
Shopping At The Grove In Hollywood

Ben was spotted shopping with a friend at The Grove in Hollywood yesterday.

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007 x Oct 16, 2014 | Shopping At The Grove In Hollywood


Mary said:

I just wanna say that unfortunately I never met Ben and the only thing I’ve got is some videos but I do know that I can’t judge people like this (specially when Hollywood is the case)
if u think in a different way I respect that and u know what? U CAN’T DENY URSELF 4EVER and he can’t so if u’re right we’ll see. Just w8

October 21st, 2014

sabrina said:

Do you know what girls? We don’t know if he is a bad or a good person, because any of us has spent 24 hours a week with him. I would like to know Mandy’s experience, I’m waiting.

October 21st, 2014

Morrigan said:

This discussion has totally gotten out of hand I see.. Ok so..have you maybe ever stopped to consider the fact that some actors, singers, celebrities for that matter, are just plain and simple PRIVATE? That not all of them are madly obsessed with posting on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook etc. what time they pee or how much they poo over the weekend, how many times they sneeze during the day and what not. Not all of them are like that.I honestly don’t believe that he is the kind of person who disses his fans. And truth be told, some “fans” are not really fans but serial autograph collectors who get in their faces like the papparazzi do. And how does one even deal with those kind of situations? I know something like that comes with the territory, but you all have to admit that things have gotten quite bad in recent years. Maybe that’s why he chooses to put his work first. And judging by Stephanies’ latest posts, he works his cute little but off :-D And that is something that should matter to us that he gets the recognition he deserves because he is a great actor and totally underrated which sucks big time. So give the guy a break girls. He needs our support not childish tantrums. He is a human being who has a private life and that is ok. He is being like that for a reason. I mean, seriously, not everyone enjoys sharing their sex life with the world, come on! Not everyone is Kimye! ;-)

October 21st, 2014

LaRose said:

I’m interested in reading what Mandy has to say too. But, Ben is a human being, he’s entitled to be bitchy once in a while. Maybe that girl “pushed his buttons”. I’m a sweet person too but I can snap and be a super bitch if someone pisses me off enough. It’s human.

October 21st, 2014

Morrigan said:

I agree with you LaRose. Imagine walking down the street and someone running towards you screaming or throwing themselves at you begging for a selfie (I would imagine that to be one of scenarios) etc. Definitely not a cool thing.

October 21st, 2014

LaRose said:

I am very polite when I meet a celebrity. I calmly ask for a pic, I don’t scream and carry on. I remember seeing Flea from the Red Hot Chili Peppers talking about a girl who came up and was all in his face at a restaurant. He said he was very tired and hungry and not in the mood so he yelled at her. he said he felt horrible afterwards. It shows that you have to treat people with respect. They aren’t our property just because they are famous.

October 21st, 2014

CindyDakin said:

I’m just pissed of. Because I wonder what a person like you want on a FAN site. And I know a person who have met him many times and he was always really kind to her. Every fan who have met him said that. And I don’t want to know your opinion. Please write on another place that he’s an asshole in your eyes but not here on Stephanie’s FAN site!

October 21st, 2014

Morrigan said:

CindyDakin, who are you referring to?

October 21st, 2014

Morrigan said:

LaRose, exactly. Treat them with respect, they are human just like the rest of us.

October 21st, 2014

LaRose said:

I think she means Mandy.

October 21st, 2014

Morrigan said:

Yeah, me too. I believe he is a great guy, kind and polite, even a gentleman. The kind of guy you can have a beer and a laugh with :-D Wish we had more of those in my country. Hmmm.. :-/

October 21st, 2014

xx said:

Ben is one of my closest friends in the world. I was just recently made aware of this site and was shocked to see this particular topic spiral out of control.

His lack of activity on social media channels has zero to do with “snubbing fans.” He adores all of his supporters.

As you can imagine he isn’t one to read tabloids and scream to the world “look at me” so that is why he has stayed off twitter and that is why his instagram is set to private (as it’s intended to be a photo share amongst friends & family, not a vehicle for publicity).

It’s a shame that a collection of photos of Ben and a FRIEND has generated more buzz than a previous post showcasing a trailer for his brilliant new film.

I can tell you Ben laughs off a lot of the romantic rumors, but it is disheartening for him to think that some fans would call him out for something so petty that they know nothing about. He treats EVERYONE with an unbelievable level of respect, friend, peer, fan, it doesn’t matter.

