
‘Seventh Son’ Comic-Con Poster

Ben is featured on the latest Comic-Con character poster for ‘Seventh Son’.

For more ‘Seventh Son’ character posters, click here.

Source: Warner Bros Pictures


Goldeneye said:

I live in Ohio, but if there was any way I could be there at Comic Con to see Ben and get his autograph I would. That’s just a bit too far for a road trip for me.

July 17th, 2013

Dina Makhmetova said:

I love his gaze!

July 18th, 2013

LaRose said:

I love this poster . I wonder if these will be available anywhere to buy? If not, I’ll have to steal one from a movie Theater!! ha ha. Just kidding.

July 18th, 2013

Mary said:

Ha ha yeah you’re right but I have to buy its DVD so tell me how to steal one???!!! :)

July 18th, 2013

Mary said:

Guys have you ever seen that black thing he uses??is that a promise ring or sth????

July 20th, 2013

Makhmetova Dina said:

Mary, I haven’t noticed a ring on Ben’s hand in the trailer. Perhaps, I’m not attentive enough. Or do you mean not the trailer but anything else?

July 20th, 2013

Mary said:

No I don’t mean this trailer.In his real life have you seen a ring on his neck ?

July 20th, 2013

Pandora said:

@Mary – I’ve read recently that the ring around his neck was given to him by his mum :-)

July 20th, 2013

Mary said:

Yeah I did too but we can’t trust it.anyway thank you I just wanted to know others ideas :)

July 20th, 2013