
Ferragamo ‘Uomo’ Commercial

The commercial for Salvatore Ferragamo‘s new fragrance UOMO, featuring Ben Barnes, has been released. Watch it here. Screen captures have been added to the gallery.

Gallery Link:
093 x Salvatore Ferragamo > UOMO (2016) > Commercial (Screen Captures)


cheryl said:

Hot damn.

September 3rd, 2016

Marie said:

And Stephanie did it again! ;) Amazing find! :O I was so looking forward to seeing the commercial, and what a commercial!
So glad to see Ben being his happy, charming and mischievous self. :D I hope he does more of these, he’s such a great model.
Oh and does Ferragamo really hide a phone in stilettos? Because I would be interested in owning a pair please. ;)

September 3rd, 2016

dianna said:

What a beautiful commercial.
And Ben is so handsome, stylish , dapper, Italian even !
And a killer smile !!!!!!!!
Thanks Stephanie, for posting !!!

September 3rd, 2016

LaRose said:

What a great commercial. So glad to finally see it. Thanks again Stephanie for your “up to the minute” updates on our lovely Ben.

September 3rd, 2016

Carol said:

PeRfEcT! :D
Well, that’s my belated birthday gift :D
Thanks, Steph!

September 4th, 2016

Julie said:

Thank you. I’m so glad to see this commercial! I swear, that man just eats in EVERYTHING he’s ever filmed. But looks adorable, all the same. I can’t wait to smell Uomo and can’t help wondering how many of the people who purchase it will be women. :)

September 4th, 2016

Christine said:

This is the most up-to-date fan site I’ve ever seen.Well Done!

September 5th, 2016

Elizabeth Anne said:

What an awesome video! I love seeing Ben laugh? I’m so happy for him with all the success he’s been having.

September 8th, 2016