October 21st, 2014

xx said:

Oh and to anyone suggesting he has ever been rude to a fan or yelled at someone for asking for a photo or an autograph, I can tell you that this is 100% false and made up.

Knowing him, and watching the way he has interacted with anyone who has ever approached him when I’ve been present, I can’t stress enough just how polite and engaging he is. He would never send anyone off.

October 21st, 2014

carol and kat said:

OMG! What happened here!!!!!! Can`t believe it….it should be his Fansite!!!!! I`m sorry for you Stephanie,i think, that`s not what you wanted!!!!
Ben is a great Actor and we should respect his private live !!!
And hey people: There is a life possible WITHOUT “twitter” , “facebook” and CO. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Calm down girls and enjoy Ben`s new movies !!!!!
And let him do and meet and kiss whom ever he wants!!!!!!

@ Mr. or Mrs. XX : Thank you for the last words , i believe you!

October 21st, 2014

Marly said:

xx thank you for stepping in with real facts and breathing some clarity into this post that has spiraled out of control. I think the main takeaway is that Ben’s true fans support his work first and foremost, have no care to pry into his private life, and absolutely do not judge or think poorly of him for not having “public” social media. It only takes a few trolls to ruin a good thing and that’s exactly what happened here, unfortunately.

It is an utter disrespect to Stephanie, and undoubtedly sad for the folks who visit here regularly to be lumped in with the few negative talkers that have blown up this post. Let’s all move on shall we, geez. Ben has some very exciting new projects just around the corner and that is far more interesting to focus on, don’t you think!

October 21st, 2014

Mary said:

Seventh son poster
Omg Omg Omg that’s awesome
Can’t w8 4 that

October 21st, 2014

LaRose said:

I know, don’t you just love it Mary!! So excited for Ben’s new stuff!

October 21st, 2014

Kiki said:

I been overly excited for that movie for over a year drove everyone around me crazy , hopfully they stop pushing the date away!

October 21st, 2014

Mary said:

New movies are comin woooooooooohooooooo
Couldn’t be happier #dancing
Girls have u ever thought of connecting other in another place like instagram, twitter or sth
If it’s possible of course

October 21st, 2014

lindacabrera said:

I’m a little crazy, but I do not think that BEN could be rude to anyone, and sorry if I put stupid things on your site esthephany. and we can not be sure that XX is really a friend of BEN but he is right in what he says.

October 21st, 2014

emy said:

Of course he is a good man why we are fans and we hope that we continue to be with us no more than that, and we know more :)

October 21st, 2014

mom of an 8 year old said:

I am a new fan of Ben Barnes mainly because of my 8 year old son. I had no idea who he was until I recently read the Chronicles of Narnia with my boy and watched Prince Caspian and Voyage of the Dawn Treader (2 months ago). My son loved him as well as all of the cast members in the Narnia films. I ended up watching several of his interviews on youtube and was just impressed at how articulate he was in describing his experiences and how well he understood the stories and the characters that he portrayed in his films. He was really funny in Killing Bono and watching Dorian Gray got me obsessed with reading Oscar Wilde again. My boy is into theatre right now and is intrigued by the movie industry (mainly due to Narnia and Harry Potter), and as a mom, I kind of hope that he grows out of it, but I like being able to point out that there are actors like Ben Barnes who are well-spoken, educated and skilled at what they do because of hard work and can live a private life away from the psychopathology of Hollywood. He’s a fine actor and discussions should center on his body of work. The rest of it is his business alone.

October 22nd, 2014

Nightshade said:

Oh dear! As an old timer on here, who has not been around much lately, can I just say it’s a shame that this thread has become so heated!

Those who remember me will know that my daughter and I met Ben many times when he was performing in Birdsong at the Comedy Theatre in London in 2010/11, and each time he was absolutely lovely with us and others who wanted to chat, take photos, autographs and hugs.

Through this I became friends with several other lovely ladies (we had much fun and photo sharing on the BBF forum, which sadly is no more). Ben was lovely then and I am sure he wouldn’t have changed. I am just sorry he is in America most of the time and not here at home. I wish he would do some British dramas, he would be perfect.

Take it easy girls, and be kind to our Ben! By the way I enjoyed your post, Mom of an 8 year old :)

October 22nd, 2014

Sevim said:

In the last photos Benjamin is so friendly and lovely. It is impossible to dislike him.

October 25th, 2014

LaRose said:

You’re right Sevim. I don’t know why people like to talk badly of him. He seems very nice.

