
‘The Swan Sittings’ Photoshoot

Photos from a gorgeous new photoshoot session by photographer Lesa Amoore called ‘The Swan Sittings’, with Ben Barnes and Bella Hadid, have been added to our gallery.

005 x Set 033 [The Swan Sittings | Sitting Four]


Tanvi said:

Wooow you made my day Stephanie…..Thank you, thank you, thank you.

April 22nd, 2014

CindyDakin said:

I really love the last pics. They are really gorgeous. Can’t wait to see more in the next time when she posts more..hopefully :)

April 22nd, 2014

brunnerzs said:

I am jealous! Hey you woman there take off your hand on Ben! Thank you!

April 22nd, 2014

KayT said:

I can’t help thinking about Ugly Duckling when looking at these photos because there are the swans and the very handsome man and this awkward teenaged girl (whose rich daddy tries to create a modelling career for her despite her obvious lack of “talent”). Maybe hiring Ben wasn’t the best choice considering that she’s supposed to be the central figure in the pics. Ben tends to make beautiful women look rather ordinary in romantic scenes in movies, so this girl has absolutely no chance of outshining him. But I’m very happy they hired Ben!! :) Ah, his back looks so beautiful in a wet t-shirt. :) Maybe Ben should stop complaining about his fat hips. If his hips are about the same size as the hips of a young girl who is known for eating very little, how fat can his hips be?! LOL

April 22nd, 2014

Sevim said:

I wish Ben had been alone in “the swan sittings”. The photos could be more esthetic.

April 22nd, 2014

Nat said:

Oh my, Ben Barnes all wet and sexy…. *cue erotic daydreams everywhere*

They are beautiful photos, thanks :-) Yeah it’s a shame for the girl, because even though she looks very beautiful, nobody can take their eyes off Ben and his unearthly sexiness. Stunning photography.

April 22nd, 2014

KayT said:

Sevim, couldn’t agree with you more!

Lesa is not more than a mediocre photographer but Ben is so photogenic he makes Lesa look good.

April 22nd, 2014

CindyDakin said:

KayT we all know what you think about her but please be nice. I mean she always gives us photos. She wouldn’t do that anymore if she reads such things.
I’m glad she shares the photos with us!

And by the way there are photos of the Swan Sittings only with Ben. One of them is already in the gallery. And hopefully we’ll get more..

April 22nd, 2014

KayT said:

CindyDakin, I AM nice but I’m not hypocrite. I’ve told her I like Ben in her pics. And I like one of her Swan pictures as a picture too, and I’ve told her that. But all in all they’re mediocre from an artistic perspective. I doubt Ben fans have such a big influence on her that she wouldn’t release photos. This swan thing seems so important to her. And you have criticised her skills on BBG so if it happens, we’re both quilty. ;)

April 22nd, 2014

LaRose said:

I love the new pics!!!!!!!!

April 22nd, 2014

CindyDakin said:

I was just pissed off because the last photo from the wet series. It was photoshopped and I really hate it when photographers do that..especially with Ben. I mean everyone said that about the photo and no one of Ben’s friends liked it..everyone saw something is wrong with it and that’s why I talked with other fans about it on BBG..lol

April 22nd, 2014

KayT said:

But if your point is she could see our criticism and stop releasing photos, what’s the difference between criticising something when you’re angry and when you’re not angry? I must be too old to understand the logic of you young ones.

April 22nd, 2014

CindyDakin said:

I mean it was on my Facebook fanpage and she doesn’t know the page cuz I’ve never hashtag her name…but I’m pretty sure that she can read it HERE ;)
I’m not that young…haha

April 22nd, 2014

KayT said:

Oh, I thought you’re around 25. Your fanpage is one of the first results if I google Ben’s name, so that’s not really an excuse.

April 22nd, 2014

CindyDakin said:

Yes I am..
Someone tweeted the link of the gallery to Lesa and she will probably check it..and now I have enough. Bye

April 22nd, 2014

KayT said:

Lesa Amoore, if you read this site, as an adult I’m pretty sure you, as an adult, don’t punish other Ben fans for my sins. Thank you. :)

April 22nd, 2014

SashaPanda said:

I love these pictures! Its like a fairytale scene! Thanks for sharing! mwah! xxx

April 22nd, 2014

KayT said:

