s face in the previous clip they showed. Hopefully we’ll find out more about this in the next episode and that HBO won’t tease us again with another too brief appearance of Logan. *lol*
Thanks for the screencaps Stephanie. Loving all your updates! :D

November 21st, 2016

Alice said:

After a few weeks and finally appeared ??

November 22nd, 2016

LaRose said:

I wonder if Logan’s death is the the “incident”? Won’t he be the first guest to die?

November 26th, 2016