October 25th, 2014

Sevim said:

Thank you LaRose :)
Ben is our beautiful baby who has the most wonderful smile in the world.

October 25th, 2014

LaRose said:

Is there anyone crazy enough here to buy a VIP ticket to the By the Gun Premiere in Boston? I am considering it although that is really expensive. If so, let me know. I want to have someone to hang around with so won’t feel totally awkward!!!

October 28th, 2014

Marly said:

LaRose I thought about it. But I would have to fly across the country and with hotel costs and missed work it’s hard to justify. I wonder how much access there really will be to meet the cast with the VIP tickets? Curious about that. Have you bought your ticket yet? I hope you get to go and meet Ben.

October 29th, 2014

LaRose said:


I emailed Foundation Management and pro-productions, the company putting on this event. I asked If it was appropriate for VIP ticket holders to ask the cast for pictures and autographs. They said yes but it is ultimately up to the individual person as to whether or not they want to comply. That tells me that I will have access to Ben and the rest of the cast. Luckily, Boston is only about 200 hundred miles south of me so I can drive down that day. My sister lives 50 miles west of Boston so I can stay with her that night. I haven’t bought a ticket yet and it is expensive but it’s a chance of a lifetime. Like I told a friend, it’s cheaper than One Direction meet and greets!!

October 29th, 2014

lindacabrera said:

oh LaRose this is an opportunity that no fan should miss

October 29th, 2014

LaRose said:

I agree lindacabrera

October 29th, 2014

Marly said:

I think if you can swing the travel and ticket price why wouldn’t you go! It is a great opportunity no doubt.

I can also imagine that premieres must be a bit surreal for the stars with cameras, lights, and people screaming their names from all directions. I imagine meeting Ben like that wouldn’t be as calm as say, at the stage door during Birdsong when it appears from photos and video that sometimes only a handful of people were seeking his autograph or picture. That would have been very nice. But, maybe the VIP access at the By The Gun after party may have that more personal feel, assuming the cast spends some time mingling with fans vs. being in a more secure and private area. I hope so, and that whoever goes gets some great pictures!

LaRose, you said meeting Ben is on your bucket list..so this seems like a great opportunity for you. Would you regret it if you didn’t go?

October 29th, 2014

LaRose said:

I’m going to order my ticket first thing in the morning. My favorite band cancelled their tour and I had tickets to their Boston show. I’m totally bummed. So, I’m doing this!

I know if I didn’t I’d regret it forever!!

October 29th, 2014

MB said:

What in the hell happened here? I missed all of the craziness. It’s actually quite disappointing to see fans saying these things about Ben. I’ve never met the guy so I obviously can’t speak from personal experience, but everyone always raves about how nice he is.

Also, Ben doesn’t owe people anything. He’s made it pretty clear in the past that he doesn’t want to be tabloid fodder. He wants to work as an actor and is successfully going about his business. People are pretty delusional thinking he has to accept their requests on his personal social networking accounts. He doesn’t and he has his reasons. If he has a girlfriend, sure that’s disappointing to most of us. But it’s his life! Good for him. :)

November 7th, 2014

Linsregg said:

The biggest problem is for many people out in the world to understand that people who lives in the public eyes is still/also a human being. He’s a grown up 33 years old man which means he’s at the age when he needs someone in his life who makes him happy. He’ll find his soulmate and as fans or supporters, we need to accept that. Because the reason we look up for him because he’s such a talented, good actor. We are here because of his brilliant work. No doubt he’s good looking as well, but the most important is what and how he does the things he does. He’s not social through internet, well accept it. Not everybody likes it. If I was in his shoes I wouldn’t want to be so open about my life either. I have no idea how he is in real life, but for me he seemed a bit shy when it comes to “recognize him” and you know famous stuff. He seemed to be a very nice and funny person, and obviously he can change his mind, but he told he doesn’t like social media. I actually don’t like it either, because people can be very mean to each other and spread lies, however I enjoy showing my closest friends and family members where I am and what I’m doing. I guess this could be one of his reasons for going private on IG. And that’s normal. Why should we need to know every tiny detail of his life anyway? As a human, he’s also having bad days just like any of us and can’t imagine him being “rude” or saying something bad uncaused. People will always have an opinion wheater it’s positive or negative. We choose which one to listen to. He won’t ever be doing good for everyone, neither do we, but this is his life, his decisions, his choices. I think we should focus more about his work insted of his personal life.

November 27th, 2014