CindyDakin, I think you answered your question yourself. A while ago, you wondered where all old Ben fans had gone. I don’t think they’ve gone anywhere. Many of them are still out there. Some of BBF’s new pictures have hundreds or thousands of views but only a handful of comments. These people probably don’t want or have the courage to share their opinions. I remember the years when I just read BBF but didn’t comment anything. Back then so many fans were told to shut up or be nice or whatever. They didn’t say anything very bad, just disagreed or criticised something rather trivial or obvious, like smoking. BBF is an amazing site but unfortunately discussion on the site is impossible. There have always been a few fans who have told other people what to say or not to say. It’s tiresome. This is NOT Stephanie’s fault by any means. She does a wonderful job, and I really appreciate it, and I’m so grateful to her because she manages to dig this elusive man out of his cave as often as it’s humanly possible. :) But most of us live in countries where people are allowed to say their opinion. Hey, if I say openly that I dislike Picasso, I can also say freely that I consider someone’s photography mediocre. Art is always a matter of opinion. Real, grown-up discussion means that people have different views.
So here, yet another fan who has gotten tired of the discussion forum. But I continue to love your site, Stephanie! And Ben of course.

April 22nd, 2014

linda cabrera said:

is just an opinion, but ‘The Swan Sittings’ are not good and only one photo i like Lesaa use a lot of photoshops

April 22nd, 2014

Marly said:

I am one of the quiet fans who very much enjoys this site as well as the FB fan pages from Cindy and Stephanie. I think stepping back on the criticism debate it’s simpler to look at it from the perspective of understanding that Words Have Power (capitals for emphasis.) Of course, everyone is entitled to their opinion, but if you have something negative to say about another artist’s work what do you personally gain by posting it on a public forum? Do you want people to agree with you? Some will, some won’t. Does it matter? More importantly, negative criticism is hurtful. At the very least it gives everyone who comes here to see the new pictures and read the comments a momentary bad feeling (I’m sure that’s not your goal, but think about it). At worst, what if the artist, subject of the picture (Ben), and or his friends or family come here to enjoy the same as part of celebrating his success and public persona. Now you make them feel bad, too. For what purpose could that be worth it?

So, really, it’s not about “censorship” at all. It’s about Respect (yep, capital R). Respect for the host of this site, for the photographers and artists that give us pictures of Ben, the readers that love to come here and see the new stuff, and maybe even for the people who know Ben who might visit here, too. Maybe even Ben himself. He’s just a person like the rest of us with feelings and a normal life outside of being a public figure.

With that being said, I think freedom of speech and discussion in all facets is important, and I would never support censorship. Debate on a subject can be good, and fun to follow. But, I do advocate self-censorship for negative criticism that serves only to cast a personal opinion. Ask yourself if someone posted the same about you, how would it make you feel?

I personally love to read the posts from fans that love Ben’s work and come here to say so straight from their heart. I am constantly amazed at the amount of countries represented, and that he has fans from around the world that endure through time despite how private he is and how hard it is to get new photos and stories between projects.

So, thank you Stephanie for everything you do to keep this site current. I imagine there is more work and time behind the scenes spent on this than most people would ever realize. We do appreciate it!

April 22nd, 2014

CindyDakin said:

It’s kinda fun here…haha
Can’t just laugh about it…

@Marly: AMEN!! ;) I agree with you

April 22nd, 2014

Sevim said:

@KayT I didn’t mean the photos are bad. It is certain that Ben is photogenic. We all are sure about it. I don’t want to see him with a woman and there is a model in these photos :) , you understand me, but I know that he does his job in this photos, he is an actor.

April 22nd, 2014

LaRose said:

I love this site and appreciate the Ben news we get on here, and the photos. Don’t get too jealous of the girl in this pics. Remember she is just a kid!! She doesn’t even look like this in her every day life.

April 22nd, 2014

LaRose said:

Oh yeah, my friend wondered if the swans got nasty and chased them around. They can be as mean as geese! lol

April 22nd, 2014

Marcela said:

Beautiful pictures!!! Adorable!!!

April 24th, 2014

M said:

Ben has definitely bulked up, hasn’t he? Haha!

April 26th, 2014

LaRose said:

Yes he has!! So hot!!

April 27th, 2014

linda cabrera said:

thanks for this incredibly handsome new photos

April 27th, 2014

Marly said:

The new photos are gorgeous! He just keeps getting more beautiful every year.

April 27th, 2014

LaRose said:

Oh, I love these. When were they taken and for what? Does anyone know?

April 27th, 2014

Nat said:

These photos are great! So gorgeous :-)

May 3rd, 2014

Tanvi said:

He looks soooooo hot :-):-)

May 14th, 2014

Caz said:

These pics do nothing for me. He is so Photoshopped to the extreme it doesn’t even look like him. And I agree that the girl is sort of unnecessary in the pics. I don’t get the point of putting two people in some water with some filthy birds. People are allowed their opinions, and if the photographer considers herself a real artist, then she should be able to take it all in stride without getting upset. It comes with the territory.

May 28th, 2014

Beatrice said:

OMG….you are amazing Ben!! I Love You so much!!! <3
Kiss from Italy xxx

June 6th, 2014