
‘Westworld’ 1×03 Screen Captures

Our gallery has been updated with screen captures from episode 3 of ‘Westworld’ (titled “The Stray”). A promo for episode 4 has also been released. Watch that here.

Gallery Link:
102 x Westworld > 01×03 – “The Stray” (Screen Captures)


dianna said:

thanks for the splendit work like always, Stephanie.
Hopefully we’ll see a bit more Ben next week lol .
Or I might watch this ep another few times ! lol

October 17th, 2016

Carol said:

Many thanks for the third Westworld episode’s screencaps, Stephanie. I’m eager to watch this ep! :)
Ben is sooooooooo…cute and bold here lol

October 17th, 2016

Marie said:

Someone needs to fix Logan’s zipper… He obviously has a problem with it. ;p Not enough Ben but great episode nonetheless! Even more questions, confused about everything. What is going on in Westworld??? :D
Stephanie, thanks for the screencaps. The image quality is awesome, how do you do this? ;)

October 17th, 2016

dianna said:

whatever Stephanie posts is of awesome quality. Shows the more what a stellar devoted webmaster she is.
Marie, I can repair zippers. :)
But the key qquestion is: ” do we really want his zipper to be fixed ? ” lol

October 17th, 2016

Marie said:

Dianna, *haha* that’s a good question. ;) Saw this pic yesterday on Twitter: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cu9xfjUUAAEsl6v.jpg:large It made me laugh! :))) Even Ben liked the tweet. ;)

October 18th, 2016

Sara said:

Many thanks for all the updates, Stephanie! Those screenshots are of a quality that is out of this world. Us fans are truly spoiled rotten! :)

With regards to Westworld, is anyone wondering whether Logan might change his ways? With Dolores being such a likeable character, it just got me thinking whether he will develop some sympathy for the robot(s)? We heard about how one guest was a ‘white hat’ then went full on ‘black hat’… could there be a scenario with it going the other way around? The unforeseen hero?

This series is terribly thought-provoking! :P But I love it! Guess Ben was right when he hashtagged this: “thisisareallygoodtvshowtrustme”. *double thumbs up*

October 18th, 2016

Carol said:

@dianna @Marie

But wait…and the second key question is: does BEN really want his zipper to be fixed? ;P

October 18th, 2016

LaRose said:

thanks Stephanie for keeping this site so up to date. I’m really enjoying West World. I was always a fan of the original film. I think the idea isn’t too far fetched and I think there may actually be parks like this in the future.

You ladies do know why Logan is always zipping his pants as he enters the scene right??? Lol.

He’s a bad boy!!

October 18th, 2016

Carol said:

Haha @LaRose Of course he’s a bad boy! ;)
I noticed this statement on Ben’s Twitter: “This park (means WW) seduces everyone”. (double meaning?? :)) Well…it’s the perfect expression of Logan’s case lol :)

October 18th, 2016

Elizabeth Anne said:

Wow Logan is looking so handsome! He’s like the cutest bad boy ever! The third episode is awesome I just watched it. I love seeing Ben in this new role.

October 18th, 2016

dianna said:

Lol at that latest picture you just posted, Stephanie,
Logan seems to be quite protective of his fly!

October 19th, 2016

Luiza said:

Ben – you are so handsome! I!!!! would eat you !!!!! I’m madly in love with you!!!!! Your Luiza :D

October 20th, 2016